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Thread: MOARLIEK chat amirite? (14/02/2007)

  1. #1
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    MOARLIEK chat amirite? (14/02/2007)

    Well you all loved it and I got asked for more. You crazy kids.

    Here is last nights chat report:

    i open up irc and let the breeze in to flush out the dust
    barmaid jess rocks up and sees me in my hat and trenchcoat
    i remember to take these off to reveal my true self (still clothed) after Exile arrives
    jess wishes she was in sydney instead of here (due to valentines day) but she says "its good to be back". typical. women cant make their minds up * hides *
    exile gets the megaphone and starts hawking irc
    i continue drinking double shots of Jameson
    Jess tells us about the History Channel broadcast. something to do with WW1
    exile has been viewing some tattoo shop thing called Miami Ink
    Oregan pops in, feels he/she isnt wanted and leaves.
    the prodigal barmaid advises she was assaulted grievously by OMC's rainbow lorikeet. I attempt humour and fail, naturally
    alcohol is mentioned and exile is eager to acquire such beverage

    travelling_gerry appears with MtBeaver in tow, or at least very close behind
    gerry is spruiking his TAB wares
    mtbeaver leaves (probably to put a bet on or maybe steal Jess' vodka stash). promises to return with pizza
    evie rocks up, as does Dude
    discussion about feb 14 and march 14 and their worthiness
    i point out that march 17 is also a quality day
    gerry asks after Burgs. Dude leaves
    gerry is apparently just down the road from Dude's IP address (computer joke there)
    Terri appears and is almost immediately serenaded by Exile proferring a rose
    Jess returns and gets straight into barmaid duties
    some temporal discussion about the Force v Bulls match
    Terri is flying to Melb around the time the game is on. exile wonders whats in melb. i advise there are chocolate dispensation places (after finding out about one in another irc channel).
    Terri cares not for chocolate (or Bon Jovi), just Blind Guardian
    jess complains about cleaning the kitchen (or rather about OMC making her do it). she declined and considered it best if her brother (who has finished his romancing early) cleans the kitchen. maybe he'll learn to extend the romance process for future Hallmark Card days.

    Shaun enters
    exile asks about the status of his homework
    Terri wants to hire out some place, that is not enclosed or a public space, for the holding of a social do for 120+ drunken slo..people. SLS clubs are suggested. I suggest exiles back yard
    Lonzy appears (appears to be drunk that is O_O)
    Terri may have been spending quality time with a 'bounce' (sic) at JB's. after some discussion this particular may bear a resemblance to Mario from the Nintendo games.
    gerry leaves to spruik his TAB wares elsewhere
    remember I said about Lopnzy being drunk? take that away and put 'stoned' instead. Lonzy is a very happy little vegemite tonight.
    due to the lack of activity, I start cleaning up the tables
    Jess returns from attacking the vodka bottle by announcing "hello again", which prompts me to rename her TheCars..which she didnt understand. Exile and I got into a discussion about this.
    MtBeaver returns with pizza. terri is flying the red-eye on Virgin Blue..which means she gets stuck with SCREAMING KIDS. Poor Terri
    Evie eventually wakes up and apologies
    TheCars starts singing along to "Drive"
    MtBeaver is chatting u..i mean greeting Lonzy

    I hand out a couple of music video URLs (those http things for the internet)
    some slight mention of too much alcohol here
    Burgs turns up (probably because of the alcohol) and doesnt like summer
    some weather mention. also my Sarsparilla will be ready for refrigeration in about 10 days
    Barmaid TheCars plies Burgs with beer
    due to my mention of the weather on my Nintendo Wii, a brief discussion ensues about the competition in the US where some lady died after drinking lots of water and hold it in, in order to win a Wii by not having a wee.
    overlapping alcohol and gaming console discussions (both involving me in some way) here
    coach arrives. flying visit
    after a Seinfeld discussion (discussion about nothing) Terri leaves
    mtbeaver revealed to be a "druggy freak" due to medical unwellness brought on by rowing

    pruc joins.
    comparison of seating arrangements at Spewbiaco Oval
    Lonzy trips over her phone cable, thus causing a loss of irc
    Evie is too drunk/tired/stoned/unwell and decided to desist with irc for this evening
    Coach mentions he has stuff for prizes for the tipping comp
    Jess reveals she hasnt done any tipping, so I spend a bit of time nagging her to go and start.
    Lonzy has figured out how to reconnect to the internet and rejoins irc. it seems she closed the laptop (which means its set up to turn off instead of keep running when she does this).
    Exile doppelganger arrives and immediately kills the old exile and puts on his clothes
    shaun gets punished for mentioning a ballsport that is not rugby union. shaun is only interested because his g/f (whom he appears to not have been romancing because he was on irc) is dancing pre-game at said ballsport.

    Em-Forcer arrives
    Exile hands her a rose
    Barmaid TheCars is surprised to learn shaun has a girlfriend
    Coach hands Em-forcer an emo-rose
    discussion about what people got out of Hallmark Card day
    Mtbeaver seems to have 8 or 9 valentines or so the allegation goes.
    pruc splits. crazy early morning rowing
    Lonzy stays up until 2am so she says. must be the caffeine or the happy pills
    little bit of rowing discussion crossed over sleep time survey
    i return from tipping


    drinks order in. some form of cocktail with an umbrella. I immediately drop a shotglass of Jagermeister in (which enhances the cocktail and finishes the bottle). Barmaid takes the bottle away
    Shaun leaves
    Mtbeaver gets Barmaid TheCars to fill his "pooh cup" with the finest Coca-Cola available...which turns out to be Vanilla Coke it seems
    I have a discussion with Lonzy about old times of drinking wayyyyyyyyy too much alcohol and trying to get home via taxi. Lonzy lols a lot. I accidentally call her lolzy
    mtbeaver has a new phone. Barmaid TheCars mixes up 3G with the 3 Network. MtBeaver and I tag-team smack her down...sort of but not really.
    At various points throughout the irc-time, I supply a youtube link to some music video for entertainment purposes.
    Coach announces that TWF has a mobile interface so that people can TWF on their mobiles and PDAs and Blackberrys and small devices with ultra-tiny LCD screens.

    jazza93 appears and immediately discusses twf arcade games. coach and mtbeaver join in. my head spins and eyes turn red and firey when Tetris is mentioned
    coach tries to contract mtbeaver for $20 in order to advertise twf via cards. i suggest getting there early and putting cards on all the seats (underneath fliers) so to reduce the losses)
    i go make a cup of "hippy tea"
    mtbeaver is trying to negotiate a chatmaster title with Coach for $5. apparently he gets pms when he is in trouble.
    Lonzy is eagerly awaiting 3rd Watch on Fox. Mtbeaver reveals his love for her. I struck out thinking he was a 'desperate housewives' fan. apparently Lonzy finishes off mt's "love decagon"
    jazza asks if anyone is going to the game in SA. naturally we all discover we dont have the 5 grand each to do this.
    crosstalk of Narnia and the Force-Tahs game
    mtbeaver is desperate to be an op. He says he is an apprentice (which I remind everyone is like on the Donald trump show)
    brief talk of Donald Trump, combovers and his Wrestlemania 23 match against Vince McMahon. God I wish Bruce "The Barber" Beefcake was around to do his work...
    MtBeaver decides to leave and dream about his 9 valentines

    I discover I have no kick powers so leave the 2 pointer to Coach. He boots Mt out the door no trouble at all, then goes to make a cuppa for his missus.
    jazza is also booted by Coach because he wanted to leave
    Coach also departs via his boot
    fulvio arrives
    exile and i swap notes on the force bulls game
    fulvio chats up em-forcer in french, which i take the mickey out of slightly
    Barmaid TheCars detects the presence of fulvio and greets him excitedly. All eyes and discussion turns to her then moves onto
    rugby touring
    Egan turns up. greetings all round
    Lonzy wanders off to hurt her dog (apparently). i try to dissuade her from performing such silliness
    talk in here about sydney, rugby, seating, meeting

    HappyHappyJoyJoy arrives to a song and dance and clapping by Exile. excited greetings by others
    Exile takes his leave. I get promoted to op
    more (repeat) discussion of Rugby and Saturday morning
    someone mentions counting down which starts me humming/drumming and singing the Countdown theme
    fulvio cant stand it so leaves after practising his Germanic departure phrases
    discussion about various things Force and Rugby (particularly winning)
    Barmaid TheCars is too tired to continue so bids farewell and departs for the Land of Nod (which may be the same place as a mobile phone connection to her love in far off Syderney)
    Happy demands alcohol so I shove him/her into area for serving of same. Happy immediately closes the tills. free drinks for all. various orders placed
    em-forcer departs, more force v waratahs talk. this spreads out to general rugby talk.
    Happy is MSNing someone and soon splits.
    Lonzy and Egan mention Burgs in their travel and/or destruction thoughts
    Nearly time to close up. I hand out secret ballot utensils to vote upon this idea. Others decide to stay. I decide to go.
    Any additions can be performed by those left.

    The End

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  2. #2
    Apprentice Bookie
    Contributor .X.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Nice Job once again Mr.Blue

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    Port Macquarie

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!" - Rocky Balboa

  3. #3
    Champion Contributor Mtbeaver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    A great write up

    Looks like i was mentioned my fair share of times, which is good to know

    I hope you enjoyed your pizza!

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  4. #4
    Immortal Contributor The InnFORCEr's Avatar
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    West Leederville
    Looks like TLH is out of a job.

    Nice one Mr Blue, see ya next week.

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    80 Minutes, 15 Positions, No Protection, Wanna Ruck?

    Ruck Me, Maul Me, Make Me Scrum!

    Education is Important, but Rugby is Importanter!

  5. #5
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Beaver, look up the word "narcisstic". I think it might apply to someone you know...

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  6. #6
    Champion Contributor Mtbeaver's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    I don't know anyone who has excessive self-love..

    Must be mistaken

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  7. #7
    Veteran Jess's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    I have indeed done my tipping B&B

    Excellent write up! Makes me feel like I am in the chat all over again...

    0 Not allowed!
    I made Happy sad...

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