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Thread: Season 2019

  1. #121
    Senior Player antiussentiment's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyGOAT View Post
    I personally, am having a blast this year (genuine). The scores have not been flattering, but to me scorelines do not matter as much as the manner they are created. I'm ready for a long and arduous season, i'm pumped, and the more you guys whinge about us bringing "your" comp down, the more I want to smash you all - Jokes - maybe
    More of this please.

    While scores are important. They are not as important as playing the game. I've spent the last few years watching bureaucracy screw over Australian Rugby and to a similar extent sailing. Let's not have bureaucratic rules about who can and can not play in WA..

    Let the people play.

    While winning is great, playing the game is better. If winning is so important to you, go and train with a club that wins. If you just love rugby and carrying the ball with your mates. Take the losses and see how you can improve each week. Wins come in all forms after all.

    I like the way the powers that be are allowing rugby in Perth to find it's own level.

    ..and to those who are annoyed that some of these struggling clubs may have a player or two in their midst that would be handy making up numbers in your club (were the struggling club not in your way) FUCK YOU!!

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  2. #122
    Champion zed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyGOAT View Post
    well well well lads (Bally, Sandgroperrugby and westies man) as positive as you all are about the state of rugby in the premier grade and in WA in general (over many years), it seems we do not agree.

    Please educate me why Curtin is bad for the comp? do we lower the standards too much? is it for our pride? is it for our safety? I remember back to when we had this same conversation couple of years ago about Joondalup.

    To address Westie - I can't wait for my participation medal (can you present it?) and can you elaborate further on "Established clubs are bleeding and I've heard a few of them have held crisis meetings recently and are sailing very close to the wind and yet RWA seem content to quite happily continue down this path" - this seems like someone doesn't have deep enough pockets (for what ever it is you need all this money for) - i.e. champagne dreams, lemonade money

    To address Sandgroper - Why aren't we good for the comp and why would a bye be so much better?

    and finally Bally - Neddies had a very good first 40 against Arks (they really did), but what happened in the second half? I don't get your point about working together to improve the comp, is this a "with less teams there will be more money to buy guys in" thing? (because there is very little WA talent - in our code)

    I personally, am having a blast this year (genuine). The scores have not been flattering, but to me scorelines do not matter as much as the manner they are created. I'm ready for a long and arduous season, i'm pumped, and the more you guys whinge about us bringing "your" comp down, the more I want to smash you all - Jokes - maybe

    Drunken rant over - btw, any of you guys (not just those listed in this post) are welcome to find me after a game (you know who I am) and talk rugby or literally anything.

    *Edit - I woke up this morning and was going to delete this post, but I am genuinely intrigued regarding some of the answers that I may get. I know nothing about how to run/build rugby in any place let alone a remote place such as Perth, but making the comp smaller just doesn't make any sense to me. Can you also tell me if you supported axing the force/cheetahs/kings from super rugby and the future axing of the Sunwolves - do you think this has/will help?
    It's not about scorelines or axing Curtin. It's about maintaining a healthy, credible, competition. Beating teams by 70 points is no fun and losing by that margin is certainly not fun. The end result for teams on the receiving end of weekly hidings is that players get injured, players lose motivation and disappear and then the forfeits start happening. You might be having a ball, but I'd imagine many others aren't. The problem lies with RugbyWA, they do very little to encourage and assist smaller clubs in growing. They made it nigh on impossible for Wanneroo to move up to Prems, similar with Joondalup. And now with Curtin, they've done bugger all due diligence, allowing a club into Prems that clearly isn't ready. RugbyWA insist on clubs fielding teams in all 3 senior grades, which is just unrealistic for smaller clubs. They need a more practical approach. It would be better for Curtin to field 2 sides, one in reserves and the other in 3rd grade. If their reserves team goes well, then they move up. Most countries have a promotion/relegation system which works well. But Curtin have been bumped up 3 grades in one season. That's just mad and is shit for the comp, shit for Curtin's opposition and shit for Curtin. Also Curtin run the risk of losing players. You can't blame someone for not wanting to get smashed by 70 points week in week out for 4 months.

    You really need to be getting onto RugbyWA and working out something for the rest of season i.e dropping down to reserves/3rds.

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  3. #123
    Senior Player antiussentiment's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zed View Post
    ..The end result for teams on the receiving end of weekly hidings is that players get injured, players lose motivation and disappear and then the forfeits start happening.
    Nope your totally wrong. TOTALLY!
    When Magnas and I set up The Jesters we got smashed by close to that every game.. ..and that was when tries were worth 4 points. But we never forfeited any game, always had subs and started the 2nd year of the club with more players on the books than the previous. 4-5 years later we made the 5th grade final.

    That club carried on (and with only one team) for about 10 years if I recall. It only passed into history when the people energising the members decided it would be easier to merge with UWA.

    If the Billy Goats want to run on to a hiding every week in the hope that given a few years and some building they may be a respectable Premier grade team. They who the hell are you to say no? Maybe at the end of this season they'll decide it was not for them? Maybe they attract a few players who live local to them and like the challenge of helping them build a better side.

    I've been out to Curtin to watch a few of the women's games last year or so. I like the energy out there and power to WA rugby admin for letting them have a go.

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    cheers auss...
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  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyGOAT View Post
    well well well lads (Bally, Sandgroperrugby and westies man) as positive as you all are about the state of rugby in the premier grade and in WA in general (over many years), it seems we do not agree.

    Please educate me why Curtin is bad for the comp? do we lower the standards too much? is it for our pride? is it for our safety? I remember back to when we had this same conversation couple of years ago about Joondalup.

    To address Westie - I can't wait for my participation medal (can you present it?) and can you elaborate further on "Established clubs are bleeding and I've heard a few of them have held crisis meetings recently and are sailing very close to the wind and yet RWA seem content to quite happily continue down this path" - this seems like someone doesn't have deep enough pockets (for what ever it is you need all this money for) - i.e. champagne dreams, lemonade money

    To address Sandgroper - Why aren't we good for the comp and why would a bye be so much better?

    and finally Bally - Neddies had a very good first 40 against Arks (they really did), but what happened in the second half? I don't get your point about working together to improve the comp, is this a "with less teams there will be more money to buy guys in" thing? (because there is very little WA talent - in our code)

    I personally, am having a blast this year (genuine). The scores have not been flattering, but to me scorelines do not matter as much as the manner they are created. I'm ready for a long and arduous season, i'm pumped, and the more you guys whinge about us bringing "your" comp down, the more I want to smash you all - Jokes - maybe

    Drunken rant over - btw, any of you guys (not just those listed in this post) are welcome to find me after a game (you know who I am) and talk rugby or literally anything.

    *Edit - I woke up this morning and was going to delete this post, but I am genuinely intrigued regarding some of the answers that I may get. I know nothing about how to run/build rugby in any place let alone a remote place such as Perth, but making the comp smaller just doesn't make any sense to me. Can you also tell me if you supported axing the force/cheetahs/kings from super rugby and the future axing of the Sunwolves - do you think this has/will help?
    You and Antiussentiment have misinterpreted what people are saying, no one is against what Curtin are trying to achieve but it's the way it was done and as Zed has pointed out there has been no due process followed and not much thought gone into this.
    The teams that came up last season Rocky/Mandurah, Southern Lions and Arks all had to meet certain criteria and had to show that they had the resources to compete at premier level and I personally think that these clubs have added a vibrancy and bit of colour to what was becoming a stale same same comp, none of these clubs copped the beating's that Curtin have either and it's only 4 weeks in, the worst is yet to come and when you get the inevitable mid season injuries and have to push players up that deep down you know they are nowhere near up to it and you just hope like fuck no one cops an injury that could see them end up incapacitated for the rest of their life. This is a very real possibility.
    Bear in mind that these clubs all came up to premier grade together at the same time after playing 3rd grade and also each other so were a hellava lot more battle hardened than Curtin who were playing in the old guy's comp and who got done in the final by 40 points by a bunch of 50 year old's.
    You guy's are putting the future of your club in jeopardy by putting your players in a position they should have never been put in because they are not ready and when the shit hit's the fan I hope those responsible are man enough to put their hand up.
    Baby steps would have been a much smarter way to have gone about this.
    You said you would like to catch up for a beer because everyone here knows who you are but I'm sorry I actually don't know who you are, in fact the only one around town who actually rips out the old 'Don't you know who I am' is Wests Dwayne Pugs Grace however I am good mates with your 1st Grade coach Princey so I'll get him to introduce us when we play you but I'd rather not meet Antiussentiment ,he seems to be an overly aggressive character and his demeanour scares me a bit.

    1 Not allowed!
    Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.

  5. #125
    Champion zed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by antiussentiment View Post
    Nope your totally wrong. TOTALLY!
    When Magnas and I set up The Jesters we got smashed by close to that every game.. ..and that was when tries were worth 4 points. But we never forfeited any game, always had subs and started the 2nd year of the club with more players on the books than the previous. 4-5 years later we made the 5th grade final.

    That club carried on (and with only one team) for about 10 years if I recall. It only passed into history when the people energising the members decided it would be easier to merge with UWA.

    If the Billy Goats want to run on to a hiding every week in the hope that given a few years and some building they may be a respectable Premier grade team. They who the hell are you to say no? Maybe at the end of this season they'll decide it was not for them? Maybe they attract a few players who live local to them and like the challenge of helping them build a better side.

    I've been out to Curtin to watch a few of the women's games last year or so. I like the energy out there and power to WA rugby admin for letting them have a go.
    I'm not sure you really understood my post. I want smaller clubs like Curtin to succeed. It's great that they have aspirations to be a Premiership club, but they clearly don't have the personnel to be competitive in the 3 grades. Perhaps this season will be a reality check, off-season they'll recruit and come back more competitive in 2020, but they run the risk of losing a lot of players and having them not return next season. We've seen it with other clubs and teams over the years. Curtin have my support 100%, I wish them all the luck, but perhaps it may be pertinent to make some changes now that could be beneficial for them next season i.e drop down to reserves.

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  6. #126
    Champion zed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by antiussentiment View Post
    Nope your totally wrong. TOTALLY!
    When Magnas and I set up .

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  7. #127
    Senior Player antiussentiment's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by westies man View Post
    You and Antiussentiment have misinterpreted what people are saying, ... but I'd rather not meet Antiussentiment ,he seems to be an overly aggressive character and his demeanour scares me a bit.
    Dude I've been reading your stuff here for years. You 'aint scared of shit.

    ..and I've not misrepresented anything. The chatter here reminds me of what Rugby Australia did to The Force. Reading wobbly justifications against a struggling club that's trying to put a good foot forward fills me with sadness.

    You and I both know this is about bigger clubs sneaking handy players away from little clubs trying to grow.

    ..and yeah. Why would i not be annoyed at that?

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  8. #128
    Senior Player antiussentiment's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zed View Post
    Brendan joined a few years later.
    ..and I can't spell Magnus it seems..

    ..and I disagree with the players leaving in the off season thing. If the management at the Billy Goats are strong and switched on, they will stay. Leadership and playing with your mates trumps results if your culture is strong. And that, long term, it's what leads to results.

    Bureaucracy and barrier rules never helped anything grow.

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    cheers auss...
    fabricarti diem punc

  9. #129
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    Mar 2013
    Wanneroo were the laughing stock of the Comp for years
    I never complained when I played them it just meant I could go on a bender all week and enjoy my lifestyle
    In fact I think this was the case against all teams
    You and westie should take your righteousness and start your own elite Comp
    Take your views and piss off

    This is not hate speech
    Peace be with you

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  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by westies man View Post
    You and Antiussentiment have misinterpreted what people are saying, no one is against what Curtin are trying to achieve but it's the way it was done and as Zed has pointed out there has been no due process followed and not much thought gone into this.
    The teams that came up last season Rocky/Mandurah, Southern Lions and Arks all had to meet certain criteria and had to show that they had the resources to compete at premier level and I personally think that these clubs have added a vibrancy and bit of colour to what was becoming a stale same same comp, none of these clubs copped the beating's that Curtin have either and it's only 4 weeks in, the worst is yet to come and when you get the inevitable mid season injuries and have to push players up that deep down you know they are nowhere near up to it and you just hope like fuck no one cops an injury that could see them end up incapacitated for the rest of their life. This is a very real possibility.
    Bear in mind that these clubs all came up to premier grade together at the same time after playing 3rd grade and also each other so were a hellava lot more battle hardened than Curtin who were playing in the old guy's comp and who got done in the final by 40 points by a bunch of 50 year old's.
    You guy's are putting the future of your club in jeopardy by putting your players in a position they should have never been put in because they are not ready and when the shit hit's the fan I hope those responsible are man enough to put their hand up.
    Baby steps would have been a much smarter way to have gone about this.
    You said you would like to catch up for a beer because everyone here knows who you are but I'm sorry I actually don't know who you are, in fact the only one around town who actually rips out the old 'Don't you know who I am' is Wests Dwayne Pugs Grace however I am good mates with your 1st Grade coach Princey so I'll get him to introduce us when we play you but I'd rather not meet Antiussentiment ,he seems to be an overly aggressive character and his demeanour scares me a bit.
    To some small extent I agree. We came into the comp a fair bit under-prepared with a lack of proper recruitment. Maybe we should have skipped prems this year and attacked it next year? I'm not sure, I'm not a part of the running of the club and have no idea what pressures were on us as a club. I don't think going into reserves was an option - i don't know. From a players point of view, we were in a kind of no win situation where the championship division is dying and has been for a couple of years now and we weren't quite ready for prems. You say that we "are putting the future of your club in jeopardy" i think it is just the opposite, without this happening now it may never happen and to have a better chance for survival you have to be playing in the top comp.
    This season is going to be very hard and injuries will take their toll on all sides not just ours. You talk about injuries as if they only happen to players because they are not good/big enough. I'm sorry to burst your virtue signalling bubble or whatever it is you are trying to achieve with this but injuries happen at all levels of rugby. Not one person goes onto the field regardless of who their playing and thinks injuries are not possible. There were plenty of big bodies in champ grade.
    My main criticism is the negativity. This decision has now been made, whether you or I or anyone likes it is irrelevant. We have to do the very best we can to make it work, for it not to adversely affect the competition. I believe we all want the same end goal of growing rugby. Curtin will continue to improve, maybe we will not win a game this year, maybe we will. But given that we would have a year under our belt, and with this recruitment will be easier, next year will be much better.

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  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyGOAT View Post
    To some small extent I agree. We came into the comp a fair bit under-prepared with a lack of proper recruitment. Maybe we should have skipped prems this year and attacked it next year? I'm not sure, I'm not a part of the running of the club and have no idea what pressures were on us as a club. I don't think going into reserves was an option - i don't know. From a players point of view, we were in a kind of no win situation where the championship division is dying and has been for a couple of years now and we weren't quite ready for prems. You say that we "are putting the future of your club in jeopardy" i think it is just the opposite, without this happening now it may never happen and to have a better chance for survival you have to be playing in the top comp.
    This season is going to be very hard and injuries will take their toll on all sides not just ours. You talk about injuries as if they only happen to players because they are not good/big enough. I'm sorry to burst your virtue signalling bubble or whatever it is you are trying to achieve with this but injuries happen at all levels of rugby. Not one person goes onto the field regardless of who their playing and thinks injuries are not possible. There were plenty of big bodies in champ grade.
    My main criticism is the negativity. This decision has now been made, whether you or I or anyone likes it is irrelevant. We have to do the very best we can to make it work, for it not to adversely affect the competition. I believe we all want the same end goal of growing rugby. Curtin will continue to improve, maybe we will not win a game this year, maybe we will. But given that we would have a year under our belt, and with this recruitment will be easier, next year will be much better.
    When Joondalup came up they went into 2s first and it gave them the necessary time to adjust to going up a level and to get the players to a level to compete at that level.Recruiting isn't easy in the current climate because one key areas is employment.No one is saying Curtain should shut up shop but a better plan for them would be to drop to 2s were they would be more competitive and come up when they have a more competitive squad because 18 weeks is along time copping hidings every week

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  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Insider View Post
    Wanneroo were the laughing stock of the Comp for years
    I never complained when I played them it just meant I could go on a bender all week and enjoy my lifestyle
    In fact I think this was the case against all teams
    You and westie should take your righteousness and start your own elite Comp
    Take your views and piss off

    This is not hate speech
    Peace be with you
    Good old Insider throwing spears from the safety of the shadows yet again, one of these days if you piss me off too much I may let loose with your behind the scenes bullshit into this whole mess along with your warped bitter childish reasoning behind it, your name will be absolute mud, don't try and fuck with me Junior or I'll tear you to shreds.
    May Peace also be with you

    0 Not allowed!
    Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.

  13. #133
    Veteran Ecky's Avatar
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    I am looking forward to see how Southern Lions handle Cott this weekend, but more looking forward to seeing how the Kala/Wann clash plays out.

    Really, really looking forward to whether the Soaks v Coastal turns out to be the complete shitfight I am advised it will be.

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  14. #134
    Champion zed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bally View Post
    When Joondalup came up they went into 2s first and it gave them the necessary time to adjust to going up a level and to get the players to a level to compete at that level.Recruiting isn't easy in the current climate because one key areas is employment.No one is saying Curtain should shut up shop but a better plan for them would be to drop to 2s were they would be more competitive and come up when they have a more competitive squad because 18 weeks is along time copping hidings every week

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  15. #135
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    I have heard RugbyWA are meeting Monday night to decide how to move forward with Curtin, sounds like that grumpy old Dean Is about to ruin this toga party for the students..

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