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Thread: Premiership 2018

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by jargan83 View Post
    Instead of instituting a pointless qualifying system why not just go with a 2 division competition with promotion and relegation?
    The way I see it, this does the promotion/relegation of 2 divisions in that same year and not based on last year's team. I'm cool with it as long as there aren't too many cricket scores.

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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by beige View Post
    Reasonable question. Hansie?
    Very reasonable question and we did a whole lot of research. Let's say we brought in your system from end of this season. This means the entire Clubs of Wanneroo and Perth Bayswater would be relegated. Essentially the clubs will be destroyed - they told us as much - Aspiring Colts will either leave the game or go to another club. How do you implement Promotion/Relegation in a club playing 4 teams? Say Prems ended up bottom, but 3rds and Colts play finals - who tells 3rds and Colts - Sorry boys your entire season next year will be div2.

    It is very possible in our new comp. Perth and Wanneroo still go to Div2. But that is after the first 12 rounds where they have the ability to play fellow Prem clubs and both clubs tell us, the ability to convince players to stay with the club for the following season where they have the chance to aspire to Div 1 is a whole lot easier.

    We saw what happened to Rocky.

    To answer cynicism over Geez guys loved winning by 150 pts - or losing.

    That may be the case for 2 or 3 games per season. Say when Cott play Curtin, Rocky, Mandurah, but when Cott play Neddies, Pally, Soaks, Wests, Roodogs, Baysie, UWA, Kalla and Brothers, they will lose a few games, I will even say games against Southern Lions, ARKS and Mandurah will be a lot closer than you think.

    With demographics showing population centres have moved from inner clubs, Prem clubs struggling to field Colts sides, even 4th and 5th grades, we needed to do something.

    Keeping Champ clubs as Champ clubs forever in the fastest growing junior areas is a nonsense. Expecting Champ clubs to be a feeder for Prem clubs is a nonsense. ( Who will tell a skilled Colt, who has played all his junior rugby for a champ club, all his junior rugby embracing the tribalism of his club vs the unclean - Oh, mate after 8 years playing for your club, you must now go to the filth !!!)

    We can keep our head in the ground and go back to what worked in the 12th century, we really should then go back to the Horse and Cart.

    Be nice to see those half empty glass predictors of doom come up with a plan, be nice for us to consider the good of game for everybody outside the inner circle. We criticize Sydney yet do the same here.

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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perth Girl View Post
    There will be people like me who have never played or have been affiliated with a club who would like to watch some club rugby and support a team in some way. I have to say that some of the remarks concerning club rugby by people on this site have put me off a bit. I think next season, more than ever, the clubs need to be pulling together and welcoming new supporters rather than sniping away at each other
    I'm with you PG. With no Force to watch any more may be inclined to find a club to support. But this thread is sure putting me off. As an outsider the new system sounds like a good idea. The promotion/relegation system is determined by results during the actual season. The top 4 teams don't play the bottom 4 teams. Sounds good to me....but then I don't understand the politics which sounds similar to what I hear from the Eastern states club rugby hierarchy.....

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  4. #34
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    Hey PG and PJ43 don't lose heart.

    Together with Alison and bunch of others, we are going to make the Perth Comp something very special to gather all of the "sea of blue" with no club affiliation.

    The sarcastic and negative vibes are from a vocal feral few, maybe just 4 or 5 people at the most. They do not speak for the majority.

    We asked all 16 clubs to vote on this new competition and only 2 said NO. So, I can tell you, the vast majority want to make this work, make this a success and make it long term.

    Hopefully either end of next week or week after we'll have some more to share and entice unaffiliated rugby followers to join a club and enjoy the passion. I can honestly say you will see some games of a very high standard, as you will of a lower, but we see the glass half full and we see Community being something substantial.

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  5. #35
    Player yungfen's Avatar
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    Very well said on your last couple of posts.
    You never will have everyone happy and this change as you have pointed out should give an opportunity for all clubs and players to be involved at the highest level.

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  6. #36
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    I've made my point Hansie, and having seen RugbyWA's track record, I'll back my own judgment any day, thank you.

    I look forward to hearing your excuses and blame shuffling ... oh ... in about three weeks into next season.

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  7. #37
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    How have the last two years panned out? What heinous and terrible actions and calamitous circumstances occurred?

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  8. #38
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    What major structural competition changes have been made in those two years, giving credit where it's due for ameliorating the Force player rorts of seasons past?

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  9. #39
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    Joondalup brothers entering Premiership comp.
    Future Force players integration with community Clubs
    RugbyWA Cup competition
    Past season rorts were heinous and unforgiveable and once again we should raise that terrible Richard Brown rort of last century and lets flaggelate RUGBYWA over that incident for a thousand years.

    fulvio, time to look at the present and the future. Huge challenges with loss of Force and finding our way with IPRC, but if we don't look forward and set in place structures to grow the competition we could go back to last century where I don't think you'd like us to I a right?

    I have had so many pro bono offers of assistance from sea of blue supporters non-aligned with clubs that I believe we can overcome a fair amount of volunteer fatigue creeping into clubs and create a competition that rivals any other in this country and elsewhere.

    Absolutely we'll have teething problems, but Status Quo was doomed to fail. Our challenge is to try something new that the majority have approved and has succeeded elsewhere.

    However, if you'd like us to fail then just say the word.

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  10. #40
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    1 Straight out swap for Rockingham after less than satisfactory or transparent deals done

    2 Virtue out of necessity . What the hell else were they going to do if not play for local clubs?

    3 RugbyWA Cup? What is that apart from an award given for winning a competition game that was always going to be played, cup or no cup?

    Yes, past rorts were heinous and unforgivable, and aided, abetted and facilitated by RugbyWA. If you don't learn from the mistakes of history you are bound to repeat them. Why should anyone trust RugbyWA to enforce its own rules when it has so cavalierly flouted them in the past when it suited them to do so?

    Yes, huge challenges with the loss of the Force. I've yet to hear a logical explanation from RugbyWA as to how exactly that came to pass, what advice was sought or received before the signing of the fateful "Alliance Agreement" with the ARU, let alone in respect of the sale of the Force to them, and the extent of the loss in dollar terms ,which all the clubs, including the newly promoted, will have to pay. I doubt it is less than several millions.

    Volunteers and new social members and supporters are always welcome. What's your point?

    So you've realised the extent of volunteer fatigue. Ever wondered about the cause of it? Maybe it comes from the years of banging their heads against walls as a result of the difficulties put in their path to achieve the best and most satisfactory out comes for their clubs.

    Status quo was doomed to fail? On what basis do you make this outrageous assesment? If RugbyWA had done its job and regulated the mushrooming of self interest spawned micro clubs, and concentrated on assisting and developing the existing clubs to acheive their maximum potential, there would have been no need to inflict this circus onto what was once a flawed but respected competition.

    I don't want you to fail. I want you to save the competition from the problems RugbyWA are creating for it.

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  11. #41
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    To fill you in:

    Southern Lions very successfully applied for and were granted Premierclub status, meaning they could meet the administration, financial, coaching and playing requirements asked of PremierClubs.

    This meant our Community Competition could become unwieldy. So, we presented to all clubs a few alternative models and the majority voted for our new competition.

    We are aiming for all 16 clubs to field 3 senior men's sides ( 1st, 2nds and 3rds) - Colts, women's and 4th and 5th grades will have their competitions integrate with this one. Clubs that cannot field 3 senior sides will be able to invite other single team clubs to help fill spots, or in the first year while we get used to it, there may be one or two byes.

    Clubs will be seeded from 1-16. There will be 11or 12 twelve qualifying rounds. BUT Clubs seeded 1-4 don't get to play Clubs seeded 13-16. After the qualifying rounds the top 8 clubs and bottom 8 clubs divide into 2 separate divisions where they get to play each other over another 7 rounds and then we go into finals.

    There are a bunch of details still to be agreed upon, such as bonus points etc etc. But this gives all clubs the opportunity to grow and a pathway for all rugbyplayers.

    The RugbyWa cup will still be played as per usual, current holders - Associates - get to defend it at their first home game in 2018.

    Colts and Women's may get to play some matches under Friday nights if the majority agree to it, 4ths and 5ths will be more social and timed to fit in with home club matches as best as the numbers allow.

    I hope I have summarised it as best I can. Happy to answer any questions, but please understand many details still need to get the approval of the clubs.
    Well what you did to Rocky is what the ARU did to The Force - KharmaHansie - how dare you use Rocky as an example of failure when you destroyed them - I am surprised the blokes that you stabbed haven’t responded under The Force posts.

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  12. #42
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    Cheap shots without knowledge. if you want to talk about Rockingham 5 years ago - albeit before my time - talk to the Premierclubs who agitated ( Palmyra included) for their demotion because they were not complying with premierclub status. A number of forfeits etc etc. Talk to the Rocky club committee at the time and past 1st grade coach about the infighting and divisions. How did the club Kwinana come about? How much responsibility should Rocky take for their own demise? by the way, just got extremely positive e-mail about Rocky and from a stalwart commending RugbyWa on this new comp as it Quote ' gives us the opportunity to re-build ' unquote. But from a myopic one sided view - if it makes you feel better, I accept it is all RugbyWA's fault.

    Flippant remarks and cheap shots after Palmyra lost the RugbyWa cup in the last match of the season. this 3 RugbyWA Cup? What is that apart from an award given for winning a competition game that was always going to be played, cup or no cup?
    of course belittle it. BUT when you had it???? I have even seen photos of Pally president embracing the cup, but according to Fulvio is a nothing competition.

    Fulvio if you have not worked out by now how we lost the Force, - and to help you put the boot in, your fellow QC's still cannot comprehend the loss. But since we lost you are quite in your rights to put the boot in and point out the failings and what should have been done. The saddest thing is this: had we won - your silence would have been have been deafening.

    Of course it is all RugbyWA's fault - including Volunteer fatigue that is affecting every amateur sport and club in the country - but hey the football, cricket, netball etc can now blame it all on RugbyWA. What a stupid naïve statement from you Fulvio - really showing your true colours.

    Status Quo was going to fail for a number of reasons but the glaring one is that premierclubs would be 11 and Championship down to 5. What would you suggest we do?

    As I have said despite you two negative, doomsayers the absolute vast majority applaud what we are doing and where we are going. Every single Club has been included in the dialogue and at the end of the day we are only implementing what the overwhelming majority of Clubs want out there.

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  13. #43
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    Yes attack the man. That's always the best defence when you have no argument left.

    Answer some of the questions instead of creating straw men and falling back on non answers.

    If you repeat nonsense and non sequiter anecdotal rubbish often enough maybe some gullible fool will believe you.

    That fool ain't me.

    And I'm not a QC. And dumb as I am, I'm not owed anything by Rugby WA either.

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  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Werent you at the meeting that involved Rocky
    Weren’t you instrumental in the decision to cull them
    Did you produce any spread sheet to substantiate your claims
    You are a real piece of work and what you have said is a load of crap and retort of a desperate man
    If the local community wants the real version keep spinning your rubbish and I will tell them all and I’m willing to put my integrity against yours anytime

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  15. #45
    Internet Troll
    I am an Internet Troll
    Please ignore my posts

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    Just settled in for the evening with a bottle of particularly smooth cab sav from the coonawarra.

    This is great entertainment.

    I think its your turn Hansie to hit the ball across the net.

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    I am really a Palmyra troll.

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