Hurricanes coach backs South Africans

Hurricanes coach Colin Cooper has launched a plea for South Africa teams to remain in Super rugby, believing any Australasian-based competition would be a step backwards.

Cooper's strong stance comes on the eve of further talks between the three Sanzar partners in Dublin on what direction Super rugby takes beyond 2010.

Australian and New Zealand officials have openly discussed the prospect of creating a 10 or 12-team Asian-Pacific competition without South Africa if agreement can't be reached before the June 30 deadline when broadcasters are given a fresh option to consider.

The main Sanzar sticking points are the starting date of the extended competition and whether matches are played during June.

South Africa want an early start date in February to be maintained so their domestic Currie Cup later in the year is unaffected while they don't want their teams playing in June.

Cooper was unequivocal when asked by NZPA if a competition without South Africa would be an inferior product.