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Thread: Sunday Times

  1. #1
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    Question Sunday Times

    Interesting reading in the ST about Gits now I am confused. He wanted to stay and the money wasnt the issue, he loved the place, keeping his house, reading between the lines it was the committee/staff/JM that tipped him to leave.
    I think EWF didnt really go all out to secure him suggesting he was the rotten apple in the bunch...correct me if I am wrong.

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  2. #2
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    Matt Giteau tells of his decision to leave the Force

    was sitting at home thinking about it, talking to my girlfriend Bianca, when I knew I had to make the choice.

    I'd talked to my family and discussed it among a few of the players, but it was taking up a lot of my time and I needed to concentrate on football.

    All the time I was away from the paddock I was weighing up options. But the more I thought about it, the more confused I became. I had to make the of it here

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pieter blackie View Post
    Matt Giteau tells of his decision to leave the Force

    was sitting at home thinking about it, talking to my girlfriend Bianca, when I knew I had to make the choice.

    I'd talked to my family and discussed it among a few of the players, but it was taking up a lot of my time and I needed to concentrate on football.

    All the time I was away from the paddock I was weighing up options. But the more I thought about it, the more confused I became. I had to make the of it here

    He may play better now that he has that off his mind!!!!!! like run direct and stop kicking the f***ing ball

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    Last edited by Jehna; 22-02-09 at 10:56. Reason: Adding the stars..

  4. #4
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BDAVEY View Post
    He may play better now that he has that off his mind!!!!!! like run direct and stop kicking the fucken ball
    Well said - I really hope that all the cob webs is removed now and that he will give his best. But I doubt it
    What happens if he gets injured playing for the Force will the Brumbies still take him ??

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  5. #5
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    As the other article in the Times pointed out, Giteau doesnt trust the Force management.

    It goes back to the original offer by the Force and Firepower and how Firepower let Giteau down very badly. He was used and I imagine he is upset about this.

    I respect Giteau for not coming out and telling all about what was promised to him by the former Force CEO and Firepower. But clearly they have a lot to explain to Giteau and all Force members.

    The mess of the last few years has finally hurt the Force and this is a disappointing.

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  6. #6
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    a question.

    if you were in a team format - regardless of the sport, code, sex of said sport - and you knew that a player was only there because they had a piece of paper saying that they had to be there until a predetermined date. how would that affect your opinions of that player, and would it make you want to keep playing with that player?

    espially because its only the start of the season. and you know that there is going to be one player in the team (because barring injuries, gits will be in the team). how so you think that would make the other members of the team feel?

    if you were a player that was contracted to the team for the next season, and there has been players that have said publically that they are going to want to follow the player that is leaving.
    how would you know who to trust in your team? and who would you want to run out onto the pitch every week with you? some bloke who doesnt have to care, because he already has somewhere else to go? or someone who is fighting tooth and nail to be there, and relentlessly trying to hone his skills to the satisfaction of the match selection panel? someone who will be there with you next season?

    i think the contract negotiations of matt giteau have been done in the worst possible way. but i'm not naive enough to say that it isnt the media's fault as well; both here and in sydney.

    i feel sorry for all the other members of the force who now have to work - because at the end of the day S14 rugby is their job. with someone who has already made up his mind about where his future isnt going to be.

    however, to be honest i dont blame gits for not wanting another rugby wa contract.

    but i dont really think its fair for a player to be in the team when they wont be there for the clubs future.

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  7. #7
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    Pretty impressive statement there Jono

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  8. #8
    Champion Contributor Jehna's Avatar
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    I think that question is incredibly subjective Jono. You can't answer it without consideration of the factors you told us not to consider in you opening line. We see time and time again in all sports, players who are contracted to play somewhere they don't want to be, or players who are retiring or moving countries or states or codes etc but are still playing for a team. The only way you can decide how that affects your game and your feelings (for both parties) is to look at personalities.

    In Git's case, I don't think its in his character to give less than 100%. He would not have got to the place he is today with that attitude. He didn't start at the top. He has put in the hard yards and worked his butt off to get where he is. Yes he is unbelievably talented but we've seen time and time again that talent is not enough to make you a good player. It takes hardwork, dedication, and the right attitude.

    If I was another player in the Force right now i would not begrude Gits for his decision. He's not the first person to have somewhere to go after the end of the season. Did Dan Carter's contract overseas make him play any worse for the Crusaders or NZ? Did Robbie Deans stop putting any effort into his SUper 14 team because he knew he was going on to coach the Wallabies? Did Gregan stop putting 100% into his game with the Wallabies because he was flying to France at the end of the day? Gits has said he will be committed to the Force this season. He has said, that this is the most important year of his time in Perth. I trust him. I would expect that of him.

    If I was Gits, I would remain true to the commitment I've made. Rugby is Git's life and I assume he will take every game opportunity he has to put in the best performance he can regardless of what team it may be for. Also, thinking further ahead, this season isn't just about the Force. It's about his development as a player and his future career. He won't throw that away. He also has 2 years behind him which he claims have been fantastic and out of respect for that I can't imagine him quitting.

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    "Remember lads, rugby is a team game; all 14 of you make sure you pass the ball to Giteau."

  9. #9
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    Jehna you are chasing your tail No one is begrudging Gits we have all accepted him going.
    It might be a bit more difficult without him for a start but nobody is un-replaceable.

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  10. #10
    Champion Contributor Jehna's Avatar
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    I'm not saying he's irreplaceable. Jono was asking how i'd feel if I was playing with a player who I knew was leaving, and my response was that it is subjective. If that player was a selfish a*se I'd be worried. If not, then I wouldn't becuase that is the nature of the industry and I don't think it prevents them from putting in 100%. That has nothing to do with Git's talent as a player. It is attitude. My comments relate to that.

    I absolutely believe he is replaceable. We have some exciting young talent in the Force as it is and I'm eagerly anticipating the future for our team.

    I'd also dispute your comment that no one is begrudging Gits

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    "Remember lads, rugby is a team game; all 14 of you make sure you pass the ball to Giteau."

  11. #11
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    neither am i.
    i was just voicing an idea.

    i dont really think it was fair to announce this so early in the season, because this kind of speculation will be set in. whether its in the team or in the fans. because now gits cant have a bad game. otherwise he will be absolutley flayed by the media for "not caring about the force even though they are still paying him"

    hell the caption under his photo on says "He's Leaving Us" the media are already trying to spin it as a betrayal.

    its also not fair to the team. because now the selection panel is faced with a problem.
    they can hedge all their bets on a consistent starting 15. or they can switch gits in and out to see who can combine where. seeing as he can practically play any posistion in the backline to international standards.

    do we stick it out and hope for the best?
    or do we change the recipie up a bit and hope it isnt too bitter when it comes out of the oven? because even if it is bitter to taste. they would learn for the next attempt

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  12. #12
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    I quite regularly work with people on short term contracts that will be off to a competitor as soon as their six months is done.

    They do their job, they pass on knowledge to others and then they leave. People on these types of contract usually have plenty of knowledge and require little training - they get paid well, but don't have as much invested in them in terms of training etc.

    In fact they are often used to train other longer term staff whilst doing their own job.

    Sound familiar?

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bondiflyer View Post
    Firepower let Giteau down very badly. He was used and I imagine he is upset about this.
    The reality is that Firepower let everyone down badly. That was the very nature of their business model - when the music stopped everyone was going to be let down. Practically anyone that had dealings with them got burnt, with the obvious exception of the urgers who tipped gullible people into their shares and pocketed fat commissions.

    By all reports, not only Giteau was let down very badly but also his team mates, Drew Mitchell, Ryan Cross, Cameron Shepherd and Scott Staniforth. The Sydney Kings were let down so badly they no longer exist. The South Sydney Rabbitohs got out unscathed, pulling the pin after the first of a three year sponsorship agreement having been paid all entitlements. Their good timing may have been due to one of their owners - no, not the loud-mouthed one - still having very good Perth connections and getting some inside mail.

    And let's not forget that the Western Force were also victims of the con. The very survival of their franchise has been threatened.

    I respect Giteau for not coming out and telling all about what was promised to him by the former Force CEO and Firepower. But clearly they have a lot to explain to Giteau and all Force members.
    I like that statement, "Firepower ... clearly they have a lot to explain to Giteau and all Force members." Presumably Force members can expect to be summoned to an explanatory meeting with Tim Johnston in the near future.

    There is also the call for "the former Force CEO" to provide an explanation to Giteau. I would have thought that the first person he should turn to for an explanation would be the bloke being paid very handsomely to look after his interests in contract negotiations, his manager, who at the time I think was Chris Orr. But I would imagine that that discussion may have already taken place.

    Now we have the real story of Matt's momentous decision directly from his own mouth - or word processor - in the Sunday Times. His moment of epiphany occurred "sitting at home thinking about it, talking to [his] girlfriend Bianca." Really, Matt? So you got up on Tuesday morning still in a state of indecision and without any agreement having already been made with the Brumbies. Well, if you say so ...

    Good to see that Matt is no Aurelio Vidmar, slagging the city that gives him his living. The Sunday Times article has plenty of motherhood phrases about Perth: "so much potential," "great city," "such a great place to live." Still, as Mandy Rice Davies famously told the Queen's Counsel, "Well he would say that, wouldn't he?" given that he'd be on a nice little earn from the Sunday Times for his column.

    And just to show how much he loves the place, only the day before it was confirmed that he "will keep his Cottesloe home and will return to live in Perth after Super14 and Wallaby commitments each year." That's real commitment! Well, maybe not. Today's column seems to give him an out on that one wide enough to drive a B-double through:

    "I will keep my place here and come back when I can. I'll try to swing as much time as I can here. That's the plan, although I'm not sure how tough it's going to be." So, Cottesloe rugby fans, don't count on seeing too much of Matthew sitting at a footpath table on Sunday mornings dipping a croissant into his coffee.

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  14. #14
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    Welcome B

    Good to see that your head is screwed on correctly

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  15. #15
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    Gee, Bruiser - thanks for your post - whilst not wanting to get on the anti-Giteau train, I do now however have a whole new respect for new posters from the eastern seaboard. You must be Western Australian?

    Just in case - no sarcasm was used in this post!

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    Dear Lord, if you give us back Johnny Cash, we'll give you Justin Bieber.

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