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Thread: Committee Finds No Mistreatment Of Quokkas

  1. #46
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    No, I didn't really mean that.

    In fact, I find the whole situation perturbing and distastful.

    Here we have a population of overseas Quokkas making vile and unfounded allegations under the cover of anonimity against our wholesome fresh faced Force boys.

    How many of these Quokkas have been prepared to swear affidavits, or even statutory declarations in support of their claims? Not one. None of these cowardly Quokkas are prepared to put their paw prints on it and face perjury charges when they are proven to be lying, the gutless rodents.

    What about the honest, hard working population of true Australian, mainland Quokkas, living in the south west, do you hear any of them making baseless accusations? No, they are too busy trying to earn a living and support their families to get involved in this type of crass, publicity seeking exercise.

    All this overblown hyperbole is emanating from these smarmy foreign Quokkas from overseas , the greasy bludger wog Quokkas, living on handouts and sponging on the public, while living idyllic lives on overseas holiday resorts, the sort of Quokkas who have never done a hard days foraging in their lives.

    I bet they are all trying it on, hoping to get one of our lads charged, and then bringing on a trumped up Criminal Injuries Compensation claim, to try and milk this non event for as much as they can get out of it.

    I say we should deport these low life Quokkas, let them prove their right to remain here whilst they are being processed elsewhere, in Nauru or Christmas Island for example, and then send them back to NSW where they belong. They would all probably get jobs there working for the Sydney Morning Herald, which is the repository of all scumbaggery in Australia anyway.

    And the last thing we need is bleeding heart dogooders standing up for them . You illegal Quokka huggers make me puke. You are un Australian.

    Go the Force . Down with rotten Rottnest Quokkas!

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    Last edited by fulvio sammut; 29-11-07 at 23:28.

  2. #47
    Legend Court Reporter
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    I fact I am pretty sure that me and 3 Russian tourists saw those 'innocent' Quokkas trapping AJ Whalley under a milk crate (or truck). Thankfully they didn't squash his tail though....

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  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryNJ View Post
    Kids shouldn't have to look outside their own homes for role models. That's the job of the parents not a sports star. That being said they are in the public eye and need to realize that every move is being watched. Use your heads boys.
    I agree. But the reality is that not every child has a male role model around, or even a decent role model altogether so these guys do get idolised.

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  4. #49
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    No new witnesses to the alleged cruel treatment of quokkas by Western Force players have come forward, Rottnest Island authorities said, leaving the investigation in limbo.

    Fresh allegations by a reputed eye witness to the incident forced the Super 14 club to reactivate their investigation into player behaviour during a team bonding session last Friday.

    But despite appeals from island authorities for more witnesses to come forward, none have - leaving the claims of cruelty unsubstantiated, and threats of sackings hanging over the Force squad.

    "Until and unless we get some more information, we are at the same stage we were yesterday," said Penny Fletcher-Hughes, spokesperson for the Rottnest Island Authority.

    Western Australian Police and Rottnest Island Authorities launched inquiries earlier this week after allegations players were "hammer throwing" the protected marsupials after a team barbecue.

    After no evidence of mistreatment could be proved by island authorities or Force officials, rangers said they would issue infringement notices to four players who admitted handling quokkas, which would result in $100 fines.

    But after more allegations were made to the club, and Fairfax newspapers by a Sydney resident on Wednesday, Force chairman Geoff Stooke said fresh inquiries would take place.

    "Our investigation is going to all our players ... to ensure if anything more has happened it comes out and we can deal with the offenders appropriately," Stooke told Southern Cross radio on Wednesday.

    "Picking the quokkas up is inappropriate and they have been issued a fine. However, if we find it was a lot worse than that they will be dealt with accordingly.

    "This has been a black day for the Western Force, and we are not leaving any stone unturned in this matter."

    © 2007 AAP

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  5. #50
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    Two face sack for quokka cruelty,...-23217,00.html

    By Bret Harris and Nigel Wilson
    November 30, 2007 TWO Western Force players are facing the sack after being called before the Super 14 team's disciplinary committee over allegations of mistreating quokkas on Rottnest Island.

    Western Australia police and the Rottnest Island Authority launched inquiries this week after a tourist complained that Force players were "hammer throwing" quokkas, a protected animal, last Friday during the team's pre-season camp on the island near Perth.

    A Force misconduct committee on Monday concluded that no player mistreated a quokka, however four players admitted to picking up quokkas and putting them down.

    Rottnest Island rangers issued infringement notices to the four players for handling the quokkas, which is against island regulations, resulting in $100 fines.

    But the Force reactivated its investigation on Wednesday after further serious allegations were made about the mistreatment of quokkas.

    The Force said if any further allegations were substantiated, the misconduct committee would be reconvened.

    The fact the two players will appear before a "higher court" in the form of a board disciplinary tribunal indicates the allegations are very serious.

    The Force has indicated that sanctions for serious misconduct include a fine, suspension and termination of contract.

    "We have done an investigation and we believe two players have a case to answer," Force chairman Geoff Stooke said.

    "They will appear before a board disciplinary committee as soon as possible. We believe there was a situation where animals may have been mishandled and their safety may have been in danger. The positive thing is that we know no animal was injured and that was confirmed by the Rottnest Island Authority."

    The island authority confirmed it had investigated a complaint from Don Andrews, a Sydney resident, who spent a night on the island.

    Andrews, according to both Force management and the island authority, said players had been trying to capture quokkas with a milk crate and had attempted to hammer throw one of the small marsupials by the tail.

    "Mr Andrews made the complaint to a ranger the night he was on the island," a Rottnest Island Authority spokesperson said.

    "The ranger went to investigate and could find no injured quokkas or any evidence of the claims made by Mr Andrews.

    "There was another witness who said Western Force players were holding quokkas, but this person said there was no mistreatment.

    "We've no evidence that substantiates Mr Andrews' claim and without that we can't take the investigation any further."

    Meanwhile, ARU chief executive John O'Neill has been re-admitted to hospital because of complications relating to recent neck surgery.

    But O'Neill's absence will not prevent the ARU naming a new coach for the Wallabies at its next board meeting on December 14. Auckland Blues mentor David Nucifora is expected to get the job.

    The board was scheduled to consider a recommendation from the selection panel at a meeting last month, but it was cancelled because of O'Neill's hospitalisation.

    The ARU was unsure when O'Neill would return to work. Asked whether his absence would cause a further delay in making an appointment, ARU high performance manager Pat Howard said: "I hope not. He hopes to be there (at the meeting) in person. If not, he will be on the phone. It's still a couple of weeks away."

    The ARU's preferred choice for the Wallabies, New Zealander Robbie Deans, is expected to be appointed coach of the All Blacks next Friday.

    If Deans takes the All Blacks job from World Cup coach Graham Henry, there will be no reason to delay naming Nucifora as the new Wallabies coach the following week.

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  6. #51
    Champion Skiza's Avatar
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    Hmmm anyone got inside info on who "said two players" might be?...i wouldn't want to be in their shoes right now!

    I love how they talk about two stories in one article....NOT! Despite that, i feel Nucifora will be a good choice and Deans as well.

    Love your work Fulv

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  7. #52
    Senior Player Contributor hopep's Avatar
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    I'm still not happy. Whoever the 2 players are they are in for rough time - possibly as scape-goats.
    After more than a week, investigations by three groups they turn up - NO EVIDENCE. But start another investigation because 1 person says they saw something.

    It just smells very funny.

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  8. #53
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    It would seem that RugbyWA could have let it slide as not enough useful evidence could be gathered.

    Fava and Brown have owned up and RugbyWA have gone public once they had the information - see here

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  9. #54
    Senior Player Contributor hopep's Avatar
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    Very disappointed in Scott - he was one of the players who put forward and supported the alchohol testing after games policy. Ok - it public drunkeness on an official training trip - nothing about animal abuse.
    Fava could now be on the last legs of his contract or career.
    Brown is still a youngster (relatively) and may have damaged his future also.
    BUT - the touted ABUSE of animals still has no legs.

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  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopep View Post
    I'm still not happy. Whoever the 2 players are they are in for rough time - possibly as scape-goats.
    After more than a week, investigations by three groups they turn up - NO EVIDENCE. But start another investigation because 1 person says they saw something.

    It just smells very funny.
    Scape goats for what exactly? Clearly they did the wrong thing, and deserved the penalty. It was obviously investigated, if they found nothing then they wouldn't have punished them. Just because someone reported it, doesn't mean it will automatically mean punishment because they're footballers.

    There is always people who will defend players in these circumstances. Seriously, they're grown men, on pretty decent salaries. Let them face the consequences for acting like complete dead sh*ts.

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  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopep View Post
    Very disappointed in Scott - he was one of the players who put forward and supported the alchohol testing after games policy. Ok - it public drunkeness on an official training trip - nothing about animal abuse.
    Fava could now be on the last legs of his contract or career.
    Brown is still a youngster (relatively) and may have damaged his future also.
    BUT - the touted ABUSE of animals still has no legs.
    Same here. He is one of my favourite players. Now I'm not so sure.

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  12. #57
    Champion KenyaQuin's Avatar
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    Have listened to the full audio clip from 6PR breakfast this morning by a lady who witnessed the incident (just to show its not really the account of just one person).

    She claims/states that she was at a pub on Rotto with the "boys" and when the pub closed they went back to the Kingstown Barracks (the "boys" had had plenty of grog). Shortly after, the boys started to pick up the Quokkas by the tail and swinging them but didn't see any of them let go however one was swung close enough to "accidentally" whip a friend on the cheek (face). She also saw some milk crates placed over the Quoks but didn't see anyone diving on top of them. A few tourists went up to the "boys" and asked them to stop at which point they did however after a while she saw another Force player walk up to a quok and had to plead with him for 5 min not to do anything (he went on about evolution crap). Says it was only a couple of players and other players intervened and asked the dickheads to give it a rest. The boys then got "bored" and one decided it was time to strip and have abit of a piss.

    There's abit more that went on but that was pretty much the jist of it all. No names were mentioned but she does know her players and knows for a fact they are Western Force boys and has been helping the police, Authority and Force with investigations.

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  13. #58
    Champion Lonzy's Avatar
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    How can you be sure that said witnesses are credible? Its up to the authorities to decide i guess... But just remember alot of people like to jump on band wagons ... They may be over excierating the whole thing ... I say polygraph them! Muhahaha.... Any who i'm in melbourne ... And i'm using my phone! Yay i'm feeling deprived of twf and beer ... Sad face

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  14. #59
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Well, I'm a bit confused. I just heard Channel Seven's report, where the claims that quokkas were hammer thrown were brought up, and then finished with Scotty Fava suggesting that he 'returned it to the ground clumsily' because he was intoxicated.

    Now, the boys still have a job, I'd suggest we're a WHOLE LOT closer to the latter than the former. Also, with an admission of guilt, there still seems to be only internal action. Did they ABUSE the quokkas or did they just mishandle them. Are we seeing a punishment for them being evil animal abusers, or for being drunken eediots?

    I'm not sure!

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    C'mon the

  15. #60
    Champion KenyaQuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GiteauIsGunnaScoreTwenty View Post
    Well, I'm a bit confused. I just heard Channel Seven's report, where the claims that quokkas were hammer thrown were brought up, and then finished with Scotty Fava suggesting that he 'returned it to the ground clumsily' because he was intoxicated.
    I think Fava's statement has a little bit of spin in it. It wouldn't look good to admit to actually flinging the quok, "returned it to the ground clumsily" is do I put it..palatable.

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