This is request from Jedi & EmForcer from one of their relatives in the UK doing some studies.
Calling all past (probably plenty) and present (maybe fewer) Rugby players.
Our son is doing a research project at school (Year 10) and would like to gather some data on injuries in Rugby. He’d be really grateful if you could follow the QR code below and complete the survey which shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. Past and present players welcome, we’ve tested the formatting it it should work on most devices but any issues please let me know.
Feel free to share more widely across your friend groups - the wider the net the more data!
Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/Respo...jhPNC4u&origin=QRCode
done. But the link would be useful so i can anser using the computer, not just the phone.
Dear Lord, if you give us back Johnny Cash, we'll give you Justin Bieber.
done and dusted-i had very few injuries-because if you dont tackle.always kick or pass the ball,you remain intact,lol
Thanks guys, much appreciated
80 Minutes, 15 Positions, No Protection, Wanna Ruck?
Ruck Me, Maul Me, Make Me Scrum!
Education is Important, but Rugby is Importanter!
Gunny can't remember because he has CTE lol