I wonder what side this bloke comes in from? His sever lack of any knowledge of scrummaging and the fact he mentions 'rumours' that the ELV's are a Australian conspiracy to devalue the scrum, despite all statistics to the otherwise show he is a troll of the highest order. Or maybe he is 10 years old, who knows.

But then again I have a mate who constantly tries to devalue rugby, usually with the argument that they are 'meatheads' despite the fact there is a huge outweighing of educated top level rugby players compared to AFL. So I put this down to the regular anti-Rugby dullards who know nothing of the game but gain satisfaction by putting it down to get over the fact no one outside of Australia (and northern england) actually gives a shit about their game.

PS. I think every rugby fan should prop at least one game, it would show just how integral and taxing it is to be a prop.