I’m very impressed with your dedication from so far a distance!
I think the first year I became a member I had to ask for a country space to be added for the credit card billing address or something similar. I may easily have taken the wrong lesson from that and assumed that I was the "only" rather than first one to need it that cycle. It may even have been off-cycle for the rest of you since I'm not sure at what point I had the idea of joining.
Even so, it's cool to find out for certain there are more of us. I tip my hat to Labrador and concede, though it does seem possible there's a corner of Iowa that might be further than the closest parts of Labrador. (I am not near that part of Iowa.)
I only know vegemite from that 80's song I assume drives Australians berserk. VoVo's (VoVoes?) are new to me and sound incredibly delicious- no wonder you'd have that sent over.
Berserk in a good way, then, glad to hear it. I'm a huge fan of The Church from that era so I always feel like hearing Men At Work is an affront to my obviously very refined and knowledgeable tastes in Australian music.
Turns out what I had to ask for those years ago was a way to enter an overseas address, which the membership services team handled manually for me. Maybe I can claim credit for that becoming possible again.