Something positive in local rugby. Well done the Dogs
Nick Taylor
Western Force have teamed with local club Wanneroo Districts to give rugby players 5000km away in the Solomon Islands a sporting chance.
Wanneroo have adopted the Kwaibala Rugby Club, launching an appeal to supply players with much-needed boots, jumpers and other equipment.
The scheme is the brainchild of Wanneroo vice-president Sylvo Iro, who recently returned to the islands where he spent his early childhood to visit relatives.
The Kwaibala club, named after its local community, was set up this year by Iro’s cousin Fransis Saemalar to help keep youngsters out of trouble.
When Iro visited they had no jumpers and few pairs of boots, so he put out an SOS and Wanneroo quickly got together a set of spare jumpers. A call-out produced plenty of boots.
This is not the first time Sylvo have been out to Solomons on a previous occasion Great guy and a great initiative by Sylvo and Wanneroo