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Thread: AFL looking to expand

  1. #1
    Immortal Contributor
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    AFL looking to expand

    AFL may introduce conference system for bigger league

    Karen Lyon | December 9, 2007

    THE AFL will now turn its attentions to a possible restructure of the traditional competition format, with the increased likelihood that two new teams will enter the league in the coming years.

    North Melbourne's rejection of the AFL's multi-million-dollar package to relocate to the Gold Coast could trigger a massive overhaul of the competition, with the possible introduction of American-style conferences to better suit an extended competition.

    The Roos' decision to stay in Melbourne will also create a small change in the 2008 fixture with the club set to lose one of its four Gold Coast games next year.

    While the league had wanted the Roos based on the Gold Coast by 2010, the AFL's chief commercial officer Gillon McLachlan said the new team, now to be built from scratch, could take longer.

    "I think we will review that, it is tight, I don't think it was ambitious if the Kangaroos were relocating, it may be with a new 17th team."

    There has been some disquiet among current clubs to the granting of new licences but McLachlan said the competition supports the league's push into the area. He said the league would have to handle the introduction of any new teams with sensitivity.

    "Putting a team together and how we do that, making sure that any clubs aren't unfairly impacted, is a delicate issue and one that will take some time," he said on 3AW.

    "We are very aware of how sensitive that is, we don't want any clubs disadvantaged, on the other hand you need to put a team together."

    The spectre of the 18th team has increased, not just to keep balance in the competition but also with suggestions from AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou saying the performance of the code in western Sydney had exceed expectations.

    "It's not longer a matter of if we will have a second team in Sydney, it's a matter of when. We will now turn our minds to that work and do it in parallel with the Gold Coast," Demetriou said.

    "In an ideal world you would rather have 16 or 18 teams than a bye, but we can certainly make a 17-team competition work but 18 teams are better."

    McLachlan said the league would look at plans for the an expanded competition. "We are looking at all the different structures that might work. We will look at all the options but they are a long way off."

    The Kangaroos have two years left on their Gold Coast contract and it now seems certain the club will not be there in 2009.

    North Melbourne chief executive Rick Aylett yesterday conceded there could be some difficulties in marketing next year's games after the decision this week.

    While the Roos have been the focus of marketing on the Gold Coast, Aylett said it might be time to market the code in general.

    "We could really push the AFL competition and the AFL itself and the code marketing-wise. We can say: 'Come and see the game itself and not really a particular club'," he said.

    Aylett said the club would have been happy to play out its commitments until 2009 but understood the position of the AFL.

    The club will now have to look for ways to replace the $1.6 million it was expected to make from the Gold Coast games in 2009.

    With the league set to review all of its financial assistance packages to all clubs in 2009, Demetriou yesterday assured the Roos they would continue to gain their current level of funding in the next two years.

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  2. #2
    Legend Contributor brokendown gunfighter's Avatar
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    I hope the Roos go broke

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  3. #3
    Apprentice KalgoorlieRed's Avatar
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    Too bad the Titans got in first. That shat all over the gayfl crowd.

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  4. #4
    Senior Player tic's Avatar
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    The AFL are using the Titans template - its been very successful on the Gold Coast. The Titans are actually opening their new 27000 seat rectangle stadium today.

    The new Gold Coast AFL team will have a new stadium built which will hold around 30000. I think they can make it work without detracting from the success of the Titans.

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  5. #5
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    i hope the AFL goes broke...

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  6. #6
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    I hope the ARU take a look at how the AFL handle expansion teams and write a big fat apology cheque

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  7. #7
    Senior Player Contributor hopep's Avatar
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    I doubt the ARU have time to look at any other sport, they appear to act like roman senators - busy looking for a back to stab.

    AFL is seeking to expand into western Sydney and QLD.
    FAA (soccer) is looking to expand and grow thier brand in these areas also.
    League are marketing their brand in Melbourne and eyeing the West.

    ARU - had a new product, with great branding and pulled off the shelf to placate some board room egos.

    Union in Australia seems to be heading backward, lower match attendances, lower TV ratings (cause were stuck with a pay TV only option), poor international reputation (not a single trophy in the shelf). And now we hear that the ARU will have to bail our the 'great denizens and saviours of rugby' in NSWRU. O'Neil had better deliver something big and soon or OUR sport is going of to the knackers yard. Thanks ARU board, for listening to NSW and stuffing up opportunities. Shame that none of the high-powered executives never seem to have heard of "speculate to accumulate" or "marketing".

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  8. #8
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
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    Maybe the GAYFL system will turn out something like american ball. One part has all the Melb teams and the other part has all non-Melb teams.

    Not that I give a xxxx.

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  9. #9
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopep View Post
    And now we hear that the ARU will have to bail our the 'great denizens and saviours of rugby' in NSWRU.
    They're merely looking after our biggest market Hopep!

    That is true of course if you ignore the fact that :Force: has the highest membership and best crowd averages since it's inception.....NSW is still our biggest market isn't it....even though NSW is being fought over by four different codes of football with major gains being shown by NRL, FFA and AFL, Surely the most competitive area with a smaller loyal market is the best place to spend our money isn't it?

    I'd suggest we'd be better off spending our money in Melbourne, and I'm on the record saying Melbourne is not as valuable to Australian rugby as Perth!

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post

    I'd suggest we'd be better off spending our money in Melbourne, and I'm on the record saying Melbourne is not as valuable to Australian rugby as Perth!
    Doesn't that conflict with what you said

    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    Surely the most competitive area with a smaller loyal market is the best place to spend our money isn't it?
    IMO you prop up your weak points not your strong points .
    Still what do I know .

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  11. #11
    Veteran force addict's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newbee View Post
    Still what do I know .
    why do you keep saying that? your opinion is fine, if it's stats are wrong then people here can clear it up for you

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  12. #12
    Veteran force addict's Avatar
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    i hope AFL loses all its money and all the players because it's so full of drugs and they all use their kicking abilities in rugby and then GAYFL will see HOW AWESOME rugby union is

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  13. #13
    Veteran beige's Avatar
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    Maybe I'm opening a can of worms but it initially took government intervention to get the AFL (and soccer) on the right track and look what it did for them...

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  14. #14
    Veteran force addict's Avatar
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    do we have government financial support? if not, I WANT IT

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  15. #15
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    I'd suggest we'd be better off spending our money in Melbourne, and I'm on the record saying Melbourne is not as valuable to Australian rugby as Perth!
    Quote Originally Posted by Newbee View Post
    Doesn't that conflict with what you said
    I was trying to suggest that Melbourne, whilst not a good option is a better option than Western Sydney, Of course this is no longer an issue since the ARU is following everybody else to the Gold Coast this week.

    I guess my opinion is that we're best to be putting our effort into an expansion team that isn't going directly up against the financial muscle of the AFL (if indeed that's possible) we need to find a market which is pretty rugby friendly (like Perth) and not currently on the AFL's radar, to establish a team in before the AFL can gain a foothold.

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