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  1. #16
    Rookie Pitythefool's Avatar
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    Whilst I agree that Hale are very precious with their record as a PSA rugby powerhouse, its tough to compare PSA rugby against a team like Aranmore. Without doubt, they are the top rugby school in Perth BUT they have the pick of the crop when it comes to non PSA players with scholarships allowing talented kids from financially disadvantaged families to have a crack at an education with a strong focus on rugby. All of this is good for the kids and the game in this state. These kids train all week, play inter school during the week and are available for club rugby on the weekend.

    Now compare this, without bias, against the PSA system. The kids here are not allowed to begin training until after the summer ports season is over giving them three weeks before the season starts. Due to PSA sports timing, very few can make it to club rugby and then they have no access to scholarships (baring Hale, who seem to have way around this) as well as competing against six other school sports, diluting the player pool significantly.

    Whilst no one is crying into their milk, the focus at PSA is not biased towards sport so comparing the two set ups is slightly flawed but an interesting observation is to note how many of the all conquering Aranmore players have gone on to the next level and cracked the professional game? I ask this, not meaning any disrespect to Aranmore in any way but as a real query. What happens to the talent post school?

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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    That sounds like Hale rugby to me.

    Let's not forget buying half your team from South Africa to beat a bunch of Seconds players and a few ring ins by 105.
    Yep Gigsy, your are pretty much on the money with that observation.

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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pitythefool View Post
    Whilst I agree that Hale are very precious with their record as a PSA rugby powerhouse, its tough to compare PSA rugby against a team like Aranmore. Without doubt, they are the top rugby school in Perth BUT they have the pick of the crop when it comes to non PSA players with scholarships allowing talented kids from financially disadvantaged families to have a crack at an education with a strong focus on rugby. All of this is good for the kids and the game in this state. These kids train all week, play inter school during the week and are available for club rugby on the weekend.

    Now compare this, without bias, against the PSA system. The kids here are not allowed to begin training until after the summer ports season is over giving them three weeks before the season starts. Due to PSA sports timing, very few can make it to club rugby and then they have no access to scholarships (baring Hale, who seem to have way around this) as well as competing against six other school sports, diluting the player pool significantly.

    Whilst no one is crying into their milk, the focus at PSA is not biased towards sport so comparing the two set ups is slightly flawed but an interesting observation is to note how many of the all conquering Aranmore players have gone on to the next level and cracked the professional game? I ask this, not meaning any disrespect to Aranmore in any way but as a real query. What happens to the talent post school?
    Hale started training in March and in addition, played 4 tour games before the beginning of the PSA comp, so they had pretty much had 2 months pre season training and not three weeks, which is more than adequate to prepare a squad but something they would prefer not to divulge I guess. Some boys do play both club and PSA rugby. Not easy, but with a lot of commitment it can be done.

    If Hale are the 'Powerhouse' of PSA rugby then surely you would like to test yourself against decent opposition. It does not necessarily have to be Aranmore nor a Club Colts team as both these would pretty much be a whitewash but perhaps the Joondalup or Palmyra Junior Under 17's teams would provide a stern test and not be too one sided. There is plenty of gaps in the schools fixture lists and plenty of players to make a team. All that is lacking is the willpower!

    I don't know why the talent pool from Aranmore does not seem to take the next up from club rugby but perhaps there is somebody out there who can enlighten us as to why this might be the case.

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  4. #19
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by numberate View Post
    Yep Gigsy, your are pretty much on the money with that observation.
    I was closely linked with the team getting pumped on that day.

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  5. #20
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by numberate View Post
    Hale started training in March and in addition, played 4 tour games before the beginning of the PSA comp, so they had pretty much had 2 months pre season training and not three weeks, which is more than adequate to prepare a squad but something they would prefer not to divulge I guess.
    Everybody knows it, they're not the only school that does it, nobody talks about it. Some schools have executives which ABSOLUTELY FORBID such a practice. I personally think each school has targeted the sports they want to do well in and bend the rules appropriately. At Aquinas it's currently footy and to a lesser extent cricket. Hale obviously want the rugby crown, but that crown means nothing if PSA rugby is proven not to be the pinnacle of schoolboy rugby.

    Quote Originally Posted by numberate View Post
    Some boys do play both club and PSA rugby. Not easy, but with a lot of commitment it can be done.
    I've seen it happen, but only from seconds. The timing of matches, trainings etc make it really hard for a firsts player trying to make a club game for 18s

    Quote Originally Posted by numberate View Post
    If Hale are the 'Powerhouse' of PSA rugby then surely you would like to test yourself against decent opposition. It does not necessarily have to be Aranmore nor a Club Colts team as both these would pretty much be a whitewash
    Said whitewash is exactly the reason it doesn't happen. Hale aren't interested in the development, nor in developing players or the game, they want kudos, prestige, bragging rights. This is not a specific bag against Hale, it's the same with every school in the PSA. They see it as a scoreboard for who is the better school. Ironically Aranmore is doing precisely the same thing in a different environment. Aranmore providing a specialist rugby program with scholarships and extended S&C time etc isn't frowned upon in their comp. good luck to them! Hale (if asked) will tell you that they aren't training their rugby team, they are in a different summer sport program designed for boys who don't want to play, but want to build cardio and muscle (that's how we presented our proposal to the director of sport....a proposal which was ultimately rejected) they'll say they don't offere rugby scholarships, but they might offer some academic scholarships to rugby players (yes, we tried that one too)

    Quote Originally Posted by numberate View Post
    I don't know why the talent pool from Aranmore does not seem to take the next up from club rugby but perhaps there is somebody out there who can enlighten us as to why this might be the case.
    That I don't know, but it probably matches the same issues that clubs face with kids that age, booze, girls and money make rugby seem a pretty shitty option.

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    Last edited by GIGS20; 17-05-14 at 16:32.
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  6. #21
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    Said whitewash is exactly the reason it doesn't happen. Hale aren't interested in the development, nor in developing players or the game, they want kudos, prestige, bragging rights. This is not a specific bag against Hale, it's the same with every school in the PSA. They see it as a scoreboard for who is the better school.

    You have hit the nail on the head there GIGS. I agree with your sentiment entirely.

    I watched Aquinas play Hale a couple of weeks ago. The final score was 97 v 0 !!! The score only ended up so low because the Hale kids all got white line fever and as a result, butchered another heap of tries. It was like watching a load of seagulls chase a chip. I can honestly say I've seen a far better standard of rugby played at Britannia on a Saturday morning.

    How they can this PSA rubbish a competition is beyond me. There are many things you could call it, but RUGBY is not one of them.

    But the sad thing about all this is that the parents and coaches honestly believe that they are playing a great standard of rugby. Sad but true!!

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  7. #22
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forceable View Post
    But the sad thing about all this is that the parents and coaches honestly believe that they are playing a great standard of rugby. Sad but true!!
    I don't think anybody at Aquinas are under the impression that they are playing great rugby and I'm not qualified to comment on any other team. What I CAN say is that they all know club rugby and Aranmore are a higher standard, even if they don't admit it.

    Aquinas did win a trial against CBC Fremantle last year though, so the standard at the lower end might not be that far different.

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  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    I don't think anybody at Aquinas are under the impression that they are playing great rugby and I'm not qualified to comment on any other team. What I CAN say is that they all know club rugby and Aranmore are a higher standard, even if they don't admit it.

    Aquinas did win a trial against CBC Fremantle last year though, so the standard at the lower end might not be that far different.
    I was referring to that mob from hale, thinking it was of a high standard.

    They were 60 odd points up at half time. Any fair minded coach would have swopped the teams around a little bit and at least made a game of it as the result was done and dusted but no, Hale were desperate for another cricket score to show the world just what a great rugby school they are!!!! Still, gave me and a few others a good laugh.

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  9. #24
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Yeah well, I can't compare any PSA school to club or other school comps, but the trial between Aquinas and CBC shows that, at some level, there is comparison between those respective comps. How that relates to club, I certainly wouldn't know, but I do know at least one strong contender for a starting spot in a club team chose to play PSA rugby a year up for the higher standard.

    That might have been delusion, or bullshit, or even just the fact that the club team was so dominant that the boy thought he'd learn more by being on the wrong end of a heap of thrashings, I don't know......just reporti the facts of that situation.

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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    That sounds like Hale rugby to me.

    Let's not forget buying half your team from South Africa to beat a bunch of Seconds players and a few ring ins by 105.
    You are right about that.

    Hale keep very quiet about the fact that teams visiting from the UK more often than not beat them. They have a very poor record on tour themselves hence why the refusal to play Aranmore or one of the local club I guess. You learn nothing from putting cricket scores on other schools .

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  11. #26
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forceable View Post
    You are right about that.

    Hale keep very quiet about the fact that teams visiting from the UK more often than not beat them. They have a very poor record on tour themselves hence why the refusal to play Aranmore or one of the local club I guess. You learn nothing from putting cricket scores on other schools .
    I reckon we learnt more on that day by being spanked.

    I reckon we walked away happier with ourselves than they did because they expected to put 130 on us and we scored a try against all expectations.

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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    I reckon we learnt more on that day by being spanked.

    I reckon we walked away happier with ourselves than they did because they expected to put 130 on us and we scored a try against all expectations.
    You have a lot to say about me and my teams over the years. Very happy to chat if you have any issues. You know where to contact me. If you don't have the balls to chat with me directly, happy to go through your DO Sport.

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  13. #28
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Don't bother, not there anymore, don't speak for the school

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  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    Don't bother, not there anymore, don't speak for the school
    Yeah, but you make incorrect and unsubstantiated allegations from behind your keyboard!

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  15. #30
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    Say no more

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