A ball can travel forward relative to a fixed point on the pitch and still be legal.
The video put up by OzFub HERE best illustrates this
Dear Lord, if you give us back Johnny Cash, we'll give you Justin Bieber.
we start to sound like the soccer now LOL
---------- Post added at 20:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ----------
but if it was a good pass then Drew would have scored it but he just kept running never touching it down
Gits was off his game, but there were 14 other players out there (more if you count subs).
IF rabbit had have snuck though all, would be good> However three cheers to bonnie Scotland for displaying credible courage and skill... and winning!
Yeah, rabbit did pretty bloody good when he touch ther ball. I think he only got it once and broke the line for about 20 meters, then offloaded.
Interesting to note that he looked liek the fastest player on the pith when he got to ball, and he looked like he was running with some enthusiasm.
Gits was again woeful and should not start against Wales. But he should not shoulder all responsibility. Quade Cooper’s bamby jump may work in schoolboy rugby, but fools nobody at this level.
Totally agree with you here TG... Quade Cooper over played his hand with that unnecessary pass, when Cross would have walked over and placed the ball in a kickable position... Furthermore the Wallabies should have put the Scots away in the first half... It shouldn't never have come down to the last kick...
haha, Giteau is our best player out there, without him we would have lost that game convincingly.
There is a reason he is the only player who never gets dropped or rotated in the squad.
He is a crap goal kicker but everyone expects way to much out of him.
Giteau loses to Scotland single-handed...
perhaps... However he has single-handed won more tests than he has lost...
Unfortunately, that comment sums up Giteau as a Flyhalf, he is an individual "star", not a team player. The limited time Barnes has had at Flyhalf this year has been better than all of the time Giteau has been gifted.
"Bloody oath we did!"
Nathan Sharpe, Legend.