NZ may not want to be in a comp with just Aus but if this goes ahead they wont have a choice....I think a good solution if Sth Africa leave is GRR..just saying
"May I assure you I have just begun to fight mate" Twiggy Forrest, 05/09/17
news.com have just copied and pasted the crap from the daily wail, as did foxtel.
so will others, and eventually it becomes fact.
cider my arse
From the horse's mouth:
SA Rugby boss Mark Alexander has admitted that the Springboks could be joining the Six Nations as early as 2024.
Earlier in the week, the Daily Mail reported that negotiations have been going on for some time for South Africa to join their northern-hemisphere counterparts after the 2023 World Cup in France, with secret talks having been ramped up following the Springboks’ triumph in Japan.
While there had been no official word in the immediate aftermath since the report’s publication, Alexander has since spoken to veteran journalist Brenden Nel, confirming the widespread speculation is not far off the mark.
‘It’s going to be a year of disruption, even more so as when rugby turned professional,’ Alexander told Rapport. ‘SA Rugby has not yet made a decision about what route to follow. We have to reflect thoroughly about what is best for us, because things are changing drastically at the moment, the market is changing.’
So this looks like another verified version of SARU's regular threat/wish to go 'up norf'. They're not denying it and are owning the narrative (or bluff-n-bluster at a minimum).
Doesn't mean it will pan out, of course. The 6N substantial stakeholders CVC might have to screw over some reluctant people in the home nations to make it happen. But the saffa statement of intent is in the open.
Will they try to "double-dip" and continue playing ABs (+Aus/Arg, I s'pose) if it happens? ... Who knows ...
They threaten this every broadcast cycle. Just wait and see what trade off they're looking for to stay in rc before you assign any likelihood.
They're probably just looking for a more favourable draw, or more money
C'mon the![]()