A lot of different opinions about the current competition so here is a poll to get a feeling as to where people are heading - you may only vote once or you may choose to add a poll item - out of curiosity or because you believe it to be a better option.
61 years between Grand SlamsWas the wait worth it - Ya betta baby
1)They need a promotion/relegation system in place, not just for 1st grade, but for lower grades too. It's not healthy having teams losing by 100points.
2)Have a genuine old dogs league i.e not for ex wallabies still in their 30s.
3)Do away with forcing premiership clubs to field teams in grades 1, 2, 3. Some clubs are able to to field a competitive 1st and 3rd teams, but not all 3. Rockingham a few yrs ago, were competitive in 1st grade, but their 2nds and 3rds were getting drilled. It would have made sense for 2nds to drop down to 3rds. Instead, they ended up forfeiting both grades & just fielding one team.
4)Just speculating here as I don't know the facts, but the weaker clubs should be getting the Force players to help encourage competition. No idea why the likes of Cott & Nedlands have ANY!? If they are winning some games by 60 or 70 points against teams who have zero Force players then surely there's something wrong there..
5)Work on having a couple of 7s comps at the end of the season and encouraging weaker/junior clubs to participate. Have more of a festival/social aspect to it. The Cott 7s was a drab & dull affair.
I've read about all this somewhere before ...