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Thread: We're not in a crisis

  1. #1
    Immortal Contributor
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    We're not in a crisis

    John Connolly
    Sunday, August 5, 2007

    It's time to set the record straight - there's no crisis in Camp Wallaby. While we count down the days to France, unfortunately the focus during the week in the media was again on off-field issues.

    It seems that whenever there's a week with not much rugby played these issues raise their heads.
    Some of the stuff written recently is damaging to the game and that's a concern of mine.

    For the record, I want to make it clear I get on well with John O'Neill. He came in and had a talk to the team on Friday at my request and we had no problems.

    Any suggestions about disunity over Andrew Johns coming into camp is totally incorrect - O'Neill and I are delighted with his input, as are the coaches.

    Scott Johnson and I are very good friends and over the next few years we'll be working together on other projects if he doesn't continue with the Wallabies. We have a players' committee that is delighted with our training and progress.

    It also needs to be pointed out that just two years ago the Wallabies won only one out of nine games. It was a tough year, which can happen to teams because of different circumstances. We have since increased that to a winning percentage of 66, bearing in mind that most of our games have been against South Africa and New Zealand.

    We'd love to win more but you don't beat the All Blacks and the Springboks and come within an inch of the Bledisloe unless everyone is working well together. It's been obvious to all there have been massive improvements to our overall width of the game and the defence has always been solid. This has come about from the coaches and players working together.

    I can't emphasise enough that the players, the staff and the coach of the Wallabies are united. I want to assure everyone that's definitely the case. Unfortunately we deal with very inaccurate, unnamed sources in news reports at times and most of it has been driven by one individual. I'm sure after this column another serve is coming but I'm sure most people will see it for what it is.

    Unfortunately, in this day and age we deal in perception. However, the perception many people are getting is wrong. I was sitting beside someone on a flight back to Brisbane the other day and they said they were sick of reading about the innuendo allegedly within our ranks which had been pumped through the press day after day.

    Someone once said to me that the most criticised jobs in Australia are those of the prime minister and the Wallabies coach. This week that has been fresh in my mind.

    Over the past few years we've tried to make the Wallabies very accessible to the media. At times you'll get a warts-and-all view and it's disappointing minor issues will be thrown back at you, sometimes six months after the event. We understand the fragility of Australian rugby in terms of depth and we have many challenges. Other nations have great academies, experienced coaches big into sports science, so we are always looking for an edge.

    Australian rugby has the unique situation of competing against three other football codes. So it does the game irreparable damage when you get inaccurate reporting.

    Honestly, I don't even know what a crisis is any more. I walked into the dining room the other day when one of the players complained he was sick of eating Corn Flakes for three days in a row and demanded Weet-Bix. Is that a crisis? The playing and coaching staff are happy enough to cop criticism, but it needs to be balanced.

    Whether you're the Australian coach or a rugby fan, we're in our sport for the love of the game. Things will never be perfect. The ARC is a great example - and an issue that's divided the country. Everyone agrees that we desperately need another level in place.

    There's nothing wrong about debate over whether it's the right move or whether it may need to be tweaked in the future but it's wrong to use the issue as a plank to rip each other to shreds.
    We will never get 100 per cent of people agreeing with each other all the time, but what we shouldn't deal in is gossip. All I ask for is balance.

    This will be the last word on all of this. I want to be able to pick up the paper tomorrow and not see a repeat of what has been published over the past week. We don't live in a perfect world, but we don't need cowardly attacks.

    The most important thing I can say is this - rest assured, Wallabies fans, we'll make you proud in France.

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  2. #2
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    It doesn't take too many guesses to know who he's on about. I'm getting sick of reading GG's negative comments on Rugby Heaven.

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  3. #3
    Veteran Contributor frontrow's Avatar
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    Nice barely concealed dig at the PIE, he is a loud mouthed twat as we all know, good to see we aren't his only critics...

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  4. #4
    Immortal Contributor
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    some excellent posts in the SMH Rugby Blog on this subject

    This is a copy of a letter that I have sent to the editor of the SMH today:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I realise that there are many more important issues facing us in Australia than the quality of sports journalism, but I finally feel compelled to criticise the never-ending negativity and gossip-mongering of the Herald's "Chief Rugby Correspondent", Greg Growden. Nothing ever makes him happy, except the pies and sausage rolls in the press box at Waratah matches, something he may think is newsworthy, but which I have absolutely no interest in hearing about. His column is nothing more than a soap opera, and a soap box. No one is denying that there are problems along the road for Rugby, but to constantly amplify these and minimise the positives is not only unbalanced and pessimistic, but quite frankly, not entertaining. He is simply a whinger we could all do without. For example, in this year's Tri-Nations, the Wallabies came angonizingly close to a momentous victory in South Africa, and then defeated an unbackable All Blacks team that had annhilated virtually all comers over the last two years. The Wallabies were in with a chance of winning the entire tournament until the last half of the last match, and are now ranked number two in the world. We have a realistic chance of lifting the World Cup later this year; something that was unthinkable 18 months ago. To read Greg Growden making snide comments, such as this week, Andrew Johns giving our backline "much-needed advice", one would think that our team is a basket-case. No matter what the Wallabies achieve, Growden just seems to want to bring them down, reveling in portraying them as a laughing stock. I for one, just don't find his opinion amusing or interesting anymore.

    Posted by: One-eye at August 4, 2007 10:25 AM
    It would seem that the vipers with ego's are not all located at the ARU. Greg Growden's recent tirade of articles leaves one wondering about his motivation.

    Could it be that some of his so called senior officials are steadily being cleaned out at ARU headquarters?

    With the ARU High Performance Unit moving to Ballymore is it going to me harder for him to get that inside leak? Or is Greg simply the sounding board for the disgruntled who are realising they have been relegated to the sidelines of the main game?

    Maybe we are seeing the last sad throws of a man who can see his own use by date staring him in the face.

    Posted by: Greg Mc at August 4, 2007 7:35 AM

    FFS...can someone start playing some rugby somewhere so we can actually talk about footy.

    Would it also be asking too much for a little editorial control over the endless my country/state/sport/brain is better/wealthier/smarter/winninger than yours crap?

    How about a topic on the ARC...due to start real soon now, and how Growden, the Sydney Clubs as well as an "ARU insider" are dead against it and how it will ruuuuuune us all.


    Posted by: Rossco at August 2, 2007 4:16 PM

    Message to Greg Growden - do you ever have anything positive to say about the ARU or the state of Australian rugby? How about actually promoting the Australian Rugby Championships, instead of denigrating at every opportunity.

    I will be at the first game at North Sydney oval on the 10th Aug because I want to support this new comp. What will you be doing, sitting at home writing your next story based on information from a "high ranking ARU official"?

    Posted by: Ben at August 2, 2007 8:58 AM


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  5. #5
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Well said Gerry and all the others who took the time. I think I'll do the same.

    To be honest I've not been bothered to read all his diatribes lately. I just don't want to hear so much negative crap. I'm looking forward to RWC 2007 with more anticipation than I'd have expected 12 months ago and I can thank Knuckles, his staff and the Wallabies for that.

    Maybe if enough people put his weights up they might replace him with a more balanced chief scribe.

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  6. #6
    Veteran Contributor frontrow's Avatar
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    It is good to know there are others out there sick of this muppet, but you have to wonder if these appeals will fall on deaf ears though....

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  7. #7
    Immortal Contributor
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    you can post comment at the bottom of the blog.....

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  8. #8
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    You can also post feedback directly to the editorial staff by going to the "contact us" link..........

    at the Herald site.

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  9. #9
    Veteran Contributor The EnForcer's Avatar
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    Well done Gerry.

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    Just happy to be here

  10. #10
    Champion Contributor Seldom's Avatar
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    We have to be positive about rugby and support it no matter what state the game is in!!!!!! How else are we going to get live free-tv coverage on games over AFL !! The game is what matters the most. This bickering is nothing compared the the NZ media when it comes to an under performing All Black Team(as is now), they want heads to roll this close to RWC.
    Must concentrate on all postives no matter how small they might be. I'm a kiwi and i think the game here is on the right track to have great depth and even possibly win the RWC many more times(damm that was hard to write).
    In closing - GO THE ALL BLACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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