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Thread: What's an 18 year-old kid to do..

  1. #16
    Legend Contributor Thequeerone's Avatar
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    61 years between Grand Slams Was the wait worth it - Ya betta baby

  2. #17
    Veteran Swee_82's Avatar
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    Sorry, no matter how many times I've had a few beverages, I've never once managed to attract the attention of the coppers- including the time some drunk woman wanted to start a fight. Is it so hard to have a couple with your mates without doing so???

    I agree with TIF, a few quiet moments with Brownie are in order.

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  3. #18
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    It's not that Swee....the coppers just like a good bitchfight

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    C'mon the

  4. #19
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    i agree with that (swee's post, Gigs got in before I got mine up)

    I have had my fair share of outings where the alcohol has flowed more then freely, and apparently I have a short temper and yet have never got into a fight or needed the police to intervene or give me a move on order.

    If I was given a move on order odds are I would have listened to it.

    Regardless of private citizen or not X he defied a lawfull order to move on. He is not above the powers of the law like so many young adults (18-25) seem to think
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  5. #20
    Veteran TOCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exile View Post
    How many 18 year olds are asked to "move along" on the Gold Coast each week?

    Why is this 18 year old any different to any other?

    Was he wearing his out in public Western Force wear - representing the Emirates Western Force?

    Was he wearing his out in public Wallabies wear - representing the Wallabies.

    Was he out during the Western Force or Wallabies Season? Nope he was on his approved annual leave.

    Nope he was J'OC - a private citizen. Out having drinks with his mates.

    Why is this headline news? Why is it even in the paper?
    He is a professional athlete, he gets paid enormous amounts of money to represent the team and sport, not just for the time he is on the field but for the whole year. If he doesnt want to be a public figure then he really chose a bad career path, sponsor and corporate supporters dont like to see there clubs players getting in trouble or making nuisances of themselves, they are worried about there image being tarnished as well. Yes i know this is a verry mundane incident, but he did break the law, its that simple.

    I have being to Surfers Paradise plenty of times and have first hand experience of the move on laws, its not uncommon down there because a lot of fights break out constantly, possibly due to it being a holiday destination and everyone getting looser then they normally do. I cant speak about JOC's incident, but when a friend was told to 'move-on' the police were very clear about what they expect.

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  6. #21
    Apprentice Bookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by jargan83 View Post
    Regardless of private citizen or not X he defied a lawfull order to move on. He is not above the powers of the law like so many young adults (18-25) seem to think
    Posted via Mobile Device
    I never once said he is above the law - I am saying that this is not a news item

    Fireman rescues cat from a burning house - is news.

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    Port Macquarie

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!" - Rocky Balboa

  7. #22
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    travelling_gerry's Avatar
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    Wallaby whizkid in trouble again
    December 22nd, 2008

    A TALENTED young Wallaby from the Gold Coast has reportedly been rushed into a specialised mentoring and life-skills training program after being arrested in Surfers Paradise earlier this month.

    It was reported yesterday that 18-year-old James O'Connor, above, and his manager Anthony Picone had travelled to Sydney on Friday for crisis talks with Australian Rugby Union officials, including national team coach Robbie Deans, after an incident involving police last Saturday.

    The Western Force rugby union player, whose Gold Coast-based family lives at Paradise Point, was taken into custody in the early hours of the morning after reportedly disobeying a police order to 'move on' following an alleged altercation in a nightclub. He was charged with contravening a direction and later released.

    Following Friday's talks, the teenager will reportedly be teamed with a mentor -- possibly an older Australian teammate -- and given life skills training.

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    The young Wallaby's family and manager maintained a low profile yesterday as news of his arrest broke.

    The Bulletin made several attempts to contact O'Connor through his parents and his manager but calls were not returned. ARU representatives could not be contacted either.

    In yesterday's report detailing the Surfers Paradise incident, O'Connor was quoted as saying he did not wish to jeopardise his fledgling career and needed to be aware of the problems of becoming a high-profile sportsman at such a young age.

    Earlier this year, O'Connor was counselled by Western Force management after an alleged incident at a Perth house party.

    Mr Picone said the ARU would be putting a 'support network' around the talented young footballer.

    Just five weeks ago, O'Connor made headlines for all the right reasons when on a tour of Europe he became the second youngest player to represent the Wallabies.

    His test performance against the Barbarians earlier this month -- during which he kicked eight points in an 18-11 win -- was widely praised.

    During that tour he was also pictured in the pages of this newspaper meeting the Queen while carrying a stuffed wallaby, which the youngest player on an Australian rugby union tour must traditionally look after.

    After watching his son's full test debut against the Barbarians, O'Connor's father Warren was full of pride for the Wallaby.

    "He's had challenges growing up in the sports world because as a person of smaller stature you have to work twice as hard. It's been a massive emotional journey for not only him but (mum) Tina and myself because we feel all the highs and lows with him," he said.

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  8. #23
    Veteran TOCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exile View Post
    I never once said he is above the law - I am saying that this is not a news item

    Fireman rescues cat from a burning house - is news.
    a Wallaby getting arrested is a high interest item, hence it makes news.. regarless if it was for a petty offence or not..

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  9. #24
    Apprentice Bookie
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    I am sorry TOCC - i guess you just aren't getting the point I am trying to make.

    Why does the media continue to insist to put our sportsmen and women on a pedestal? Yes they can kick/catch/throw a ball better then most and yes the best of the best get paid a hell of a lot for it. But what makes some petty indiscretion front or back page news?

    Why don't we treat our sportsmen and women just like everyone else- of the 100 people that were asked to "move along" by the Gold Coast Police - why have they now singled one out for this media coverage?

    Did the economy get fixed all of a sudden, all the soldiers of the world get sent home because there were no more wars left to fight. John Daly given up his 2 cameras a day phone tossing habit?

    They are news items. A 18 year old kid out with his friends being asked to move along isn't a news item. It happens so often that I am sure that the local coppers wish they had better things to do.

    But because this kid has signed a contract with the Wallabies and with the Western Force how does it all of a sudden become news?

    Was he playing a game of Rugby Union at the time of the incident - did he trip over the sideline and fall on top of the police officers.

    Was he at an official function wearing his Wallabies Tie and Blazer. Nope

    so why have the media put him on a pedestal?

    If he worked for Maccas filling the Chocolate Shake machine with pig fat Monday to Friday and got asked to move along by the Gold Coast Constabulary, would that have been news worthy? Of course not - so surely J'OC has the right to be treated just like any other 18 year old.

    We need to stop the media treating our sports stars differently to the rest of the community. No more no less - they are just the same as everyone else.

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    Port Macquarie

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!" - Rocky Balboa

  10. #25
    Veteran TOCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exile View Post
    I am sorry TOCC - i guess you just aren't getting the point I am trying to make.

    Why does the media continue to insist to put our sportsmen and women on a pedestal? Yes they can kick/catch/throw a ball better then most and yes the best of the best get paid a hell of a lot for it. But what makes some petty indiscretion front or back page news?
    yes, and i guess your missing my point as well

    when i say high interest item i am using media 'slang', i am reffering to items/reports which make interesting news, things such as politicians, professional athletes, war and economy are all high interest items.

    These are items which continually rate highly with the consumer, the ones that continually draw high attention. It is only because they draw high attention that they are continually publishing these reports. People like, you, the rest of the TWF forum and myself are the reason these articles keep getting reported, because we read them...

    That is a honest answer to your question, about why the media continually post articles on sports stars..

    Its interesting that you say the athletes should be treated no different to everyone else...
    Well that kind of works against the powers of professional rugby, endorsements, sponsors and broadcasting rights are all built on the profile of the game, the teams and the players, they all work in unison to make the whole package work, you cant take the players out and expect the rest of it still to work, well actually it probably would it just wouldnt be worth as much.

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  11. #26
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exile View Post
    Why does the media continue to insist to put our sportsmen and women on a pedestal? Yes they can kick/catch/throw a ball better then most and yes the best of the best get paid a hell of a lot for it.
    I doubt JO'C earns more than an Air leg or Jumbo operator underground in Kalgoorlie.

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    Posted via space

    Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  12. #27
    Veteran laura's Avatar
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    I agree with Ex in saying why is it that an 18 year old kid getting a move on notice is of any significance, but at the same time I agree with TOCC in saying "Yes i know this is a verry mundane incident, but he did break the law, its that simple."

    I don't think the point of the article was 'because he is a sportsperson, lets shame him' me its more a case of if you do the wrong thing you will get caught, no matter who you are. They're making a spectacle of him, because he is a role model, and the media can use that to say 'do the crime do the time' even for the most menial crimes. Mentioning that he didn't retaliate would also be part of their 'look at him' kind of thing, because he IS an 18 year old kid and he DIDN'T fight back.

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  13. #28
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The InnFORCEr View Post
    A bit of one on one time with Brown Dog may sort him out.
    Quokka tossing?????

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    Posted via space

    Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  14. #29
    Legend Court Reporter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamethrower View Post
    I doubt JO'C earns more than an Air leg or Jumbo operator underground in Kalgoorlie.
    I think he's on close to $300,000 a season. Surprised? How much does an Air leg or Jumbo operator get paid?

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    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.

  15. #30
    Apprentice Bookie
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    We could battle over this one for the next six months and still not get any where.

    I wish to offer this article - that I wrote a while back.

    I think I said it better then.

    If no one else were to reply - does that imply I win the argument?

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    Port Macquarie

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!" - Rocky Balboa

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