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Thread: The future of WA rugby

  1. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alison View Post
    Great thinking Kala. This is the perfect time to get creative about how we are going to ‘supercharge’ community rugby in WA in our new era.
    Keep these Ideas coming. My focus has been and will continue to be on Community. We have started dialogue with a bunch of people and organisations. I worry about Volunteer fatigue at Clubs, the costs for our talented juniors to play in tournaments over East and engaging with Schools to name a few. You guys will be integral in growing the game.

    However, right now, a few of us are going to chill until early January and the prepare for our forum on the 17th and accelerate into our new competition.

    May I take this time to personally thank Scott Staniforth in Sydney - fellow board member and hardworking supporter in a hostile environment, David Vaux also in Sydney, our combatant and source of substantial encouragement. He attended meetings on our behalf, took Clyne and board members to task in public forums and against all odds, stood up for us in Sydney and prosecuted our values and that of our code, Dean Hely - you guys will never know how much he put into our fight - Dean and his team worked nights, weekends and many many hours for our cause, Trevor Cook - Kalla President - until now - but his passion for community and what the Force meant to us was incessant and valuable, Charlie Fear - whose wisdom and also countless hours prosecuting our financial credentials and substantial personal contribution kept the fight going, Mark Folkard - whilst joining us only recently on the board, took our cause into the heart of State Government and lobbied ministers and pollies to support our cause, Tony Howarth - let me say that his leadership and stewardship was measured and together with the time and resources he put into our case, inspired us all to win, John Edwards - a feisty - take no prisoners and consummate combatant - I am sure he must have been a scrum half - Johnny is our energiser bunny, who has created a relationship with Minderoo that will serve all of us beneficially for years to come, Mark Sinderberry - the absolute best Sports Administrator in the world, Mark placed his professional career on the line and maintained a dignified and ethical position throughout, Bob Hunter - what can I say - he has had to engage with our executioners and continue to argue for our cause - just imagine for one minute having to fly to Sydney after what has taken place over the preceding 12 months and sit across the table from people where honesty and trust is in short supply and work out a future for our community.

    Geoff Stooke - will this guy ever lie down??? Mentor and advisor, he sacrificed his position on the ARU board being the only member of that board with ethics and principles.

    Besides the above, lets not forget our RugbyWA employees, who have lived through uncertainty for months and yet carried out their tasks diligently and professionally.

    To all community Club presidents and committees, as well as the Junior union, and my fellow CRACians - kept everything moving ahead, kept encouraging and supporting our fight and already now, looking to 2018 and beyond.

    To Ali and Senator Linda Reynolds, two of the most tenacious and motivated ladies I have ever met, and finally you guys - Thank you.

    There is an old saying - "who would you want in the trenches alongside you to maintain the fight? " My answer - everyone mentioned here and across the wider community including those in Victoria, NSW and QLD - you know who you are and you may google a poem written anonymously titled " Man in the Mirror" to understand what we are about.

    So many clubs have new Presidents and committees and I expect some new enthusiasm and ideas.

    I can see Friday night carnivals at club grounds, packed to the rafters, touring teams and events for our team, more resources to help with subs and trips and growing our committed Sea of Blue to the point where perhaps we may even outgrow NIB!!!

    Our financial future is whole lot more secure and hopefully our reliance with RA will be on pathways, game management, coaching and referee education.

    Happy Christmas Everyone

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  2. #287
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    Hansie, and don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back. Huge effort you and from many people.

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  3. #288
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UAUdiver1959 View Post
    Time to let the new RugbyWA team get on with business and us mere mortals focus on ASIC and the ATO.

    It’s great Twiggy’s team have moved into the one building with RugbyWA. More cohesive.
    Two things:

    - Do whatever it takes to help dig dirt on the cartel to assist ASIC and the ATO. Due to tax agreements with NZ's Inland Revenue get them interested in monitoring the activities of Cox and his fellow Kiwi's involved with the Rebels' board and financial mismanagement
    - Someone table up a document of ideas on here to be presented to the Rugby WA forum on Jan 17

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  4. #289
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    Two things:

    - Do whatever it takes to help dig dirt on the cartel to assist ASIC and the ATO. Due to tax agreements with NZ's Inland Revenue get them interested in monitoring the activities of Cox and his fellow Kiwi's involved with the Rebels' board and financial mismanagement
    - Someone table up a document of ideas on here to be presented to the Rugby WA forum on Jan 17
    Look, this is a little outside the square, but is New Zealand more or less strict on dodging tax. I got told a while back that despite being a small island nation they were actually more strict than the likes of AUS and USA. But without having dodged tax or setup any unit trusts its hard to tell..

    And on a side note has anyone posted this web sites URL to ASIC ? Im sure this site has produced enough juicy info to keep ASIC honest for a decade!! I see Clyne is in damage control speaking to his mates, it wont work, the damage is done!!!

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  5. #290
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    They have had to cop on over the years due to people going abroad and not paying back their student loans.

    They can go after Kiwis doing business in Australi

    It is better to document the information posted here

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  6. #291
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perth Girl View Post
    The updates have finished for the year, Nick Hartman has left and the other Nick has finished for the year. RugbyReg is still posting on the forums
    Yep and what will kill the Roar is the amount of posts in moderation. On their Cricket tab height of the Ashes there are hardly any posts. The Bairstow stuff about the sledging, etc has about 400 posts on the Daily Mail. The Roar should have at least 50 t 100 as it is an Australian site and defending Australian players should generate comments.

    Rugby tab Nick Bishop's article about the north closing the gap on the south, the comments have been boosted by defensive Kiwis stuck in the amateur era and English posters refuting them.

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    'I may be a Senator but I am not stupid'

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  7. #292
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    Hey Hansie, how did the radio interview go on 720? I missed it

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  8. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by mothy View Post
    Hey Hansie, how did the radio interview go on 720? I missed it
    I heard it, very good.. was nice to know that it seems universally accepted we were screwed over by RA and it was a mistake to get rid of the Force!!

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  9. #294
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jules View Post
    I heard it, very good.. was nice to know that it seems universally accepted we were screwed over by RA and it was a mistake to get rid of the Force!!
    and we dont just roll over and die because they dont want us.

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    "12 Years a Supporter" starring the #SeaOfBlue

  10. #295
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    Michael Lynagh is not only one of the headiest players to have pulled on the gold jersey for Australia but also one of the most measured.

    Even after all those years as a commentator for Sky Sports UK, he still carefully weighs up everything he has to say about rugby.

    So the fact that he has involved himself in a project as radical and innovative, indeed as “way out” as Andrew Forrest’s Indo Pacific Rugby Championship is, at first glance, utterly surprising. As he himself says, “I am putting my reputation on the line.”

    It is, let it be said, a reputation of some significance in the game — as one of the linchpins of the 1984 Grand Slam, the 1986 Bledisloe Cup series win in New Zealand and, of course, the Wallabies’ 1991 World Cup triumph. He is a Wallaby Hall of Famer, an International Rugby Hall of Famer and a player who, in the long history of the game, ranks as one of the 50 most influential players of all time, at least as far as former England captain Will Carling is concerned.

    GRAPHIC: The Indo Pacific Rugby Championship

    So he does not lend his name lightly to a project as daring as Forrest’s IPRC. Initially his involvement extended no further than smoothing the way for Forrest and his team to meet the movers and shakers of World Rugby, the likes of Bill Beaumont and Brett Gosper. Since then, however, his participation has grown, to the point where he is helping to negotiate with Rugby Australia, albeit it from London.

    In the process, he has become the most articulate and persuasive of spokesmen for the IPRC. I confess to being sceptical of the project, along with virtually everyone else involved in Australian rugby, but Lynagh is so reasoned and thoughtful that it’s at last sounding not just doable but desirable.

    The key is Rugby Australia. If they do not sanction it, then Forrest has basically two options — to fold up his tent and retreat, in which case Australian rugby will miss out on potentially more money than has ever been poured into the game anywhere in the world; or he can fight. As the *former Australian Cricket Board could attest after its battle with Kerry Packer, as rugby league *discovered when it took on Rupert Murdoch in the Super League war, fighting billionaires with pockets so deep is pretty much an *invitation to disaster.

    So the day of decision is fast *arriving for Rugby Australia. *Indeed, it is upon them. If the IPRC is to be up and running in time for a February 2019 start date, running in direct opposition to Super Rugby which was, curiously, Australia’s and SANZAAR preference, then it must be *approved by next week in order to give Forrest’s people time to *arrange franchises, teams, coaches, playing rosters, stadium, *sponsors … you name it, in fact.

    This is a competition being built from scratch. In fact, it may already be too long delayed, with a player such as Matt Toomua re-signing with Leicester when arguably be could be have been a prime target for the IPRC, which in turn could have released him to the Wallabies for the 2019 World Cup.

    Lynagh is sympathetic to the fact that RA has had a lot on its plate this year and is in the process of changing it chief executive. But he also is mystified. “When somebody comes in and says he wants to start up a new competition providing first-class rugby to the people of Western Australia and, by the way, wants to help out Australia by bringing players back from overseas or preventing players from going overseas, and wants to help with grassroots, schools, coaching — all sorts of things are possible — you’d think that the red carpet would be rolled out, with trumpets blaring.”

    That hasn’t happened. Forrest’s relationship with the national governing body was strained from the outset, with the then ARU attempting to, and eventually succeeding, in kicking the club he followed, the Western Force, out of Super Rugby. So it all started with animosity and there’s plenty of that still in the air but Lynagh believes that for the good of the game, it must be put aside.

    World Rugby and Asian Rugby have given the project their tentative endorsement but, frankly, there is only upside for them in the IPRC. Forrest is promising to open up arguably the last great frontier for rugby, Asia, while also vowing to create a meaningful competition for the Pacific Islanders. At its most basic, he is doing World Rugby’s job for them. Small wonder they are cheering him on.

    So too the long overlooked nations that make up Asian Rugby. Forrest is intending to launch a competition that would have been beyond them for at least the next 20 years. If the Western Force has no other legacy — and it surely has others — then this alone would give the club a meaningful place in the history of the game.

    No, the only organisation which has, potentially, the most to lose out of the IPRC is RA. If it gives its blessing to the competition, it could be the ruin of its *Wallaby selection criteria — with rugby going down the road of *soccer, where all the good players head abroad. It could also leave Sydney’s Shute Shield and *Brisbane’s Premier Rugby open to crippling raids as Forrest *potentially attempts to fill out his playing rosters.

    “Clubs are all worried about us stealing players,” said Lynagh. “We don’t want to do that. We don’t necessarily need to do that when you look at all the players who are available, in Europe, in Japan and in the islands. Ultimately we’ll try to make it (the IPRC) equal to the best Super Rugby. But look at this year’s competition. Some of the games between lower-ranked sides (think, for instance, the game between the Force and the Kings) were exciting, even though they weren’t of the standard of the Hurricanes playing the Crusaders.”

    In order to bring those overseas-based players home to Australia, Lynagh accepts that the IPRC will have to make it worth their while. “If I’m an engineer and get offered three times my wage to work in France, everyone congratulates me. But in the case of sport, which is such an emotional thing, if we don’t quite condemn players for going to France, we at least question their loyalty *because they’re going to be earning a life-changing amount.”

    Australia could bury its head in the sand where the player drain is concerned, but for how long? The loss of 350 players, mainly to *Europe, has decimated South *Africa and the Springboks — and Australia could follow. “And there’s also the question of *whether the influx of foreign players is good for France,” said Lynagh. “At the moment, I’d say no.”

    Lynagh’s personal view is that the north-south divide in rugby is becoming less relevant. Increasing, he says, the game should be divided vertically, not horizontally, where everything can be worked into the same time zones. It also would help player welfare by reducing the number of days players spend flying around the world for matches.

    Long term, the IPRC could become the basis of a post-2020 arrangement after the Super Rugby broadcast deal expires. If South Africa does move north, the way would be open for New Zealand, with its five teams, to join Australia — with the Force reactivated — and Forrest’s five teams in Asia. “At the moment, that’s not our initial goal but it certainly is a prospect,” said Lynagh.

    So, with Forrest indicating he will pour $100 million a year into rugby for the next decade — not exclusively Australian rugby, mind you — RA must decide how far it is prepared to push out the boats to accommodate him. Lynagh’s modest expectation is that they may extend Wallaby eligibility to the players in the Perth team — which surely will be the “Western Force” following news yesterday that the name had been returned to the West — but not to those Australians based elsewhere in the other Asian teams. And even that is only a maybe.

    The real test of RA’s commitment is whether it is prepared to come to commercially realistic terms about the length of its commitment. If Forrest is to go to the expense of pushing through this competition, he deserves a long-term “lease” not one that’s going to expire in five years’ time, or worse, when the SANZAAR broadcast deal expires in 2020.

    “If you had a lease on a flat for only a year, you’re not going to spend $60,000 on a kitchen, are you?” he asked.

    Lynagh has watched from afar as Australian rugby has gone through its annus horribilis but now he believes RA can begin to turn the game around.

    “They’ve been in bunker mode and I think they are still in that mode with us. RA needs a good news story and this is a good news story. As long as we are all mature and document things properly, we can make this work. We know we have to prove ourselves to Australia. I wouldn’t have got involved if I didn’t have that as one of my primary motives.”

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  11. #296
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    But finally, thanks to some adept negotiations between the new RugbyWA chairman John Edwards and Rugby Australia chief executive Bill Pulver — with a little persuasive effort in the background by billionaire supporter Andrew Forrest thrown in — the national body has wiped all of the Rugby WA’s outstanding legal fees. “With Andrew’s help, we have convinced RA and other creditors to wipe the balance sheet clean, giving us a fresh start,” *Edwards said.
    There were a few puzzled people in Sydney over the weekend.

    After the anti-WA desk thumping which has been going on in Sydney for the past couple of months, they were a wee bit surprised to hear that Pulver and the ARU/RA had rolled over so quickly, and apparently so completely.

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  12. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by FingerTips View Post
    There were a few puzzled people in Sydney over the weekend.

    After the anti-WA desk thumping which has been going on in Sydney for the past couple of months, they were a wee bit surprised to hear that Pulver and the ARU/RA had rolled over so quickly, and apparently so completely.
    Bit of stick and carrot style negotiation from Twiggy and others?

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  13. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by mothy View Post
    Hey Hansie, how did the radio interview go on 720? I missed it

    Tim Gable and Karen Tighe - Year in review - yours truly around the 9:50mark.

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  14. #299
    Veteran beige's Avatar
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    Good interview again Hansie. I might be reading too much into your answers but you didn't sound overly confident on the IPRC?

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  15. #300
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Yeah that interview didn't give me much hope that we will have the Force playing in a pro comp in the next few years. There seems to be a general consensus amongst fans that the Spirit should remain the amateur/semi pro side. Which leads me to the next question, now that we have the naming rights back where will the Force play? Hopefully not just a few exhibition matches a year!

    I hate the RA board, especially Eales(who should have known better) so much right now. Not only did they kill our side, they are hell bent on creating as many roadblocks as they can to ensure the Force are removed from existance forever. The decision to cull the Force was cruel and hugely painful (and still is), i really hope we arent stuck watching the Force play NRC moving forward, not if there isnt another comp to follow during superrugby season. I still don't know why an EGM meeting hasnt been called to cull the board and remove Clyne, the damage Clyne has caused this sport is irrepairable. I really do hope he rots in hell for this!

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