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Thread: "Warning homosexuals, hell awaits you, repent" - Israel Folau

  1. #391
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  2. #392
    Veteran valzc's Avatar
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    Should be shut down - its like a scam!

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  3. #393
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    RA will be out rattling the can next, after the Nation Championship was abandoned and expected much lower new value Foxsports contract.

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  4. #394
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Why 3.0 million?

    The legal fight would only costs about 10k or so absolutly worst case, its being handled by the fair work commision for fuck sake. A government entity, all he needs to pay is the lawyer fee to turn up, how much prep do they actually need considering they believe its an open shut case

    Why is he asking for such an enormous amount? Is this borderline illegal?

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  5. #395
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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  6. #396
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    Why 3.0 million?

    The legal fight would only costs about 10k or so absolutly worst case, its being handled by the fair work commision for fuck sake. A government entity, all he needs to pay is the lawyer fee to turn up, how much prep do they actually need considering they believe its an open shut case

    Why is he asking for such an enormous amount? Is this borderline illegal?
    His rationale is that if it does goes to the courts it could go on for years. The tribunal case cost 100k.

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  7. #397
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    travelling_gerry's Avatar
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    Says the guy who forego a salary for shares in a magic pill company on a prospect to clean up on the IPO then got the shits and lied about his plan to go to the Waratahs for an entire season.

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  8. #398
    Veteran sittingbison's Avatar
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    A broken clock is right twice a day.... Mitchell was right with that Izzy comment last year about walking away, and he is right with this tweet. All the rest of the time he is a plonker though

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    The long sobs of autumn's violins wound my heart with a monotonous languor

  9. #399
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    He's a plonker even on the rare occasions that he's right

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    C'mon the

  10. #400
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    The media has started to turn on Izzy. He is officially roadkill!

    Five words that prove Israel Folau is clueless

    JUNE 22, 20196:13am


    “I have the fight of my life on my hands.”

    That is what multi-millionaire sportsman Israel Folau told people yesterday as he asked them to donate $3 million to fund his legal tantrum against Rugby Australia.

    Like so many wayward Wallaby passes over the years, the sickening irony of Folau’s words flew right over his head.

    Within hours, his GoFundMe post had raised more money than any other cause on the site, breezing past requests from people who were actually fighting for their lives.

    One of them was Jensen, 9, who has a tumour in his liver. It’s been diagnosed as high risk hepatoblastoma, an incredibly rare form of cancer.

    Jensen’s parents had to significantly scale back their business to care for him full-time, and his aunt is asking people to help them cover the family’s medical bills and basic living expenses.

    Another was Mel, 36, who’s suffering from an aggressive brain tumour. After two years of treatment, including numerous surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation and clinical trials, she has been left with one last resort, a drug called Avastin.

    She needs the treatment once every fortnight, and each dose costs $7000.

    The next-highest fundraising total after Folau’s belonged to Piper, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma three weeks before her first birthday. She had tiny tumours on her liver, stomach, abdomen and chest cavity.

    Yesterday Piper’s family announced the tragic news that she had died.

    Jensen’s post asked Australians for $30,000, Mel’s $50,000, and Piper’s $100,000. Israel Folau wants $3 million, for what he so casually calls “the fight of my life”.

    That would be the same Israel Folau who has spent his entire adult life being paid millions of dollars to throw and kick a ball, first by the NRL, then the AFL, then rugby union.

    Forget that $10 you were going to give a desperately sick kid — donate it to him instead.

    The top six fundraising causes on GoFundMe. Israel Folau's plea for cash quickly blew past other, worthier causes. Picture: GoFundMe
    The top six fundraising causes on GoFundMe. Israel Folau's plea for cash quickly blew past other, worthier causes. Picture:

    A few people were quick to note the juxtaposition, foremost among them Folau’s former Wallabies teammate Drew Mitchell.

    “You are in a fight that you chose to be in after you broke the terms of your contract. The kids below are in a fight they never wanted to be in and yet you think you deserve donations more than they do? It’s no longer about religion, it’s about you and your greed,” Mitchell said, displaying the sort of basic moral clarity Folau claims to possess in spades.

    Other Wallabies have spoken out against him as well, including Will Genia, Bernard Foley and the team’s captain Michael Hooper.

    Rugby Australia boss Raelene Castle, who pushed for Folau’s sacking was also critical of Folau’s choice to use the fundraising platform.

    “From our perspective that’s a place where sick children get support. It’s certainly not a strategy that we would’ve thought was appropriate,” she said.

    Folau was asked about their criticism when he appeared on 2GB radio yesterday, and once again displayed a staggering lack of self-awareness.

    “It was quite the shock to me. Whether or not that was really what they meant, I don’t take any of those things personal. I have no harsh feelings towards them,” Folau told Alan Jones.

    “If I do carry hate or judgmental feelings towards them, I’m actually going against the very thing that I actually believe in and what my faith speaks about.”

    OK, so it’s bad to have hateful or judgmental feelings towards other human beings. Got it. I have just a couple of follow-up questions.

    What could be more judgmental than the belief that people deserve to go to hell, to suffer for eternity, because of their sexuality?

    What could be more hateful than telling someone the very essence of who they are, something they cannot change, is wrong?

    In his plea for money from the public, Folau said that sharing the word of the Bible was “an act of love and compassion”. And it certainly can be. It kind of depends which parts of the book you choose to share.

    Here is Folau’s idea of love and compassion.

    Mmm, yes, you can really feel the compassion.
    Mmm, yes, you can really feel the compassion.Sourceupplied

    Please excuse me while I go practise my frugality by buying a luxury yacht.

    If Folau’s opinions were harmless they wouldn’t matter. But they’re not harmless, are they? That is why Australia’s football codes, rugby union among them, have worked so hard to reduce homophobia in their own communities in recent years.

    Young LGBTI people are five times more likely than the rest of the population to attempt suicide. I’m sure you have heard that statistic before. Surely someone has mentioned it to Folau by now.

    Does he care? Has he stopped wallowing in self-pity for long enough, at any point, to wonder whether young people’s mental health might be more important than his right to pop off the occasional Instagram post telling them how very damned they are?

    Which brings me to the last example of Folau’s cluelessness, and frankly, that of his cheer squad — the idea that his rights to freedom of speech and religion are under attack.

    Yes, Folau does have the right to say horrible, bigoted things. Nobody is stopping him.

    If Australia were the sort of country that actually suppressed speech, he would be collecting other people’s money from a prison cell.

    But freedom of speech does not give Folau the right to a multimillion-dollar rugby contract. It does not shield him from other people’s right to call out his hateful comments. And it does not entitle him to falsely play the victim.

    When Folau signed his most recent, $5 million contract with Rugby Australia, he agreed not to bring the sport into disrepute. By continuing to post hateful messages, he broke that promise, threatening to cost rugby more fans, sponsors and respect.

    He is the only person who should foot the bill for that.

    You can donate to Jensen’s family here, Mel’s family here and Piper’s family here. There are plenty of other worthy causes to choose from as well.

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  11. #401
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    “If I do carry hate or judgmental feelings towards them, I’m actually going against the very thing that I actually believe in and what my faith speaks about.”
    Good to see Folau’ hypocrisy on display.

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  12. #402
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jargan83 View Post
    Good to see Folau’ hypocrisy on display.
    He’s certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer

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    Proudly Western Australian; Proudly supporting Western Australian rugby

  13. #403
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Izzy Folau's GOFUNDME fine print:
    “In making this contribution I acknowledge that my contributions are made freely as a gift on the basis previously affirmed and that there will be no obligations on Israel Folau to do anything for me in recognition of the gift or to apply the funds in any particular way with respect to his legal action, and that I hold no expectation to receive anything in return for my contribution"

    Millions of reasons Israel Folau doesn’t deserve your money

    JUNE 22, 20195:29pm

    Always read the fine print.

    Especially in the case of giving money to those who don’t need it — and to be clear I’m talking about Israel Folau, former rugby star and self-proclaimed bastion of the moral high ground in this world of alleged vice and avarice.

    As of the time of this writing, his beguiling, self-serving GoFundMe campaign has raised over half-a-million Australian dollars out of the $3 million goal he has set.

    And at the bottom of it all is a caveat that despite his plea that “The money I am asking for is solely to fund the rest of my action in court,” is one that suggests those funds may be used however Folau deems necessary.

    RELATED: Joel Creasey challenges Israel Folau to TV debate

    RELATED: Israel Folau GoFundMe page donations soar

    RELATED: Folau raises half million for legal fight

    “In making this contribution I acknowledge that my contributions are made freely as a gift on the basis previously affirmed and that there will be no obligations on Israel Folau to do anything for me in recognition of the gift or to apply the funds in any particular way with respect to his legal action, and that I hold no expectation to receive anything in return for my contribution.”

    Israel Folau’s case should not cost more than 300k

    — Josh Bornstein (@JoshBBornstein) June 21, 2019
    If you are truely interested in supporting a Christian cause, promoting freedom, protecting kids & workers from exploitation, do not donate to the #Folau Fund. Support World Vision’s work on child slavery $3 Million would save the thousands of lives

    — Alex Greenwich MP (@AlexGreenwich) June 20, 2019
    It might just be me but that seems more than a little disingenuous — perhaps even greedy — of Folau. But then again, this is a man who has played professional sport in this country at the highest level since he was a 19-year-old. He has been a premiership hero, a national sporting icon and a failed AFL experiment but one thing he has never been in those years of professional sport is poor.

    His first non-rookie contract in the NRL was estimated to be worth $500,000 with the Brisbane Broncos. He signed a multimillion-dollar deal with the AFL shortly after that and went on to then join the NSW Waratahs and Rugby Australia since then, initially on a short term deal at around the $250,000 mark. He then went on to sign three multi-year multimillion-dollar contracts that were in play right up until the day his employment was terminated for a serious Code of Conduct breach — the infamous Instagram post that demanded hell awaits sinners — which (not for the first time) saw Folau target the gay community.

    Please if you want to do something positive donate to Davie, he is in the actual fight of his life right now ������

    — Sarah Queenan (@s_queenan) June 22, 2019
    At a conservative estimate, his earnings throughout that sporting career — not including endorsement deals — land somewhere in the realm of $8 million dollars over nine years. And to add to the millions in earnings, Folau also has a $5 million property portfolio, as reported by The Australian.

    If Folau is somehow destitute and actually needs money to fight RA in court, you’d have to wonder where it went.

    So as his GoFundMe clicks ever upwards — alongside those of parents who have kids battling tragic and horrifying terminal illnesses, regular people, whose innocent children are fighting for their lives — Australians and people around the world have somehow decided to give their hard-earned cash to a man who doesn’t need it. And to be as clear as Drew Mitchell put it, “you are in a fight that you chose to be in”.

    YOU are in a fight that YOU chose to be in after YOU broke the terms of YOUR contract, the kids below are in a fight they NEVER wanted to be in & yet YOU think YOU deserve donations more than they do??!!

    It’s no longer about religion, it’s about YOU and YOUR greed.@IzzyFolau ����*♂️

    — Drew Mitchell (@drew_mitchell) June 21, 2019
    Mitchell isn’t the only former Wallaby tweeting his distaste.

    Karmichael Hunt is out there retweeting and liking multiple anti-Folau posts that go up over the GoFundMe debacle.

    Israel Folau and Karmichael Hunt seemed to get along when they both moved to the AFL.
    Israel Folau and Karmichael Hunt seemed to get along when they both moved to the AFL.Source:News Limited

    People can do what they want with their money, it’s one of the perks of living in a free democracy. But are these 6,350 people and counting gullible, naive, stupid or just looking for a wannabe martyr to latch onto?

    I’d really like to know. Because at this point, Folau is trying to make a martyr of himself — nothing else. And he’s using a notoriously divisive media personality in Alan Jones to help him do it.

    What’s worse is what if these people who are chucking money at Folau are not seeking to make him a martyr, but just doing it for potentially bigoted reasons?

    Are they people who seemingly believe (like Folau) that homosexuality is a sin against God and the teachings of the bible? Or as Folau blindingly and horrifyingly put it in a sermon last week, angry about sin that’s about “man pleasing man” as he ‘paraphrased a book written 3,500 years ago’.

    For those considering a donation for @IzzyFolau on #GoFundMe consider this: he owns a $500k Lamborghini. He’s made millions from 3 sporting codes. Please help kids medical charities instead.

    — BUZZ ROTHFIELD (@BuzzRothfield) June 21, 2019
    I’d like to say I can’t imagine what it would be like to be subjected to that type of thinking, but sadly I’ve watched it happen. I’ve heard friends of mine, who are gay say they are initially uncomfortable around myself and some of my friends because they were picked on by ‘guys like us’ growing up. I watched another friend of mine break down and cry during the same-sex marriage plebiscite because of the vitriol thrown his way.

    That, in 2019 is horrifying to hear. It’s worse to watch. So when someone with a huge platform like Israel Folau preaches intolerance rightly or wrongly impressionable, naive or hateful people stand up and listen.

    And when he cries poor, they also believe him.

    Drew Mitchell doesn’t believe Israel Folau should be using GoFundMe for his own battle.
    Drew Mitchell doesn’t believe Israel Folau should be using GoFundMe for his own battle.Source:News Corp Australia

    Well, it’s time for that to stop. I implore anyone thinking about donating to Folau to think how this man could possibly need your money over sick kids, homeless people, animal welfare or human crises in the third world.

    What will giving him your money achieve, aside from keeping this already wealthy man in the lifestyle he is accustomed to and allowing him to preach hate?

    Israel #Folau aiming for $10m + for unfair dismissal pushing his personal misguided bigotry under the guise of religion. I hope he gets fleeced for the same in costs by his employer. What an ugly precedent if he’s successful. In addition I thought greed and vanity was a ‘sin’?

    — Antfarmer (@antfarmer) June 6, 2019
    As for Israel Folau, I would hope against hope he reads this.

    Israel, I hope you look deep into the mirror and consider the bible. I hope you do so every morning and consider that greed is one of the seven deadly sins and Australia already knows you’re a liar, because you have gone back on the word you gave to walk away when you wrote the following:

    “After we’d all talked, I told Raelene if she felt the situation had become untenable — that I was hurting Rugby Australia, its sponsors and the Australian rugby community to such a degree that things couldn’t be worked through — I would walk away from my contract, immediately.”

    You haven’t walked away from that “untenable situation”. If anything, you’ve doubled and tripled down in Trump-esque fashion, seeking more and taking more.

    Look to your own potential sins Israel and consider this passage from Hebrews 13:5: “Let your conversation be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have.”

    And please give people back this money you don’t need and don’t spend it on something that is about your own personal gain or your own poorly thought out vendetta. Continue the conversation with Paul Johnson @pjohnson_sports

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  14. #404
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    The Folau’s and I do mean both of them, Israel and Maria are the ultimate scabby f**ks.

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  15. #405
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    The media backlash on Izzy and Maria is almost as tasty as watching RA squirm whilst facing complete utter financial ruin

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