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Thread: Official Alan Jones thread

  1. #406
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    See what the ATO say about this as I don’t think that Rugby is the only sport that has this type of foundation.

    Fine if the money is to go in to the sport to assist clubs, schools and communities but a definite no when it goes to player payments and political agendas.

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  2. #407
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    With a board that states it is there to make business decisions for the good of the game having someone there for the sake of deversity is a waste of a seat and making yourself unaccountable for atrocious Rugby decisions like they have made over the past three years. Having boards like this heavily backfired for Cricket and they have destroyed pathways for the sake of cash grabs.

    Get a former Wallaroos player like Mollie Gray or a older head such as Sally Loane on to the board. I wonder what Pip Marlow has to offer? I believe she is another former executive banker.
    Putting a woman on a board just for the sake of gender diversity is a big bug bear of mine! A board should be made up of people with a blend of skills, backgrounds and experience so that well-rounded decisions can be made. I don’t care whether they are male, female, black, white, Christain or Muslim or anything in between as long as they have been selected purely on merit in accordance with the blend required. I doubt that Clyne would know merit if it hit him in the face. Therein lies the problem with RA.

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  3. #408
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alison View Post
    I doubt that Clyne would know merit if it hit him in the face. Therein lies the problem with RA.
    Merit HAS hit him in the face, remember Twiggy rejected him.

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  4. #409
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    Merit HAS hit him in the face, remember Twiggy rejected him.
    Yep and various Senate Committees.

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  5. #410
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    It's a good thing Spiro is unleashing. I was shocked when I opened up rugbyheaven from the SMH and read that scathing attack on Clyne from Growden, I had to read the name a few times to get my head around the fact he has returned from exile, he was over at the but I dont think he had a huge say over there and that site isnt that popular in Australia. It looks like he has been bought back to counterbalance Georgina Robinsons blatently bias fluff pieces as I assume the ratings have fallen off a cliff over at SMH and fan sites like theRoar have been benefitting, Growden was the ARU/RA biggest critic during the 00's and use to RIP em to shreds on a daily basis. Spiro needs to keep up his momentum, he has been a dull former shadow of himself for far too long, especially after his article a few years back when he was forced to apologize for his comments about some senior RA staff, good to see he is getting his mojo back and going for the jugular. I think its killing season for Clynes tenure and these guys are going to seize the opportunity to tear more shreds of the RA leaders, Clyne in particular and also Raelene and that ridiculous board that knows nothing about Rugby as confirmed with the comments regarding Liz Broderick confirm, it was obvious anyways with all the catastrophic decisions being made time and time again.

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  6. #411
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    I think it's a pretty poor and somewhat expected showing by RugbyAustralia to be letting the Australian Rugby Foundation take politic donation to then be used as payments for players. It sets a terrible precedent but it typical of where the game is at in Australia, the gutter. What a useless bunch of idiots Clyne/Raelene and the board are for allowing such a ridiculous ill-thoughtout decision to be made, to have payments made on political bias with shadow influences dictating where and who these payments are made to should be grounds to dismiss this board where they stand, it's a total mistrust to the fans who otherwise thought the majority of the fund was being used to help grassroots but ofcourse not, it's just another money grubbing grab from Clyne and his mates to pay out over inflated useless players who keep failing on the field and being rewarded for it. These guys are just ruining Australian rugby one brick at a time, and they are almost complete .

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  7. #412
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Agree 100% with both of your posts.

    On grassroots Justin Harrison is interviewed about them on Foxsports’ latest podcast. That should be interesting as Harrison was a late comer to the game. Didn’t go to a GPS/CAS school as far as I know.

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  8. #413
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Those in charge don’t know talent
    Quade Cooper, right, made a successful return to Super Rugby for the Rebels. Picture: Getty Images
    Quade Cooper, right, made a successful return to Super Rugby for the Rebels. Picture: Getty Images

    12:00AM FEBRUARY 22, 201939 COMMENTS
    We are barely into the rugby season and the disillusionment of diehard rugby fans is borne out by the response to last week’s column.

    I wasn’t responsible for the headline, but the editor summed things up splendidly: “Rugby’s lousy harvest shows just how well it sows” .

    I could fill a column, and then some, with your comments, aimed at Rugby Australia chairman Cameron Clyne and CEO Raelene Castle. Jake, in thanking me, said: “We need to clear the cupboard starting with Clyne.”


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    Keir wrote: “I’m glad you are giving a voice to those in the rugby community who are fed up with the ARU.”

    Margaret: “Castle and Clyne were failures in their previous roles. Who are the geniuses who appointed them?”

    Well, in the opening round of Super Rugby we had a metaphor of the seriousness of the problem — people in charge who don’t know talent when it’s staring at them.

    It’s impossible to believe that Quade Cooper on very big money and Karmichael Hunt on reportedly almost half a million were ignored by Queensland all last year.

    Now it’s reported Karmichael has moved to NSW for a piddling $85,000. The rest is being paid by Queensland, who are broke, and Rugby Australia, ditto.

    Quade has gone to the Rebels having negotiated a transfer from Queensland reported to be $150,000. The remainder will be paid by Queensland and Rugby Australia.

    If that is not brain-dead management of talent, nothing is.

    In the Waratahs’ opening game last weekend, we saw Hunt, outstanding. The Waratahs, at a new venue, Brookvale Oval, folded under pressure.

    It was surely odd to see Bernard Foley in the press conference explaining that the missed penalty that would have won the game was all part of a “process”.

    So presumably someone’s got him focusing on “process” not “outcomes”.

    Yet while he was rattling off this psychobabble, Daryl Gibson, the coach who had been signed for another two years before a ball had been kicked, looked like he didn’t care about the outcome.

    And the rest of us certainly care about the outcome; and when we stop caring about the outcome we turn the TV off, which brings me back to Cooper.

    I wrote about him last week — gifted, possessed of a vision on the paddock, a risk-taker, skills to burn, and he dominated the game which Melbourne won.

    Full marks to coach Wessels for giving him his head. Cooper certainly cares about the outcome. If Gibson cared as much, why was Kurtley Beale in the grandstand?

    The contrast between Foley and Cooper was obvious to anyone who watched both games.

    But back to Jake’s comment, which is central to climbing back to the top of international rugby: “clear the cupboard, starting with Clyne”.

    If you are to believe the whispers, the knives are out for Clyne and that probably means Castle too. In any well run corporate entity, they’d be gone.

    The trouble is there’s a World Cup five minutes away. Pull the pin now and we may reinvigorate the game and reinspire the players. Wait until after the World Cup and the problems multiply.

    Rugby administrators should not believe, as did Sir Thomas More, that silence betokens consent.

    Cheika has been silent. Many of you think he shouldn’t be there. But few could surely approve of the way he’s been treated. Scott Johnson has been appointed over the top of him. Cheika was saddled with the decision to remove Stephen Larkham.

    A leak from headquarters detailed private information about his contract which can only mean there are people sitting in the Moore Park Ivory Tower causing trouble for the national coach.

    Be careful what you wish for, as Matt wrote to me last week: “How can Clyne be allowed to stay when he’s failed to develop any alternate Wallaby coaches? Why was no ARU employee capable of becoming CEO when Pulver left?”

    Cheika has options in Europe. He’s won the Heineken Cup and the Super Rugby trophy. His share price is still strong in the northern hemisphere. Most European clubs would snap him up in an instant.

    There is even speculation that the French national team are courting him for their top job after the World Cup.

    The current administration seems to be clueless as to how to resolve the Cheika dilemma.

    Of course the answer is simple, and I’ve advocated it relentlessly. Advertise these jobs. Was Larkham retained at Rugby headquarters with a view to him being the next national coach? What a conundrum. The bloke’s not wanted now but maybe anointed later.

    Yet many people wonder how such an innovative attacking player as Larkham has morphed into a conservative attacks coach.

    Which brings me back to last weekend and Beale. Are we trying to win or not?

    He was apparently rested at the request of Rugby Australia as part of their preparation for the World Cup.

    Players want to play. You can’t find form in the grandstand. Winx can’t be the best in the world if she doesn’t race. This is bulldust theory.

    There are only four Test matches remaining in the lead up to the World Cup. There will need to be complete clarity for the players about what is expected of them. Then there’s Johnson, now apparently rugby supremo. He hasn’t even arrived yet. Larkham hasn’t been replaced. And as things stand, Johnson will have to fill a massive leadership void, effectively doing the job of the chairman and the CEO, as well as his own.

    Let’s not beat around the bush: he’ll have to manage public expectation. With all the money spent, with more than 140 people in head office, the rugby public are entitled to expect the Wallabies to do well at the World Cup.

    And those who appointed Johnson may shortly have to walk the plank. He’ll need to keep his own counsel and understand that his masters today may not be his masters tomorrow.

    If I were Johnson, the first thing I would do would be scrap this ridiculous Giteau’s Law. The Wallabies need to be able to pick their best players for the World Cup.

    The current ruling is that only players with more than 60 caps, playing outside Australia, can be selected.

    Changing the rule would enable the Wallabies to consider players like the massive Will Skelton, the gifted James O’Connor, the talented Sean McMahon and many others.

    What a hornet’s nest Johnson is about to enter. But if he’s firm and consults with the right people and understands that no rhetoric will obscure his responsibility to realise the capabilities of our extraordinary pool of talent, then I would suggest he makes it clear from the outset that we’re here to win.

    And no excuses will be accepted. Time is against us. But if you get the right people and the right strategy, you can achieve a lot in a short space of time.

    The one thing that has to change is the way we play the game. Endless and boring pick and drive football won’t win a World Cup.

    Alan Jones is a former coach of the Wallabies and hosts The Alan Jones Breakfast Show on 2GB and the Macquarie radio network and is host of Jones & Co on Sky News at 8pm on Tuesdays

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  9. #414
    Veteran valzc's Avatar
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    “Cheika has options in Europe. He’s won the Heineken Cup and the Super Rugby trophy. His share price is still strong in the northern hemisphere. Most European clubs would snap him up in an instant.

    There is even speculation that the French national team are courting him for their top job after the World Cup.”

    LoL! I don’t think so!

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  10. #415
    Veteran Sheikh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by valzc View Post
    “Cheika has options in Europe. He’s won the Heineken Cup and the Super Rugby trophy. His share price is still strong in the northern hemisphere. Most European clubs would snap him up in an instant.

    There is even speculation that the French national team are courting him for their top job after the World Cup.”

    LoL! I don’t think so!
    Well, if France don't improve on their 4th place last year in the 6 Nations, and don't get out of a RWC pool including England and Argentina, I can see Brunel getting the boot.
    Can't see them picking Cheika as the replacement, though. For one thing, his time at Stade Francais wasn't that successful and the FFR have long memories.

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  11. #416
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheikh View Post
    Well, if France don't improve on their 4th place last year in the 6 Nations, and don't get out of a RWC pool including England and Argentina, I can see Brunel getting the boot.
    Can't see them picking Cheika as the replacement, though. For one thing, his time at Stade Francais wasn't that successful and the FFR have long memories.
    What matters is that Cheika has a relationship with Bernard Laporte as he is the one pulling the strings. From what I have read Brunel is gone regardless and Guy Novés is suing the union for constructive/unfair dismissal.

    The union is broke as the RA and they pulled the funding for the Grand Stade which would have been great for French Rugby. A proper money making asset with a safer pitch. They will also get to control dates with the clubs as the FFR isn’t a primary tenant at the Stade de France.

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  12. #417
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by valzc View Post
    “Cheika has options in Europe. He’s won the Heineken Cup and the Super Rugby trophy. His share price is still strong in the northern hemisphere. Most European clubs would snap him up in an instant.

    There is even speculation that the French national team are courting him for their top job after the World Cup.”

    LoL! I don’t think so!
    Indeed! Why would they replace an unsuccessful national coach with another unsuccessful national coach?!!

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  13. #418
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Because he will be cheap. Jake White has been touted for the role.

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  14. #419
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by valzc View Post
    “Cheika has options in Europe. He’s won the Heineken Cup and the Super Rugby trophy. His share price is still strong in the northern hemisphere. Most European clubs would snap him up in an instant.

    There is even speculation that the French national team are courting him for their top job after the World Cup.”
    That's fantastic news, at least one millstone off Australia's neck.

    Clyne should have been on the phone to Europe within seconds of reading that, a contract buyout would be even better!

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  15. #420
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    That's fantastic news, at least one millstone off Australia's neck.

    Clyne should have been on the phone to Europe within seconds of reading that, a contract buyout would be even better!
    Just imagine where France will drop in the world rankings with Cheika on board. He dropped 6 ranking positions with Australia and is sitting in arguably its worst position historically of all time. So France are about 10th from memory so expect them to drop to around 16th and be competitive with powerhouses Russia and Uruguay.

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