Tuesday, 4 February 2014
This weekend Bankwest Junior Rugby clubs will open their doors and begin registrations for juniors aged U6 to U17 for the 2014 season. The season kicks-off at venues across Perth on Saturday, 5 April.
Rugby is enjoyable for children of all ages and playing levels with the U6 to U10 age groups participating in round-robin competitions as well as carnivals throughout the year with clubs from across Perth. The U12 age group also participates in a round-robin competition but also takes part in a final series along with U13 to U17 competitions at the culmination of the season.
It is the first season the U17 age group has been a part of the competition and will be a two-tiered competition combining players aged U15 and U16.
The U17 top tier will generally consist of the top U16s players from last season as well as talented players from lower age groups, while the second tier will house players from last year’s U15s which will ensure the competition is graded equitably to promote a fair yet safe competition for all.
KidSport enables Western Australian children to participate in community sport and recreation, no matter their financial circumstances. Eligible youth aged five–18 years can apply for financial assistance to contribute towards club fees through http://clubsonline.dsr.wa.gov.au/kidsport.
This year registered Junior Rugby players will also have access to a free ticket to all 2014 Western Force home games to see their rugby heroes play (when accompanied by a paying adult).
Rugby encourages the kids to get outside and promotes a healthy lifestyle available for all fitness levels. Rugby in Western Australia is an equal opportunity sport that encourages a sense of belonging through passion, respect and courage.
Check out where your local club is below and get registered this weekend!
Location: John Dunn Oval, Third Ave, KELMSCOTT
Saturday 8th and 15th February 2014 @ 10am
Contact for more information: Tammy Whitelaw (0437 137 301)
Web site: www.arks.rugbynet.com.au
Associates RUFC
Location: Allen Park - off Odern Crescent, SWANBOURNE
Friday: 7th February 2014 - 4.30pm-7pm
FREE Kids entertainment provided, club rooms and bar open with BBQ food on offer
All are welcome to this registration day so come day and check out the club
New players please bring birth certificate or passport (original and copy if possible)
Payment by cash, cheque or EFTPOS
Contact: Vicki Tinley – 0417 957 595
Web site: www.associatesrufc.com.au
Bunbury Barbarians
Location: Oval 2 - Sunken Oval, LLC, Leisure Drive, AUSTRALIND
Sunday 9th March - 1pm to 3pm
Past players; players new to the area; or new to the game of Rugby Union are ALL WELCOME
Please bring fees and ID to register
Payment by cash or cheque
Contact: Kim Doyle - 0411 136 187, juniorbarbarians@gmail.com
Web site: www.bunburyjuniorrugby.rugbynet.com.au
Location: Harvey Field, 47 Broome St, COTTESLOE
Saturday 8th and 15th February 2014
Everyone welcome to come along.
New junior players please bring proof of age, either a copy of your passport or a copy of your birth certificate.
Contact: Vicki Ainsworth – 0403 548 014
Email: vickivictory@hotmail.com
Web site: www.cottrugby.com
Location: Edinburgh Oval, Dumas Rd, BENTLEY
Saturday 8th February 2014 @ 10am – 4pm
Senior & Junior registration day
For further information go to: www.curugby.com.au
Email: juniors@curugby.com.au
Phone: Travis Loveland: 0437 245 891
Web site: curugby.com.au
Joondalup Brothers
Location: Joondalup Sports Association clubrooms based at Arena Joondalup, follow the footpath from the car park on the left of the Arena main building, JOONDALUP
Saturday: 8th and 15th February 2014 from 2pm
Everyone welcome to come along.
New junior players please bring proof of age, either a copy of your passport or a copy of your birth certificate.
Payment by cash, EFTPOS or cheque.
Contact: Club Registrar Lucy Evans 0431940580
Website: wwwjoondalupbrothers.com
Facebook: Joondalup Brothers RUFC
Location: Hartfield Park, Cnr Hartfield and Morrison Rds FORRESTFIELD
Saturday, 8th and 15th February 2014 – 11am to 4pm
Senior & Junior registration day
Web site: www.kalamundarugby.com.au
Location: Thomas Ovals - Tucker St, MEDINA
Saturday 8th and 15th February 2014
Web site: www.pitchero.com/clubs/kwinanarugbyunionclub
Mandurah Pirates RUFC
Location: Meadow Springs Sports Facility, Oakmont Ave, MEADOW SPRINGS.
Saturday 8th and 15th February 2014 – 10am to 2pm
Payment by cash or EFTPOS
Online renewal of registration fees available to returning players. Please check website/Facebook for further details.
New players please bring along passport or birth certificate.
Contact : Liz Murray Mob: 0417 092 618
Contact : Jenny Cook Mob: 0412 196 619
Website : http://www.pitchero.com/clubs/mandurahpiratesrufc
Facebook : Mandurah Pirates Rugby UFC – Juniors
Location: Charles Court Reserve, The Esplanade, NEDLANDS
Sunday 9th February 2013 from 9am – 10am
Contact : Kylie-Anne Drummond Mob: 0412 334 556
Web site: www.nedlandsrugby.com.au
North Coast
Location: Irene McCormick College (Oval) – Bradman Drive, BUTLER,
Saturday 15th February 2013.
Sausage sizzle and a game of touch for parents and kids will be
President: Wendy Reeve (M) 0433 666 951
Location: Tompkins Park, corner Canning Highway and Dunkley Avenue, Alfred Cove
Saturday 15th February 2014 - 10am - 2pm
New members welcome, please bring proof of age such as passport or birth certificate.
Cash, cheque and EFTPOS available methods of payment.
ONLINE REGISTRATION with PayPal or Direct Transfer payment options.
Renewing members that are yet to register can do so online. If you have not received your unique code, please email our Registrar, Samantha Cullen, cullenfamily@iinet.net.au
Perth Bayswater
Location: Pat O'Hara Reserve, Wellington Street, Morley
Saturday 8th and 15th February, 10am – 2pm
All are welcome to this registration day
New players please bring birth certificate or passport (original and copy if possible)
Payment by cash, cheque or EFTPOS
Contact: Junior Registrar, Sandra Mazarakis - 0407 445 888
Web site: www.perthrugby.com.au
Location: Lark Hill Sports Complex, Warnbro Sound Avenue, Warnbro 6169
Saturday 8th and 15th February 2014 beginning at 10am and ending at 2 pm
All is welcome to this registration day
New players please bring Birth Certificate or Passport (original and copy if possible)
Payment by Cash, Cheque or Eftpos
Contact: Bonnie Bertoncin 0422 958 328 or Bertnbon@gmail.com
Web site: www.pitchero.com/clubs/Rockingham
Southern Lions
Location: Success Sports Complex, Hammond Rd South, SUCCESS
Saturday 8th and 15th February @ 10am
Junior Registration and seniors if needed.
All is welcome to this registration day
New players please bring birth certificate or passport (original and copy if possible)
Payment by cash, cheque or EFTPOS
Contact: Sam Holt – 0425 266 077 - slrufc@gmail.com
Web site: www.pitchero.com/clubs/southernlions
Swan Suburbs
Location: Farrell Ovals - STRATTON
Saturday 8th and 15th February between 10am and 2pm
Come down & Register, and join in some fun—skills development sessions will be set up for all to get involved in.
Sausage sizzle available and canteen will be open!!
Contact: Club President—Jodie French—0419 955 271
Web site: www.swansuburbs.rugbynet.com.au
Location: McGillivray Oval, Brockway Rd, MT CLAREMONT
Saturday 8th and 15th February 2013 from 10am – 12pm
New players will need to bring a birth certificate or passport (Original and copy if possible).
Payment by cash, cheque or EFTPOS
Online Registration is also available visit www.uwajuniorrugby.com.au.
Contact: Misty White 0427551042 or email registrar@uwajuniorrugby.com.au
Web site: www.uwajuniorrugby.com.au
Location: Kingsway Reserve, Cnr Kingsway and Skeet Rds, LANDSDALE
Saturday 8th and 15th February 2013
New players please bring birth certificate or passport (original and copy if possible)
Contact: Shaun McComb (m) 0413 127 795 or email roodogsjuniorrego@yahoo.com.au
Web site: www.wanneroorugby.com.au
Wests Scarborough Rugby Union
Location: Bennett Park, 21 Shearn Crescent, DOUBLEVIEW
Saturday 8th February 10:00 to 14:00
All are welcome to this registration day
New players please bring birth certificate or passport (original and copy if possible)
Payment by cash, cheque or EFTPOS
Online registration on http://registrations.rugby.com.au/Pu...8-7bbfac66743a
Contact: Darrell Stops – 0409 120 074
Web site: http://www.westsscarboroughrugby.com.au/
80 Minutes, 15 Positions, No Protection, Wanna Ruck?
Ruck Me, Maul Me, Make Me Scrum!
Education is Important, but Rugby is Importanter!
Huge thank you from Wanneroo Rugby to RugbyWA for the 2014 recruitment poster it looks great
I'm guessing that's photoshopped because K-Bomb wouldn't want to share a photo with a RooDogs uniform!
C'mon the![]()
How did everyone's junior rego day go.We got 130 with heaps of last season's players yet to register
Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.
We got hundreds.
About 200 of them played for Wests last year.
U17&16 23
U15 11
U14 25
U13 14
U12 24
U11 21
U10 32
U9 26
U8 32
U7 27
U6 30
total 265
Currently having around 63 new regos
Last year we had 374 players so we are definitely on the track to improve our numbers from last year
If you consider that we had 2 teams in last year's U14 and U13 and that we are low on U17 numbers then I can easily say that we can add another 80 players without considering any more new arrivals
Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.
You only need the form at Paly![]()
80 Minutes, 15 Positions, No Protection, Wanna Ruck?
Ruck Me, Maul Me, Make Me Scrum!
Education is Important, but Rugby is Importanter!
Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.
Yeah lots but then they saw how professionally organised we are and stayed
Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.