Nick Taylor
The West Australian
Wednesday, 20 November 2019 3:07PM
Former Rugby Australia director Geoff Stooke who quit in disgust when Western Force was controversially axed has launched a re-election campaign to join the embattled governing body board.
The move comes after Stooke called for sweeping changes ahead of chairman Cameron Clyne’s decision to stand down.
Clyne led the board for four tumultuous years, overseeing the axing of the Force from Super Rugby in 2017, the fallout out from Israel Folau’s media posts and subsequent legal action and the Wallabies disastrous world cup.
Stooke, who spent five-and-a-half-years on the RA board before resigning, sent a discussion paper to state unions, Super Rugby clubs and the Rugby Union Players Association last month calling for change.
He initially told The West Australian he was not manoeuvring for another run at the board but changed his mind after receiving a groundswell of support.
A former long-standing RugbyWA chairman, Stooke has the backing of the state body and believes he has support from other unions including NSW and Queensland.
“Time will tell. I’ve only just made the decision. I’m currently talking with other unions,” Stooke said.
“With everything that is happening I decided to give it a crack. My platform is very simple. It is to help unite Australian rugby and to help shore up its finances.”
RugbyWA chairman John Edwards said the state union was also considering a second candidate.
“Geoff has our support. Having him back on the board would only be good for rugby in WA,” Edwards said.
“He plays a very straight bat and is exceptionally strong constitutionally. We are considering putting up a second candidate who has yet to be confirmed.”
Stooke initially called for the scrapping of the controversial nominations committee that holds the reins of power over board elections.
That committee is currently chaired by Clyne and he would have a big say in the make-up of the new board, who would then elect the next chairman.
Stooke says Clyne, who will not stand down until March when RA holds its AGM, should resign immediately because his dual roles are in contravention of Sport Australia’s governance principles.
“He (Clyne) has made the decision to go, he should not be involved in those decisions going forward,” he said.
“The nominations committee could live without the chair of the RA board being involved. It’s his call but I think there is a fair bit of pressure out there.”
What are the other roles that Clyne has specifically?
He is Chair of the nominations committee and sits on a couple of other RA board sub-committees too - I can’t remember what they are. To be chair of the nominations committee and chair of the board is a massive conflict of interest and has ensured that only the people he wants get to sit on the board.
Proudly Western Australian; Proudly supporting Western Australian rugby
"The main difference between playing League and Union is that now I get my hangovers on Monday instead of Sunday - Tom David
Yes it is, Shasta. Plus, it was not fully constituted when it recommended the 2 most recent board appointees. I would even go so far as to say that there was not a quorum present when that decision was made, effectively making it Clyne’s choice only.
Proudly Western Australian; Proudly supporting Western Australian rugby
He is also on the SANZAAR Executive Committee
80 Minutes, 15 Positions, No Protection, Wanna Ruck?
Ruck Me, Maul Me, Make Me Scrum!
Education is Important, but Rugby is Importanter!
Far out! For such in inept cockroach, he's certainly been busy grubbing about into as many crevices as possible.No wonder its been hard getting him out - need one of those roach bombs at Moore Park!
'I may be a Senator but I am not stupid'
Link to Senate Report http://www.aph.gov.au/senate_ca
Bring back McGruther and Marks! WE WANT DICK!!!
Japan and the Pacific Islands for Aussie Super 9's!
Let's have one of these in WA! Click this link: Saitama Super Arena - New Perth Stadium?
It seems that old friend Tim North is hoping to be on the new RA board too. What could possibly go wrong with that?
The truth may set you free, but only evidence convicts
'I may be a Senator but I am not stupid'
Link to Senate Report http://www.aph.gov.au/senate_ca
Australian Rugby, killing itself one day at a time....
Can Stooke still ruck ?? Would be interesting times with both on the board