COMMENT: This is the real reason why the Force were cut in 2017
Lyndsey Cattermole, via The Roar
This piece is by Melbourne Rebels board member Lyndsey Cattermole* in response to an article that appeared on The Roar last week about the machinations around the culling of the Western Force from Super Rugby in 2017.
Last week I read a story on The Roar by Mark Drummond entitled ‘He screwed our state’: The act that still angers Twiggy Forrest. Like many other comments and articles that love to bring up this piece of Rugby history, it is completely wrong about the Melbourne Rebels’ role in the suspension of the Western Force from the Super Rugby competition in 2017.
Here’s how it actually played out...
‘He screwed our state’: The act that still angers Twiggy Forrest.: Mark Drummond
Referring to both article and comments section- I love the tone of condescension amongst Melbournite's when they believe they are being the voice of reason...
"Bloody oath we did!"
Nathan Sharpe, Legend.
And even the Melbourne Sports Journalists ....
We scrum for posession, run for the try zone, bleed for the team and live for the game
So I decided to bite and clicked on The Roar, only to find another article where Kearns is again spouting the "wisdom" of shrinking to greatness. In the comments I found I am in agreement with TWAS. Which proves the broken clock theory - but just once in a blue moon rather than twice a day.
"The main difference between playing League and Union is that now I get my hangovers on Monday instead of Sunday - Tom David
I posted a long comment setting the record straight.
Nice try at rewriting history, Lyndsey, but pesky facts get in the way.
Proudly Western Australian; Proudly supporting Western Australian rugby
Good job Alison. Still hurts!