Event Totals |
Total Bets: 581 Total Staked: 1729448267 Total Won: 2059107662 |
Most Popular Events |
Force vs Tahs had 44 bets placed Super Rugby had 40 bets placed Force vs Brumbies had 38 bets placed Western Force vs Highlanders had 33 bets placed Will it be our last game? had 33 bets placed |
Top Paying Events in Total Payouts (combined outcomes) |
568646609 was paid out for Force vs Brumbies 565732866 was paid out for Super Rugby 467406250 was paid out for Will it be our last game? 95061710 was paid out for Force vs Drua 65087457 was paid out for Week 2 |
Top Paying Outcomes (combined bets) |
565732866 was paid out on Crusaders WIN for Super Rugby 564245234 was paid out on Force Win for Force vs Brumbies 467406000 was paid out on Streaker for Will it be our last game? 64505601 was paid out on Force Win for Force vs Drua 62499125 was paid out on Los Pumas WIN for Week 2 |
Top Paying Individual Bets |
oxleymoron won 356316000 on Streaker for Will it be our last game? $vbphrase[anon] won 266146261 on Crusaders WIN for Super Rugby todd4 won 187885334 on Force Win for Force vs Brumbies Sheikh won 175000000 on Force Win for Force vs Brumbies Sheikh won 132872340 on Crusaders WIN for Super Rugby |
Top Winners (combined bets) |
Sheikh has won a total of 392250876 todd4 has won a total of 362346747 oxleymoron has won a total of 356516000 GIGS20 has won a total of 175195042 SlowCooked has won a total of 71243488 |
Richest People |
Sheikh has a total of 29454136 DarthMoose has a total of 21270000 Ravi has a total of 18618001 blueandblack has a total of 9428664 Gordy1 has a total of 8589090 |