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Thread: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying cocaine

  1. #106
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    $100 says he has no problems getting in the UK this year when selected for the World Cup.

    Quote Originally Posted by shasta View Post
    What about WADA? Or will the story be that they were in possession but did not use? Supposed to be automatic 2 years so why weren't they immediately ordered to go a drug test on their hair like Cousins?
    Because Cocaine is only in your system for a day or so.

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  2. #107
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jono View Post
    He doesn't have to declare he has a criminal conviction
    Are you sure about that?

    I'm sure you have to declare if you've been convicted of a criminal offense in certain circumstances.

    I'd be convinced that some countries would have restrictive visa policies which include all sorts of things.

    I'm thinking of various SE Asian countries who are being swamped by the illicit drug trade and will do anything to protect their citizens.

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  3. #108
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    Are you sure about that?

    I'm sure you have to declare if you've been convicted of a criminal offense in certain circumstances.

    I'd be convinced that some countries would have restrictive visa policies which include all sorts of things.

    I'm thinking of various SE Asian countries who are being swamped by the illicit drug trade and will do anything to protect their citizens.
    Yep, because on paper at least, he doesn't have a criminal conviction. None recorded means he is all good.
    I imagine it was something like this:

    "Sir my client is remorseful, has plead guilty and is going to undergo drug rehabilitation. He is also a prominent international sports star who's income relies on his being able to travel internationally - given the circumstances I request that no conviction is recorded"

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  4. #109
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jargan83 View Post
    $100 says he has no problems getting in the UK this year when selected for the World Cup.

    Because Cocaine is only in your system for a day or so.
    Just ask ben cousins
    They probably did a "for cause" test or his team would have made sure he peed in a cup at the very start of this.

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  5. #110
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    Actually Jono raises an interesting point.

    Would KHunt have done a drug test before signing with the Reds?

    I had to do the pee in a cup routine just to get a job as at the Wollies warhouse back in 2004. I would imagine it would be a part of the medical clearence when siging for a sports team?

    Not that it mattters because he was only done for possession and has not returned a positive drug test aka Wendall Sailor.

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  6. #111
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jargan83 View Post
    I had to do the pee in a cup routine just to get a job as at the Wollies warhouse back in 2004.
    Wow, I knew Woolies were diversifying but that's ridiculous
    Quote Originally Posted by jargan83 View Post
    Not that it mattters because he was only done for possession and has not returned a positive drug test aka Wendall Sailor.
    That right there is the point that those who are calling for sterner measures are ignoring.

    What exactly can the ARU charge him with if he hasn't returned a positive drug test? especially if the offense occured before he's a rugby player. It will get down to knowing what he can ACTUALLY be charged with.

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  7. #112
    Veteran SNOB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    Wow, I knew Woolies were diversifying but that's ridiculous

    That right there is the point that those who are calling for sterner measures are ignoring.

    What exactly can the ARU charge him with if he hasn't returned a positive drug test? especially if the offense occured before he's a rugby player. It will get down to knowing what he can ACTUALLY be charged with.
    I suppose they could charge him with bringing the game into disrepute by "knowingly " with holding information that would bring the game into disrepute if discovered!😉

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  8. #113
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    Wow, I knew Woolies were diversifying but that's ridiculous

    That right there is the point that those who are calling for sterner measures are ignoring.
    What some don't seem to know is that a laboratry test can be done on human hair to detect drug use for quite some time. How long depends on the length of the hair. Remember the Ben Cousins crew cut? Why didn't ASADA/ARU/NRL order such tests immediately they were charged?

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  9. #114
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SNOB View Post
    I suppose they could charge him with bringing the game into disrepute by "knowingly " with holding information that would bring the game into disrepute if discovered!😉
    that being my point. A first charge of disrepute would have to be pretty massive to instantly rub him out. I suspect a fair bit of damage control in the repeated statements about him not being contracted when offending.

    At the end of the day, rugby (rightly or wrongly) is forced to clean up AFL and NRL's mess and at the moment looks like the code which is taking steps. the AFL has washed their hands of it (not sure how they can get away with that, but I guess 5 million screaming bogans who don't care what he's taking as long as he can kick a ball will achieve a lot)

    Looking at the boys who have been under investigation, I think it's probably more a Gold Coast lifestyle issue rather than anything that can be confined to any particular sport. Yet another reason why Rugby shouldn't expand to the Gold Coast!

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  10. #115
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shasta View Post
    What some don't seem to know is that a laboratry test can be done on human hair to detect drug use for quite some time. How long depends on the length of the hair. Remember the Ben Cousins crew cut? Why didn't ASADA/ARU/NRL order such tests immediately they were charged?
    Yeah, 90 days. So you're looking @ December. But, hunt has close cropped hair on his head. Not even going anywhere else. If he only had say 45 days growth and last used 50 days ago. No evidence

    I assume he would have had a complete employment medical with full D&A testing, but if the pee test didn't bring up anything he wouldn't have his sample sent to a lab.

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  11. #116
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Maybe so jono. But the tests should still have been ordered.

    Having said that, I personally have some reservations with some of the testing methods used. More in the workplace regime than sports. It's fairly well accepted in industry that D&A testing has pushed some people from use of less harmful (yes, debateable) rec drugs like cannabis to harder ones like coke and Meth etc because of the speed the body can flush them. Personally I preferred to work around heavy machinery operated by someone who smoked grass a couple of days before coming on shift to one who had been speeding for days and didin't get sufficient rest. Kinda counter productive, IMO.

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    Last edited by shasta; 06-03-15 at 17:25.

  12. #117
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    Courts have dealt with him and now it's time to get over it.

    Let him do his talking on the Rugby pitch.

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  13. #118
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shasta View Post
    Maybe so jono. But the tests should still have been ordered.
    I would bet the farm on the fact that they were ordered or given freely by hunt and his management team. He HAD to prove it was an isolated incident

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  14. #119
    (a.k.a. Mr Pinkbits) Stone Cold's Avatar
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    Hang on. If I'm reading all of this correctly then KH was caught last year (before he joined the Reds and ARU). He was due to be in court this year and was given a couple of weeks off by Reds (/ARU?) to go to court. He didn't get convicted but Reds/ARU fines and suspends him. What were they expecting to happen - no-one would notice that a code hopper on big dollars was going to court on a drug charge? Why weren't they upfront when they first signed him? If they had of been they could have laid all of the blame on the AFL and given KH a stern "warning" that the ARU would not put up with those sort of shenanigans.

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    coz Stone Cold says so

  15. #120
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Caught last year?

    I thought the charge was submitted a couple of weeks ago.

    If SC is correct, this smells of incompetent mismanagement by the QRU and the ARU and the world's best cover up by the AFL.

    If he's wrong.......move along, nothing to see here!

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