On reaching 500 posts I would like to take this oppertunity to pass on my gratitude to the guy that made this Website/Forum possible. This is my tribute to Coach.
This Site, that I, like many of you like to claim as my own, is run and operated by a guy as a hobby. To call it a backyard operation would be unfair, as the construction of this site is very well put together. And the content is outstanding for someone who not only has a full time job but also a young family and a wife that requires both time and effort. He cant spend all day and all night monitoring TWF.com nor writing articles.
It may suprise you to know this but the running of this site actually has continual and ongoing costs that have to be met.
Some of these costs are covered by donations. others by the small amount of advertisements that you see on the left side of the Front page. By clicking on those ads Coach receives some money from Google. But the amount is insignificant. Donations that Coach has received have greatly helped. But the biggest supporter of this website is Coach.
I would like each of you reading this post to ask yourselves these questions. How long would I continue to spend my own hard earned cash on this project. How long would my husband/wife/life partner/bank manager allow me to continue to spend my own hard earned cash on this project before they say enough. How long until the lovely Mrs Coach says thats enough!
If the answer to these questions is "not long". Then you may start to get the feeling that I got that inspired me to write this post. How long until this site closes due to their being an inability to meet the costs of running this site? Coach cant support it forever.
Please dont misinterpret this as a Dire warning that the site will be closing shortly. I dont have this information. Please dont say OK - how much does Coach need for the continued operation of TWF. I dont know that one either.
All I can say is every little bit helps. Every click on those ads, every day helps. If you can afford to there is that link to PayPal for a Donation. Or if you dont like PayPal get in contact with Coach, I am sure he can tell you about another way of making a donation.
Coach isnt asking for Millions, Thousands or Hundreds. In fact he isnt asking. And I am betting he is going to kill me when he reads this.
In closing I want to say this, thank you to everyone, and I do mean everyone who has contributed to this website in some way since its inception. Heres to the Western Force. and Heres to Coach. Hes True Blue