Hi All,
What did Eddie Jones mean when he said the Australian sides were weakened by the inclusion of the Force? Did he mean it was a bad thing the Force came into existance?
Did he really say the Force were really Queensland's Thirds?
The answers and many more will be heard in my Interview with Eddie Jones pre-match on Friday.
We have the NRL at 5.30 - Storm v Wests and we'll start pre-match at half-time (6.15ish), taking it through to kick-off at 7.05.
Join myself, Leon Ruri and Blake Kagi.
Qld C David....
About the time of the APC
Tis true, however I think he liked having the chance to expand on what he meant.
I enjoyed the chat, didn't try to shirk any question which makes him OK in my book. I think it's worth a listen.