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Thread: "Warning homosexuals, hell awaits you, repent" - Israel Folau

  1. #346
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    Being inclusive he included ‘homosexuals’ and ‘homosexuals’ do fornicate. We are sexual beings so we do fornicate in some manner whether it is to your own sex or to the opposite sex. Fornication isn’t a choice.

    As for ‘lies’ I am sure your parents told you about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy. It then gets passed on to your kids. It is part of our culture. That is a cultural thing not a choice.

    In regards to idolators we did a fair bit of it as sports fans whether it was Lillee, waiting out the back of stands for autographs, Cash for Cans (Pat Cash), stretches with Merv the Swerve and telling people how good the Rugby is before the boys club ruined it.

    He said hell awaits you if you don’t take the opportunity to repent. It wasn’t a threat more an opportunity to go to God to repent from your sins.
    That Totally misses the point. Each and everyone of those are by choice, it is an opinion, or more so, an assumption, that each and everyone of us have committed atleast 1 or a few of those acts, and if we did it would be by choice, or 'free will' so to speak, and it would be our influences that would potentially shape us to commit those acts.

    Homosexuals do not fit into this category. They do not choose to be gay, they are born like it, and out of all the people Folau has condemned to hell, homosexuals are the only group that have been lumped in to that list that uniquely fit into the category of simply having sinned for being biologically born a certain way.

    To actually ignore this and dismiss it just shows how little some parts of our society have progressed and how certain dark elements of our society still openly discriminate despite the damage and hurt this causes a certain group of people and yet hide behind draconian outdated religious views that divide society more so than unite it due to its outright ignorance.

    There isnt many groups that are outright condemened or discriminated against for being born a certain way, race is one of them, homosexuals another also people born as intersex. Its a very unique list and you are welcome to add a few more.

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    Last edited by SPaRTAN; 06-06-19 at 21:51.

  2. #347
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    And just so everyone is aware, the exact passage that Folau quoted does NOT mention homosexuals. Israel Folau included homosexuals into that list himself.

    The bible quote is below which reads nothing like his main instagram post which he himself fabricated and created. Israel can not make a legal argument that he quoted the bible when he included homosexuals and merely just quoted a passage.

    Those that are living in Sin will end up in Hell unless you repent. Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.

    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these , adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
    Galatians 5:19-21 KJV

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  3. #348
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Homosexuals are no different to other fornicators. We are all fornicators. Yes they are born that way but at they end of the day they are fornicators.

    Folau is born the way he is with his ethnic background and faith to take away his livelihood while retaining the likes of Hunt, Beale, etc who committed their breaches by choice and kept their jobs by putting out apologetic statements written by others is a disgrace. The RA have made a massive mountain out of a molehill which could put them out of business while Beale is still employed and uncle Cam is still stinking up the joint. Uncle Cam’s only recent media appearance while Raelene is going deeply under the bus was on the left leaning ABC radio.

    The sponsors need to have a look at themselves too particularly with their choices and statements. Land Rover are a disgrace with their signature of Beale who has multiple DUIs, driving while suspended on his record and cost his employer at least 800k in an out of court settlement in the Patston sexual harassment matter. They didn’t hesitate in dropping Carter after one offence which was stupid but that is his only offence in a 17 year career and Folau no DUIs, no sexual harassment cases, vacuum videos, etc. With a simple bad decision in choosing who they choose to present their brand no wonder they are broke.

    The NRL should also wind their necks in considering that the likes of Matt Lodge and Russell Packer are running around in the League.

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  4. #349
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    And just so everyone is aware, the exact passage that Folau quoted does NOT mention homosexuals. Israel Folau included homosexuals into that list himself.

    The bible quote is below which reads nothing like his main instagram post which he himself fabricated and created. Israel can not make a legal argument that he quoted the bible when he included homosexuals and merely just quoted a passage.

    Those that are living in Sin will end up in Hell unless you repent. Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.

    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these , adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
    Galatians 5:19-21 KJV
    Homosexuality which is another way of fornicating wasn’t known when that script was written but the post was a dig at the Tasmanian Parliament who on the same day voted on taking out gender on birth certificates (which I think is stupid). This was the same state that banned homosexuality up until a very recent decade.

    My guessing is that Folau’s interpretation is that the state is making up for their past sins of discriminating against homosexuals who are in an equal world are just fornicators.

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  5. #350
    Legend Court Reporter
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    Mark Latham adding his voice to the Folau campaign. At some point you have to ask yourself, if everyone in my corner who backs me is a fuckwit, does that make me a fuckwit too?

    Yes, Israel. Yes, you are.

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  6. #351
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    Homosexuals are no different to other fornicators. We are all fornicators. Yes they are born that way but at they end of the day they are fornicators.

    Folau is born the way he is with his ethnic background and faith to take away his livelihood while retaining the likes of Hunt, Beale, etc who committed their breaches by choice and kept their jobs by putting out apologetic statements written by others is a disgrace. The RA have made a massive mountain out of a molehill which could put them out of business while Beale is still employed and uncle Cam is still stinking up the joint. Uncle Cam’s only recent media appearance while Raelene is going deeply under the bus was on the left leaning ABC radio.

    The sponsors need to have a look at themselves too particularly with their choices and statements. Land Rover are a disgrace with their signature of Beale who has multiple DUIs, driving while suspended on his record and cost his employer at least 800k in an out of court settlement in the Patston sexual harassment matter. They didn’t hesitate in dropping Carter after one offence which was stupid but that is his only offence in a 17 year career and Folau no DUIs, no sexual harassment cases, vacuum videos, etc. With a simple bad decision in choosing who they choose to present their brand no wonder they are broke.

    The NRL should also wind their necks in considering that the likes of Matt Lodge and Russell Packer are running around in the League.
    Fornicators are people who have sex outside of marriage. Not everyone is a fornicator despite what you think.

    If you believe all homosexuals are automatically fornicators (which they are not as far as Im concerned) then why single out and add homosexuals to the list when the bible makes no reference to them and then try and hide behind biblical text?

    He openly discriminated against gays publically and is now paying the price. A whole $5million. And Israel only has his mentally abusive dad to blame

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  7. #352
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    Fornicators are people who have sex outside of marriage. Not everyone is a fornicator despite what you think.

    If you believe all homosexuals are automatically fornicators (which they are not as far as Im concerned) then why single out and add homosexuals to the list when the bible makes no reference to them and then try and hide behind biblical text?

    He openly discriminated against gays publically and is now paying the price. A whole $5million. And Israel only has his mentally abusive dad to blame
    They want to be treated as equals and last year a ban on gay marriages was lifted. They are fornicators like the rest of us.

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  8. #353
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    Folau has a better chance under a stacked Liberal Party WRC than a Get Up/ALP/Green Commission full of people who get offended at anything. That isn’t the ALP I grew up with. The Liberal Party isn’t the same as it used to be.

    As the election result proved particularly given the hammering they received in Qld the ALP/Green alliance alienated workers in electorates that were close to coal mines and future ones like the Carmichael mine near Blackwater an area that has been hit hard by unemployment. The Get Up/ALP/Green alliance have delayed the mine approval and their Qld Government have played their part (they will get destroyed in the next State Election).

    Didn’t even gain a seat in WA another area they ignored.

    They were more heavily focussed on booting Abbott and Dutton out of their jobs than concentrating on protecting and creating jobs for average Australians.

    Folau has a lot of political support including former ALP Federal Opposition Leader Mark Latham, A certain Tasmanian Senator who has already written to the WRC and former deputy PM Barnaby Joyce. This is go with the financial backing he has for his case.
    Barnaby Joyce is a solid person to have in your corner. One of the leaders of the campaign for traditional family values, until he was caught potting someone that worked for him and tried to create a job for her in a political mates office.

    I do agree that the ALP went to far to the left at the election or seemed indecisive but let's pretend the Libs have any level of competency, we have a returned government that announced one policy that is unlikely to implemented. A returned government that is plagued by just as much factional in fighting as Labor were from 2010 - 2013. A Government that is up there in the corruption stakes with the best of them from Michaelia Cash leaking info to the media about Federal Police activities (leaks are good when it's the government right?), Dutton's Au Pair (I guess Dutton is pro refugee when they're white, from Europe and pretty)

    The same Carmichael coal mine that Adani is planning to automate from pit to port so after the construction phase I guess all those out of work Queenslander's will be back on the dole line, provided they get work in the first place because Adani is planning to import a lot of it's workforce. Currently no rail agreement with Aurizon (which isn't government owned, I'd know because I bought shares in the company at launch) and Aurizon aren't in a hurry to negotiate. Lastly on Adani, the company that is going to be selling the type of coal for $68 a tonne when it's going to cost $88 dollars a tonne to mine?

    The same Liberal government that campaigned on a budget surplus that hasn't actually happened yet, claims strong economic management yet there has been no wage growth since they were elected in 2013, have tripled national debt which they hammer Labor for, is it "good debt" when it's Liberal debt. The same Liberal government that booby trapped the budget because even they were convinced they'd be sitting on the opposition benches.

    Probably not the place for a political rant.

    I hope Izzy wins or settles purely because I have a hatred of Rugby Australia. I give zero shit's for his desire to become a religious pariah. If he want's to believe in an imaginary sky being with super powers good luck to him but he can do it on his own time not his employers or maybe he can set his instagram to private.

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  9. #354
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    The RA action and reaction to this shitstorm has the pervasive arrogant and egotistical stench of Cameron Clyne all over it along with Castles poorly thought out race to political correctness .Taniela Tupou got it right ( he said )......What has this got to do with rugby SERIOUSLY.
    Let the lawyers now profit .....

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    Last edited by bootsetal06; 07-06-19 at 10:07.

  10. #355
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Jargan, Palmer spent a power of money to keep the ALP out power and his next goal will be to send Qld state Labor in to opposition so he can reopen the ports they have closed.

    The ALP went for an unrealistic 42% remissions reduction target, pissed off workers (don’t see many from Labor supporting Folau) and were looking to hit retirees. Completely unelectable.

    Katter is looking at opening an Inquiry in to the influence that the sponsor Qantas had on Folau’s employer who terminated his contract. Castle is already on record saying that they approached Qantas. If it gets the go ahead the newly named Defence Minister will be delighted to see the RA back answering questions.

    At least the right are looking out for the worker in this case and have the power to stand up to bullies like the RA.

    Quote Originally Posted by bootsetal06 View Post
    The RA action and reaction to this shitstorm has the pervasive arrogant and egotistical stench of Cameron Clyne all over it along with Castles poorly thought out race to political correctness .Taniela Tupou got it right ( he said )......What has this got to do with rugby SERIOUSLY.
    Let the lawyers now profit .....

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  11. #356
    Veteran Sheikh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jargan83 View Post
    ...(leaks are good when it's the government right?)...
    One of my favourite Yes, Prime Minister quotes:
    Bernard: That's one of those irregular verbs, isn't it? I conduct confidential briefings, you leak, he has been charged under Secton 2a of the Official Secrets Act.

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  12. #357
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    I think I'll nip out and get me some popcorn.

    Maybe someone should lighten this thread up. It's turning into a sort of Spanish Inquisition. And I wasn't expecting that.

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  13. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by jargan83 View Post
    Probably not the place for a political rant.
    You got that part right

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  14. #359
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shasta View Post

    I think I'll nip out and get me some popcorn.

    Maybe someone should lighten this thread up. It's turning into a sort of Spanish Inquisition. And I wasn't expecting that.
    No worries.

    Will be interesting to see if Katter gets this through. Steggall will have pressure from constituents as Warringah is a Rugby electorate featuring clubs that have little time for the RA. Her old man played the game back in the day.

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  15. #360
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    Bob Katter. Cares about suicide rates in regional Australia. Seems not to care about suicide rates in the LGBTI community. Hypocritical if you ask me. I suppose it comes with the territory.

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