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Thread: New front shirt sponsor: a Force in road saftey

  1. #31
    Senior Player
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueandblack View Post

    "Political rivals slam $1.5m RugbyWA deal

    The Barnett Government has thrown Western Force a lifeline after striking a $1.5 million sponsorship deal with RugbyWA to promote road safety. But former Liberal turned independent Rob Johnson has blasted the deal, warning that vital road safety funds were being used to prop up an ailing rugby team.

    Does Rob Johnson realize that for us to get this money our players and coaches have to do 1200 hours of community service to promote road safety. I reckon the most effective target are going to be the young kids. We have seen from the junior skills sessions their have been a lot of kids who admire the players and look up to them. If they see that their heroes are interested and concerned about road safety we might create a new generation of safer drivers on the road. Just like the players will hopefully inspire these young kids to be the next generation of rugby players, hopefully they can now also inspire them to be safe drivers in the future.

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  2. #32
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    Rob Johnson is the current MLA Member for Hillarys as an independent.
    That area is full of Rugby supporters and the statements that he made will have a major impact on his re-election prospects which were in jeopardy already.

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  3. #33
    Champion Contributor sandgroperrugby's Avatar
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    Really like the support from the government and it is great for the Force. However I also think it doesn't align to reaching a large audience of where the campaign matters most (due to it being local government) in WA. The Force do not have the pull of the AFL especially as the campaign should have a main target of 15 to 18 year old boys and girls and men of of all ages. If the Government wanted to support the Force and get their best bang for buck than the tourism department with the new qantas to Europe link and the ability to pull some weekenders to some of the local treasures would have been a better ploy. IMVHO

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  4. #34
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandgroperrugby View Post
    Really like the support from the government and it is great for the Force. However I also think it doesn't align to reaching a large audience of where the campaign matters most (due to it being local government) in WA. The Force do not have the pull of the AFL especially as the campaign should have a main target of 15 to 18 year old boys and girls and men of of all ages. If the Government wanted to support the Force and get their best bang for buck than the tourism department with the new qantas to Europe link and the ability to pull some weekenders to some of the local treasures would have been a better ploy. IMVHO
    Your probably on the mark in that AFL players would likely be more recogisable and thought provoking to the target group. But, in any event it would still be a state-based campaign due to the peculiarities of the Federation. I'll selfishly console myself with the fact that, being as it is, and with the Force's first home grown and developed Wallaby looking like the face of the campaign, Rugby will get good exposure to that group. Happily, it is demographically similar to the people Rugby needs to target in order to broaden it's base in WA. Were the same number of dollars thrown at tourism they would probably be spent largely outside WA.

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  5. #35
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Gotta spend the money from the budget to which it was allocated, I guess tourism didn't have the cash to do it.

    OTOH, maybe tourism had enough money to think an AFL sponsorship was a possibility.

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    C'mon the

  6. #36
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    still hasn't rated a mention on fox sports red button segment

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  7. #37
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    The partnership between the Road Safety Commission and the Western Force has been slammed in the Final Report of the Special Inquiry into Government Programs and Projects tabled in State Parliament today!!


    1. The funding of the Western Force partnership was likely beyond the provisions of the Act.

    2. The implementation of the recommendations of the Browne Review relating to changing the Road Safety Council to an Advisory Council required legislative amendment to the Road Safety Council Act 2002. To date, the Road Safety Council Act has not been amended to reflect any change in the function of the Road Safety Council.

    3. There were inconsistencies between the structures of the Road Safety Commission and the requirements of the Road Safety Council Act 2002.

    4. There was undue haste in preparing the Western Force Proposal Assessment and then the subsequent business case which was the baseline for the Minister’s approval of the partnership.

    5. The valuations cited in the business case and Ministerial memorandum have not been substantiated through any documentation provided to the Special Inquirer. If such documentation existed, it should have been carefully scrutinised by both Mr Papalia and Mr Adams. The Western Force partnership was a major expenditure of Road Trauma Trust Account monies, which were intended to deliver significant benefits to the State. These benefits needed to be understood by those recommending the partnership to the Minister.

    6. There was no comprehensive risk analysis of the partnership proposal.

    7. The value for money to be achieved through the partnership was not substantiated by the documentation and provided to the Special Inquirer by the Road Safety Commission.

    8. The implications of the risk of the Western Force possibly no longer being a part of the Super Rugby competition were not well considered and assessed in the evaluation of the partnership.

    9. In their appearances before the Special Inquirer, the former Road Safety Commissioner, Mr Papalia, and the Road Safety Commission’s Director of Operations, Mr Adams, were unhelpful.

    10. The record keeping practices of the Road Safety Commission are not adequate.


    Drafts of parts of this report that relate to them were provided to Mr Papalia and Mr Adams, and both were given an opportunity to respond. Mr Adams responded to the effect that he strongly refutes the findings relating to him and that if his conduct involving the Western Force sponsorship is considered by the Public Sector Commissioner he will vigorously defend this conduct. Mr Papalia responded in very lengthy terms that cannot be summarised. After receiving his initial response, he was given further time to respond. No further response was received. It can be taken from his response that Mr Papalia does not accept any criticism of him and his involvement in the Western Force sponsorship expressed in this Report

    The full details are on pages 569-589 of the Report:

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    Proudly Western Australian; Proudly supporting Western Australian rugby

  8. #38
    Player lou's Avatar
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    Hi Alison, as an outsider, I'm not really sure what all that means. Are you able to say in a nutshell what it is about? Understand if you dont want to, no problems.

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  9. #39
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Hi Lou,

    A couple of days before the writs were issued for the 2017 WA State election, the outgoing Lib Government entered into a sponsorship agreement with the Force under which the WA Road Safety Commission would sponsor the Force to the value of $1.5million in return for the Force doing a range of things to promote the road safety message. The arrangement was similar in principle to what the Victorian equivalent of the Road Safety Commission does with sporting orgs in Vic.

    When the Lib Gov lost the 2017 election and the current Lab Govt came in, they commissioned an Inquiry into a number of programs and projects entered into by the Lib Gov between 2008 and 11 March 2017, focusing on the associated governance arrangements, decision-making processes and financial consequences. One of the matters covered by the Inquiry was the partnership agreement between the Western Force and the Road Safety Commission.

    The findings listed in my post above were what the Inquiry found in relation to the Force/Road Safety Commission sponsorship agreement.

    I heard on the news tonight that the Inquiry has referred the matter to WA’s Corruption and Crime Commission for them to investigate the actions of the public officials involved in the decision.

    Hope that fills in some of the blanks for you. The Report goes into a lot more detail on pages 569 to 589.

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  10. #40
    Player lou's Avatar
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    Thanks Alison. That is interesting to me in the context of the Vic Gov agreement with the MRRU and what the associated governance arrangements, decision-making processes and financial consequences are . I wonder what would happen if a similar inquiry or question was raised here about that spending by the Treasurer, Tim Pallas.

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  11. #41
    Senior Player antiussentiment's Avatar
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    The last state government threw public money all over the place. I'm looking at you North Link, Gateway WA and Elizabeth Quay. I have a mate who was doing some work on Elizabeth quay and his description over a beer one night was that the over paying and lack of cost control was borderline criminal.
    I suspect this inquiry was set up to look at all sorts of similar waste and The Force deal got hoovered up in the mess.

    Let's not forget that Mr Barnets' crew bent over backwards to hide the business plan of the Roe 8 project.. ..because they had not done a proper one.

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    Last edited by antiussentiment; 20-02-18 at 22:03.
    cheers auss...
    fabricarti diem punc

  12. #42
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    Aside from WA Labour playing politics and trying to land a blow on WA Liberals there is nothing in that article directly stating RugbyWA did anything wrong. It is stating that the Road Safety Commission may have bodgied up its due diligence and paper work concerning the awarding of the sponsorship. RugbyWA might well have lobbied hard for the sponsorship but that is completely separate to the Road Safety Commission doing something "possibly illegal". While more information would be helpful, no doubt the insinuations and conspiracy theories from those who want to drag down The Force or RugbyWA will likely be all over the social medias tomorrow. Lets see how outlandish they get.

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  13. #43
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Totally agree, Kala. The focus of the Inquiry was the government’s handling. The Force’s actions would have been totally outside the scope of the Inquiry as the govt has no jurisdiction over the Force.

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  14. #44
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lou View Post
    Thanks Alison. That is interesting to me in the context of the Vic Gov agreement with the MRRU and what the associated governance arrangements, decision-making processes and financial consequences are . I wonder what would happen if a similar inquiry or question was raised here about that spending by the Treasurer, Tim Pallas.
    Lou the Rabble deal should be referred to the Victorian Auditor General as the financial details and money involved has been hidden by lies in confidence and given that it is the public purse those details should be revealed. The Vic Government also underpaid for future test matches which affects the bottom line of a not for profit organisation who distributes funding for sport across Australia and didn't provide details to the Senate Inquiry when approached (unlike the WA Government who testified). There is also potential conflict of interest involving Ann Sherry who is on the boards of Infrastructure Victoria and the RA who used the deal to make an executive decision to cut the Force from Super Rugby and in the rationale for their decision didn't take on board the funding package from the WA Government. The Rabble are receiving Victorian tax payer funding for a training facility at La Trobe University and we don't know what other infrastructure funding is involved.

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    Last edited by Bakkies; 20-02-18 at 21:19.
    'I may be a Senator but I am not stupid'

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