Total Sessions 389,471
Total Pageviews 2,997,147
Total Hits 9,279,695
Total Bytes Transferred 44.78 GB
Average Sessions Per Day 1,067.04
Average Pageviews Per Day 8,211.36
Average Hits Per Day 25,423.82
Average Bytes Transferred Per Day 125.64 MB
Average Pageviews Per Session 7.70
Average Hits Per Session 23.83
Average Bytes Per Session 120.57 KB
Average Length of Session 00:06:33
A session is bascally a contigious visit by an individual - some folk may visit 10 times a day, others once
A page view is just that, some one looked at one of the pages on TWF, that might be the first page of a thread, or the just front page of TWF.
A hit is an object served - a single page will have a bunch of text which is usually only one hit, it will also have a bunch of images, each image is a hit. Hits is really only useful as a techinal counter - some sites use "hits" as opposed to page views to make themselves appear more popular than they really are.
A Byte is a single character (Letter or number), a kilobyte or KB is about a thousand characters, a megabyte or MB is a million characters and a gigabyte or GB is a thousand million chacters. There are about 4.3 million characters in the bible - thats about 4.3MB if it was plain ordinary text!