Poll: Should Rugby in WA secede from the ARU and become their own governing body?

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Thread: Should WA Rugby secede from the ARU(RugbyAU)?

  1. #46
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Point 1 rugby WA ARE looking in to this
    Point 2 insurance isn't the problem, the task is massive, running an entire sporting organisation is complex and difficult, I'm pretty close with the guys who run the WA component of my current sport and they put in hundreds of man-hours a year, imaging if they didn't have a national body to oversee. RugbyWA would need to fund (at least) a full time CEO, with possibly other professionals supporting him.
    Point 3 even if we stick the finger to the ARU, we can't really do it with the irb. We'll we can, but then we'll be creating a third code of rugby-like sport that might have IP issues with either rugby or league. This is the main reason twiggy is dealing with the snakes in Moore Park.
    Point 4 even knowing this, I still voted yes. Multiply the fees every player pays each year by the number of players, I think it would be a significant sum and it'd all go into WA rugby on a unit trust.

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  2. #47
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Point 5 another reason to vote yes is to stop the player registration fees from going to Moore Park as a levy. Does WA see any cent of that in return to distribute out or does it go to prop up the Reds and Rebels?

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  3. #48
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Was kind of part of 4 to me, but it's a biggie. What are they paying now over $200? And there's 16,000? If that's correct we have 3.2 million dollars a year minus insurance we could likely add WA govt funding of some sort (likely if we get twiggy all up and running, they might even cover our rents out of tourism money) so it's not inconceivable, just a massive task.

    Some seed capital would be required I'm not expecting the irb to let it happen without a fuss. They haven't done anything to rein in rats arse yet, so they're hardly paragons of virtue.

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  4. #49
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Didn't McGowan say that the WA Government is willing to forgo the rent money from the Force?

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  5. #50
    Veteran sittingbison's Avatar
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    I can see both sides , even new Spork voters Shasta, ex and somebody else.

    Without succumbing to my boiling emotions, I voted yes as a strategy, to force (scuz pun) the issue. Not only having RatsArse drive us into liquidation, but to sucede, sends a VERY clear message to the rest of the world, yes WORLD, that all is not well in the state of Denmark and something had better be done about it lickety split

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  6. #51
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    After reading this I gotta say i’m having trouble remembering who the bully actually is.

    For transparency i’m gonna post this and then vote no. To quickly justify my choice, you don’t leave in a tantrum when you get dealt a shit hand. I’ve posted enough on here over the years you can all probably work out how I came to that

    Also - sporks are lyf! You’re all monsters!

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  7. #52
    Player LMSC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shasta View Post
    The whole strategy of the IPRC is aroung getting Wallaby eligibility. They are trying to work with the IRB and Rat's Arse. For now. Also I imagine there would be plenty of complications for WA clubs; like insurance for instance.

    Jumping off a cliff is not really a good strategy for dealing with a bully.
    The ARU want IPRC to be a 2nd tier comp to Super Rugby - they won't allow players national selection if the comp competes with Super Rugby - their expect words "doesn't compromise" super rugby which is ironic and contradictory at the same time.

    You can play in Europe & be a Wallaby, but not with those upstarts out west.

    The IPRC, it they administrators are genuine in wanting it to succeed, should do what Super League did and show the money. EVERY sport has show that the best athletes will follow the $ without concern for national selection.

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  8. #53
    Player terrycobner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LMSC View Post
    The ARU want IPRC to be a 2nd tier comp to Super Rugby - they won't allow players national selection if the comp competes with Super Rugby - their expect words "doesn't compromise" super rugby which is ironic and contradictory at the same time.

    You can play in Europe & be a Wallaby, but not with those upstarts out west.

    The IPRC, it they administrators are genuine in wanting it to succeed, should do what Super League did and show the money. EVERY sport has show that the best athletes will follow the $ without concern for national selection.
    I think I agree with your sentiment. You have to look at the RA s behaviour thus far. They have set out to absolutely crush us. Does anyone seriously think that they will help IPRC get off the ground knowing that it will likely suck super rugby players over.
    They will NOT allow Wallabies eligibility. Time to stop worrying about that. Pay the big bucks. The players will come. After 1 to 2 years they will have to select from IPRC.Look at england cricket. They fought all they could to stop players going to IPL but as will happen in our case money and employment opportunities will win in the end.

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  9. #54
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Exactly Terry they are in the same boat as the players who have gone abroad they are happy to give up Wallabies selection.

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  10. #55
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    If the current board and administration remains in place, we have no alternative but to start our own union. The main reason is the other unions in the east have the power to roll the current board if they still refuse to do so after everything that has gone on, well they themselves are showing support for the corrupt decisions against the Force and Rugby WA and nothing will change for rugby in the west in the short medium or long term future. This is the real reason we are in this mess. If Iceland with a population of just 336,062 can qualify for the football world cup and also make the quarter finals of the European championships then why not?

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  11. #56
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    The insurance issue has to be pretty much the same everywhere. I can’t see that not being part of the EARU would make it an appreciably bigger problem.
    As in other aspects of life in the west, it's about stopping WA money draining east!!! Haha.
    The key is getting direct affiliation to the IRB. Judging by their total lack of interest in WA rugby, I don’t think it is too far fetched to think that the EARU would actually support the idea. The EARU honchos seem to be so grasping, that they would probably be on board if we paid their legal fees and they could be rid of us!
    I would think that setting up an entirely new east Asian professional rugby competition would be horribly expensive. Direct IRB affiliation would have to be a lot cheaper. You could start smaller and build slowly, instead of the big bang of a new pro comp.
    I don’t know what the actual assets of RugbyWA are, but the best rugby assets in the state, the stadium and the Force facilities, are owned by the state. A new WA rugby organisation could walk straight in. You would think there would even be political support, WA federal and state, after the way we have been treated.
    The problem is West Australians are too nice, that is why we are in this position. We get walked over by eastern staters all the time. Get BOLSHY. It is 2017, the centenary!
    WA rugby administrators have to start talking like this, at the very least, to put some pressure on the earu hq. Stooky, love him, but he was to nice.

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  12. #57
    Apprentice Bookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    Should WA secede from RugbyAU?

    That is the ultimate question…


    This is not something I would consider lightly but considering all the evidence is has become apparent that there simply is no other choice for the now almost insolvent RugbyWA to let go of the noose and chain and move on.

    As much as I am disappointed that the ARU betrayed RugbyWA I am equally disappointed that out leaders in RugbyWA were all too willing to sign over our IP and trademark rights to the ARU when we knew they were never on our side, for that I feel the people who were there when that decision was made should leave RugbyWA immediately and resign, a lot of people suspected it would result in foul play, a lot of fans questioned the decision, but ultimately our own governing body signed our death bed and put us in a position which resulted in the ARU taking away our beloved franchise. I am happy to forgive those people as it was ONE mistake, unlike the many attempts from our own custodians to wipe us from the history books and delete our franchise from existence.


    ·******** Rugby WA accepted Arbitration when let’s be honest they should have contested the Alliance agreement in the supreme court in full, not back down to the ************************ from NSW and let him determine that the alliance agreement would stand and that the ARU were free to terminate the force [If we as a state were going to fight, then we should have actually fought, Arbitration is what pansies do when they are too gutless to take on the opposition and it made a mockery of our legal position! ************************************************** ***********************************************


    So it leads me to question RUGBY WA themselves, why? Why are we still affiliated with RugbyAU or shall I say the EARU? I challenge Rugby WA to come up with the reasons why we still stand beside a governing body hell-bent on eradicating us? If you think the Melbourne Rebel sale was questionable then I say the exact same thing to RugbyWA, standing beside the ARU/EARU/Rats Anus/ is just as questionable, infact it makes no sense, infact it actually makes less sense than the dodgy Rebels deal which was made to benefit a small pocket of people, by standing next to the RugbyAU I see no benefit moving forward. Simply saying we pay less for insurance is a cowards answer, WHAT DO WE STAND TO GAIN BY STANDING WITH THE GOVERNING BODY THAT NOT ONLY ERRADICTAED OUR PROFESSIONAL TEAM, BUT BANKRUPTED US AND FORCED US TO PAY BACK EVERY CENT/ IF NOT MORE IN LEGAL FEES?
    Now that I am awake I had a chance to read your post, I feel I should point out a couple of things.

    1. Is everybody comfortable criticizing the RugbyWA Board and Team for their part in all of this. Its very easy to look back in time and say they should have done this and should have seen that. At the time they had no way of knowing or seeing the ARU's ulterior motives and to say that the hardworking staff of RugbyWA should resign because they couldn't see in to the future is a disgrace.

    2. Do you really think it is wise to "publish" and single out by name a Supreme Court Judge and abuse him in a public forum? You might want to get some legal advice on that.

    3. You owe Shasta an apology.

    4. Do I listen to the fans, Do I know better? I know this - With out the support of Rugby Australia, with out the support of World Rugby we will end up like the Barbarians - but without the history. Playing exhibition matches.


    - even worse - we will be like South African in the 70s - 80s. In exile. Playing exhibition matches and having rebel tours that arent recorded in history and have no participation in any Rugby competition.

    5. You are very good at looking back at what has happened in the past - I like to look to the future.

    I have some predictions for you.

    a. Indo-Pacific Rugby will be come a jewel in the crown of World Rugby. Western Australian Rugby players will continue to be selected for the Wallabies.

    b. Super Rugby will die. By 2020 Melbourne will be voted off the island as they downsize again. OR it will be completely dead because of all the South African teams with move to Europe.

    c. The Reds, Tahs, Brumbies and Rebels (if they are still financial) will fly all the way to Perth to ask to be a part of the Indo-Pacific Rugby competition, and Twiggy will let them in. Because its good for business.

    Sometimes you have to see the big picture.

    Have a nice day.

    I understand people are upset, I am upset. But you have to think this thru to the end. Western Australian Rugby will never have a team in the Rugby World Cup.

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    Last edited by .X.; 18-11-17 at 11:52.

    Port Macquarie

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!" - Rocky Balboa

  13. #58
    Rookie Markos2012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exile View Post

    I have some predictions for you.

    a. Indo-Pacific Rugby will be come a jewel in the crown of World Rugby. Western Australian Rugby players will continue to be selected for the Wallabies.

    c. The Reds, Tahs, Brumbies and Rebels (if they are still financial) will fly all the way to Perth to ask to be a part of the Indo-Pacific Rugby competition, and Twiggy will let them in. Because its good for business.

    Sometimes you have to see the big picture.

    Yep. The Western Force will be an international and sought after brand. The ARU through it’s dodgy actions has given us a history and narrative that will drive us on. It will take time but should be a great ride.

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  14. #59
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    I am as angry about this situation as anyone, and I'm usually one of the first to (shake my fist like a pirate and) yell 'secede' BUT we need to think with our heads not our hearts. While it pains me to have anything to do with REA, the realities of the situation are that, like it or not, we are part of Australia. Some of those in the East need reminding that we are here and are strong and we can do that by succeeding where they have tried to ensure that we fail. We grow the game in the West and we make the IPRC the premier competition in the world. We don't need to do that to the exclusion of REA, we do IN SPITE OF THEM!

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  15. #60
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exile View Post
    Now that I am awake I had a chance to read your post, I feel I should point out a couple of things.

    1. Is everybody comfortable criticizing the RugbyWA Board and Team for their part in all of this. Its very easy to look back in time and say they should have done this and should have seen that. At the time they had no way of knowing or seeing the ARU's ulterior motives and to say that the hardworking staff of RugbyWA should resign because they couldn't see in to the future is a disgrace.

    2. Do you really think it is wise to "publish" and single out by name a Supreme Court Judge and abuse him in a public forum? You might want to get some legal advice on that.

    3. You owe Shasta an apology.

    4. Do I listen to the fans, Do I know better? I know this - With out the support of Rugby Australia, with out the support of World Rugby we will end up like the Barbarians - but without the history. Playing exhibition matches.


    - even worse - we will be like South African in the 70s - 80s. In exile. Playing exhibition matches and having rebel tours that arent recorded in history and have no participation in any Rugby competition.

    5. You are very good at looking back at what has happened in the past - I like to look to the future.

    I have some predictions for you.

    a. Indo-Pacific Rugby will be come a jewel in the crown of World Rugby. Western Australian Rugby players will continue to be selected for the Wallabies.

    b. Super Rugby will die. By 2020 Melbourne will be voted off the island as they downsize again. OR it will be completely dead because of all the South African teams with move to Europe.

    c. The Reds, Tahs, Brumbies and Rebels (if they are still financial) will fly all the way to Perth to ask to be a part of the Indo-Pacific Rugby competition, and Twiggy will let them in. Because its good for business.

    Sometimes you have to see the big picture.

    Have a nice day.

    I understand people are upset, I am upset. But you have to think this thru to the end. Western Australian Rugby will never have a team in the Rugby World Cup.
    And there was no need to bring someone’s nationality into the arguments. That’s where I stopped reading

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